"Regarding the statement issued by the administrator of the confession wall of Modu University and the so-called crush against me: I do not make any comments on the malicious slander personal attacks against me by some people in the post bar, the content is not true, and the post is limited to deleting the post within three hours and apologizing for the unverified questions that caused public opinion to cause false remarks against me, otherwise, I will reserve the right to pursue the legal responsibility of the poster. In addition, if anyone continues to reprint these false contents, it will inevitably constitute a serious infringement of his personal rights of citizens, including the right to reputation, and he will be investigated for legal responsibility one by one. Hope you know.

Liu Hao first panicked in his heart, and then found that it was just an account that had just been applied for, and his heart immediately relaxed, directly reported the publication of false advertisements, and then banned the dragon.

It didn't take long for the account to be banned.

Many people left messages at the bottom:

"LLD has shown up and said that the statement is coming

" "Have you ever shot with the boy on the confession wall?"

"Xiao Xianneodymium

" "Golden Worship Girl"


At this time, in Mingkang Law Firm, a small secretary was frantically taking screenshots on the computer.

Bright sat on the side playing with her mobile phone.

About two hours later, the little secretary looked up: "Boss, Li Lu, I have cut off all the pictures, and they have been put into the compressed package separately."

Li Mingkang took out the tablet: "Send it to me!" The

little secretary said yes and sent the screenshot to Li Mingkang.

Li Mingkang clicked on the screenshot and looked at it one by one, and finally closed the tablet with confidence, and said to Mingmei: "Boss, please rest assured, if I can lose this kind of case, I will kick your head in the head."

Ming Mei burst out laughing: "I believe you."

In the dormitory, Ma Mingyue looked at the post again worriedly, and just saw the announcement released by the Mingmei account.

Within a few minutes, the account went gray, and it started as if it had been banned.

"Whoosh! Who is it? Ma Mingyue scolded the administrator, looking at the unbearable comments in the post, her eyes full of worry.

At this moment, Ming Mei pushed the door and entered.

Ma Mingyue quickly climbed down from the bed and asked Mingmei anxiously: "Mingmei, what should I do about this?"

Ming Mei didn't care and said: "Don't worry, it will be handled in three days at most."

Ma Mingyue's heart went down a little, and only then did he show some smiles: "That's good, that's good."

Xu Xiaoning also showed a head at this time: "Mingmei, I just checked, this situation is at most civil liability, the fine apologizes, what should he do if he does this in the future?"

Ming Mei sat down in his place, opened his mobile phone and played: "Don't worry, I have a way to make him criminally responsible."

Xu Xiaoning snorted and retracted his head.

After a while, Mingmei's mobile phone ding-dong, it was Li Mingkang's news.

Mingmei opened it and looked: "Boss, find out, the administrator of the confession wall is called Liu Hao, the second class of electronic information in the third year of Modu University..." Mingmei clicked

on Liu Hao's photo, always feeling a little familiar.

Suddenly remembered, isn't this the man who photographed his car yesterday?

Remembering the man's words "I don't know which boss's little baby is coming to gilding", Mingmei only felt a pang of nausea.

People with hearts, look at everything is dirty.

Mingmei hooked her lips and smiled, and sent a message to Li Mingkang: "When the time comes, send a lawyer's letter."

Li Mingkang replied: "Okay, boss." Wang

Jianguo is the dean of the School of Computer Engineering at Modu University.

In the evening, he was counting the number of new students in the School of Computer Engineering when he suddenly saw the secretary pushing the door in a little panic.

"What's wrong?" Wang Jianguo looked up at the secretary, who had always been calm.

The secretary said a little nervously: "Dean Wang, lawyer Li Mingkang of Mingkang Law Firm has come to our school with a lawyer's letter!" "

Li Mingkang?" Dean Wang recalled the person Li Mingkang in his mind, and his face immediately became serious: "What is he doing here?" Who committed another crime and provoked Li Mingkang?

As he spoke, he got up and greeted him.

As soon as I arrived at the stairs, I saw that Li Mingkang and his assistant had already come up.

"Which one didn't have a long brain to provoke this Legality Yan Wangye? Yan Wang Ye brought all the judges?

While complaining in his mind, Wang Jianguo smiled and stepped forward and stretched out his hand: "Hey, why did Lawyer Li have the leisure to come to our academy today?"

Li Mingkang leaked a perfect coping smile while stretching out a hand to hold Wang Jianguo's hand and said, "I'm really sorry, Dean Wang, to disturb you at this time." It's just that I took the case today, and I hope Dean Wang can understand me. "

Wang Jianguo's heart tightened, what case is worth your legal Yan Wang Ye bringing the judge to personally send the lawyer's letter? But there was still a smile on his face: "Where and where, Lawyer Li's case is important, Lawyer Li quickly invite me to sit in my office, let's talk carefully." After

entering the office, Li Mingkang sat on the guest chair, and Li Da stood behind Li Mingkang, just like a personal bodyguard who served the black boss.

Wang Jianguo closed the door and turned around to see the two of them like this, his heart trembled, and he felt the urge to take medicine.

So what's going on?

Wang Jianguo sat opposite Li Mingkang, and the assistant stepped forward to pour tea for Li Mingkang and Wang Jianguo.

Wang Jianguo made a gesture to let the tea go: "Lawyer Li, taste this lake before the rain of Longjing."

Although he said this, Wang Jianguo did not expect Li Mingkang to really taste it.

Everyone in the circle knows that Li Mingkang only drinks the mineral water he carries with him.

Sure enough, Li Mingkang showed a standard coping smile and said, "Thank you Dean Wang for your generosity, it's just that I brought water myself, and I can't appreciate Dean Wang's dragon well." There is not much greeting, Dean Wang, I only have one thing to come today.

As soon as Li Mingkang's words fell, Li Da bowed slightly and handed the file bag in his hand to Li Mingkang.

Li Mingkang handed the unsealed file bag to Wang Jianguo again and said, "Dean Wang, take a look!"

Wang Jianguo took the file bag and took out a wad of documents from it, the top of which was a lawyer's letter.

"To Mr. Wang Jianguo, Dean of the School of Computer Engineering of

Modu University: We are Modu Minkang Law Firm, entrusted by Ming Mei (hereinafter referred to as Ms. Ming), a first-year financial management student of the Department of Finance of Modu University, to issue this lawyer's letter regarding the slander, insult and smear against Ms. Ming by Liu Hao, the second class of electronic information of the third year of Modu University. With smear evidence p1p2..."

When Wang Jianguo saw this thing, his heart was relieved, fortunately, it was not that the teacher in his department did something earth-shattering, nor that he had any problems and was sued.

But he immediately became nervous again:

according to the lawyer's letter, this person named Liu Hao should have spread rumors about this classmate named Mingmei.

If according to the previous way of handling, Liu Hao is called over to write a review and write an apology letter to Mingmei, this matter will be over.

But not now!

People Li Mingkang personally came to deliver the lawyer's letter!

This is not the kind of casual "lawyer's letter warning" in the entertainment industry, which has the official seal of the law firm, the appraisal seal of the court, and the signature and handprint of the plaintiff, which has legal effect!

In other words, the Public Security Bureau filed this lawyer's letter when it was sent!

This is a big problem.

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