Parking the car downstairs, Ming Mei arrived at the door of the dormitory, touched his pocket, and was embarrassed.

I forgot my keys.

I hope Ma Mingyue and sister Xu Xiaoning are in the dormitory.

Ming Mei thought so and knocked on the door of the dormitory.

Only listening to the tom-tom footsteps inside, Ma Mingyue shouted inside that I was coming, and then opened the dormitory door.

"Bright and bright, are you back?"

Ma Mingyue's tone was as if he had seen a savior.

Mingmei snorted with some hesitation and said, "I'm back, what's wrong?"

Ma Mingyue directly pulled Mingmei in: "It's not much, it's good that you came, our dormitory is here." Ming

Mei then found that as soon as she entered the door, a girl sat on the chair on the left hand side of the door.

Ming Mei looked at the girl, Ming Ming was young, and her skin tone and foundation were also very good, but she was wearing heavy makeup.

There is a strange sense of discomfort.

But Mingmei still smiled lightly and stretched out her hand: "Hello, my name is Mingmei." In the future, I will be a dormitory person, so please take care of me. The

girl glanced up and down with a slight contempt in her eyes, carefully glanced at the logo on the metal decoration of Mingmei's skirt, and then looked at Mingmei's shoes, the contempt in her eyes immediately disappeared, and the smile on her face was also flattering, and she stretched out her hand: "Hello, Mingmei, my name is Li Kaina, I will be a dormitory person in the future, please take more care of people~" Mingmei

withdrew her hand with some discomfort.

This Li Kaina, listening to the voice should belong to the loud voice, but she spoke softly with her throat, and her bright ears were a little uncomfortable.

Xu Xiaoning, who cleaned up the bed, quietly pouted.

This Li Kaina, just entered the dormitory and saw that she and her cousin were wearing ordinary things, so she said a name, didn't say anything, arrogantly like something, and fiddled with LV's bags, and sorted out Chanel's cosmetics, without looking at them, now Mingmei is back, see the name brand on Mingmei's body, and be diligent like something, looking rich, in fact, villain behavior.

Compared with Mingmei, although she doesn't say anything to take the initiative to get close, she doesn't ignore others like Li Kaina.

As soon as the two were compared, they appeared immediately.

They are all rich people, why is there such a big difference in being a person?

Xu Xiaoning thought suspiciously.

Ming Mei sat back in her seat and tidied up her desktop a little to check what else she needed to add.

Just then, there was a knock at the door.

Xu Xiaoning's bed was on the right hand side of the door, Li Kaina did not speak, Xu Xiaoning had to speak: "Who?" The

knock at the door stopped, and a gentle and clear male voice came in: "Hello students, I am the counselor of the freshmen in the finance class, may I ask if everyone in your dormitory has arrived?"

Xu Xiaoning said: "It's here, teacher, is there something wrong?" Saying

that, he glanced back at the people in the dormitory to confirm that there was nothing inconvenient, and got up to open the door.

"Please open the door for the teacher," said the male voice at the door, "The teacher will send you a dormitory registration form, this needs to be filled in."

Xu Xiaoning opened the door, and Mingmei also looked towards the door.

In the doorway was an elegant man in casual clothes.

The man is about 30 years old, handsome, with stretched eyebrows, and is also very tall.

As soon as Mingmei turned her head, she saw that Ma Mingyue's expression was suddenly a little rich, and she wanted to say something and quickly held it back.

The man spoke, "Hello students, I am your counselor, my name is Yang Qing. Poplar of poplar, cyan green. In addition to being your counselor, I am also your teacher of meditation and Mao Zhi. Since the students have arrived, then please ask the students to fill out this dormitory registration form, two sheets per person, one pen to hand over to the dormitory aunt, and black oil pen to fill out a copy to me during evening self-study. Tonight from 7 to 8:30 is a late self-study, please don't be late.

Saying that, he took out another QR code: "This is a class group, trouble the students to add it." The teacher will notify you in the group if there is anything.

Xu Xiaoning said a good teacher, took the dormitory registration form from Yang Qing's hand, and took out his mobile phone to scan the QR code.

After Yang Qing left, as soon as Xu Xiaoning closed the door, he heard Ma Mingyue's gossipy voice: "Comrades, comrades, Yang Qing actually acted as a counselor for us!"

Ming Mei asked with interest: "Is Yang Qing a very famous person in the school?"

"Of course!" Ma Mingyue couldn't suppress his gossip fire, "You know what? Yang Qing is the youngest counselor in the Department of Finance, and the most good-looking counselor, comparable to Li Fangming of our Department of Finance! "

Li Fangming? How is it so familiar? Mingmei thought about it, oh, the man who asked for WeChat in the morning!

Mingmei carefully compared the appearance of the two and found that Ma Mingyue was right, and Li Fangming and Yang Qing were on par.

Xu Xiaoning issued dormitory registration forms to everyone in the dormitory.

Ming Mei filled out the registration form, and was about to get up and send it to the dormitory aunt, when she saw Li Kaina stepping on high heels and walking over: "Ming Mei, have you finished filling it out?" I'll send it to you!

Mingmei thought that someone would run errands, so as not to have to go by herself, so she handed the registration form to Li Kaina.

At this time, Li Kaina saw the ink on the bright table, and she was incredulous: "Bright, how do you use ostrich ink?"

Ming Mei was stunned for a moment, looked at her ink, and asked rhetorically: "Why can't I use ostrich ink?"

Li Kaina said with a look of disgust: "You use thousands of Picasso pens, how can you use such cheap ink?" Not grade at all!

Mingmei looked at Li Kaina in surprise, and almost said it if you are okay.

Finally, he swallowed abruptly and said, "What does it matter to you?"

Li Kaina was choked, stunned for a long time, and did not take the registration form in Mingmei's hand, took her own list and turned around and stepped on high heels to go out.

"Mingmei, you ignore her, she's so strange." Ma Mingyue ran over and picked up the bright registration form: "I just happened to send Xiao Ning's down, and I will help you send yours, right?" Leave her alone. Bright

snorted and said thank you.

The atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

After a while, Li Kaina and Ma Mingyue returned one after another, and Xu Xiaoning pulled several people into the class group.

It was silent until after six o'clock, when Ming Mei went to get a meal card, ate dinner and went to the class.

There were already several people in the class, and several people got to know each other, added WeChat to each other, and each found a good position to wait for the class.

When class was about to start, everyone had arrived. Ma Mingyue sat next to Mingmei.

Yang Qing stepped into the class on time.

Yang Qing introduced himself, sent a few tall boys to move books, and when the books were moved, they distributed the books and selected the class leader and deputy class leader.

The class leader is a tall boy whose name cannot be remembered, and the deputy class leader is Ma Mingyue.

"Not bad," Ming Mei said with a smile, "There is a deputy class leader in our dormitory, remember to cover me."

Ma Mingyue waved his hand: "Little lady, as long as you obediently obey Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu will cover you!" Saying

that, he made a lewd look and touched his bright face.

Ming Mei burst out laughing and said, "Hahaha, okay, I'll wait for you to cover me."

Yang Qing said some more about military training, and today's evening self-study and class meeting was over.

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