Liu Hao's parents sent the summoner away with stiff faces, turned and entered the house.

"I'll call Hao Hao and tell him to come back quickly!"

Liu Hao's mother entered the house anxiously.

"What's wrong? What happened to Hao Hao I just heard?

The old man asked.

At this moment, Liu Zhicheng unscrewed the door of his home.

"Something happened, Daddy!" As soon as Liu Zhicheng entered the door, he shouted anxiously, "Haohao caused trouble at school!"

Liu Zhigang chuckled in his heart.

The Liu family sat on the sofa.

Old man Liu asked anxiously: "Zhicheng, you say it quickly, what did Haohao do?"

Liu Zhicheng laughed miserably: "What else can you do, big brother, aren't you holding the summons of the court in your hand, you ask the big brother!"

Old man Liu turned his gaze to Liu Zhigang, and Liu Zhigang had to take out the letter in his arms: "This is what I just received, I don't know what it is, what is suspected of spreading rumors from them?" I don't really know what the situation is.

Liu Zhicheng sighed and recounted what happened today.

The old lady was so angry that she almost didn't catch her breath, blushed, and said, "Just because of this matter? Just because my grandson sent something casually, this one called Mingmei just grabbed it like this?

Liu Zhigang rubbed his temples with a headache, it was like this again, it was like this again, every time his son made a mistake, he and his wife disciplined their son just now, the old lady is like this, making everyone discipline is not, no matter what. Now she has provoked people who shouldn't have caused trouble, and breaking into such a calamity, the old lady still looks like someone else has a problem!

Liu Hao's mother sighed with a headache: "Mother, this matter is indeed Haohao doing wrong.

The old lady was even more angry: "Listen, you listen to what you do as a mother?" You are not biased towards your own children, are you going to favor the one who caused our grandson to receive a summons?

Liu Zhicheng said helplessly: "Now is not a question of who is biased, people have all the evidence from beginning to end, I have consulted a lawyer, we will lose this case."

Old man Liu knocked on his crutches and said, "What if we hire a powerful lawyer?" Spend as much as you want!

Liu Zhicheng was even more helpless: "Dad, the lawyer hired by others is Li Mingkang, the most powerful lawyer in all demons!"

The old man frowned and said, "The most powerful lawyer in all demons? Are you sure?

The old lady on the side said: "Then let's invite that Zhang San, just that Zhang San's lawyer, isn't he very powerful?" Isn't it possible to send judges in? It's always okay to please him, right?

Liu Zhigang frowned and said, "Mom, lawyer Zhang San is the author of the law, so you can't file a lawsuit!" The

old lady said nonchalantly: "We have money, ask him to fight a lawsuit, can he still help?"

Liu Zhigang was full of helplessness: "This is not a question of money or not."

At this moment, Liu Hao returned.

"Mom, what's going on? Call me back in such a hurry? Liu Hao asked while changing his shoes.

Looking at Liu Hao's hanger's appearance, Liu Zhigang was angry from his heart, got up and slapped Liu Hao, directly blinded Liu Hao.

The old lady screamed and threw herself in front of Liu Hao: "You bad thing, what are you doing beating my good grandson?"

Liu Hao also reacted, covering his face and asking in disbelief: "What are you doing, dad?" How to hit me for no reason?

"Why hit you?" Liu Zhigang took a breath, "The court has sent the summons home, why do you say I beat you?"

Liu Hao was even more inexplicable: "The summons of the court? What subpoena? Why send it to me?

Liu Zhicheng clicked on a post with a gloomy face and handed his mobile phone to Liu Hao: "Is this a post you posted?"

Liu Hao saw the post, his face stiffened, and he was just about to say something, but Liu Zhicheng sneered: "Don't think about quibbling, people have found the registration number, which is your mobile phone number."

Liu Hao's face stiffened for a moment, and he said nonchalantly: "I sent it?"

"Is it really you?" Liu Zhigang's face was full of disappointment, "I carefully provide you with reading, this is what you read out of the book?" Rumors and slander, this is what you learned in three years of college?

Liu Hao still didn't care: "I'm just playing!"

Liu Zhicheng sighed and told today's events.

Liu Hao's face turned a little whiter: "Want to go to trial?" To the court again? As for? Didn't I just write something casually? Is it okay if I apologize to her?

The old lady also nodded: "That's it, is it okay that we Haohao are willing to apologize?"

Liu Zhicheng's face was speechless: "If an apology is useful, what do you want the police to do?" The only thing we can do now is to ask a lawyer to wait for the trial. Modu


slept brightly and beautifully, took out his mobile phone and looked at yesterday's post.

The post has been deleted.

Mingmei sneered, turned off the sticker bar, and opened WeChat.

The class group notified the start of military training roll call at 1 p.m.

Ma Mingyue, as the deputy squad leader, naturally became the dormitory leader of the bright dormitory, and brought back military training uniforms for everyone.

Li Kaina also stepped into the dormitory.

Li Kaina was full of perfume, and the name brand on her body was changed again.

He hummed a song as he walked into the dormitory.

Seeing the people in the dormitory, Li Kaina snorted nonchalantly and deliberately shook the new bag in her hand.

Unfortunately, no one in the dormitory paid attention to her.

On the other side, the old lady Liu of the Liu family

almost didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and she was angry with her two sons at this time: "Look at you one by one, you go to a famous school to be a counselor, and you are a stock speculator, and none of the things encountered by the child can help!"

Liu Zhicheng was helpless: "Mom, the lawyer also said, the only thing Haohao can do now is to ask people to be bright on the day of the trial, people are willing to forgive us, if people are not willing to forgive us, the detention is light!"

Old man Liu hit the ground with a cane: "How can you be detained?" How can Hao Hao be detained? How to take the public examination after Haohao was detained? Zhigang, you quickly ask where the female student named Mingmei lives and where her parents are, I will personally go to the door to apologize!

Liu Zhigang sneered: "Dad, you sober up, you can take out 300 million to hire a lawyer at once, you can buy more than 90 million cars and drive them casually, can we find out the family of such a girl casually?"

Old Mrs. Liu muttered dissatisfiedly: "Isn't it just a few hundred million?" We have it at home too!

Liu Zhicheng said helplessly: "It's good that our family has this money, but the problem is that it is impossible to take it out at once!" People have more liquidity than all our assets, and it is the last word to admit mistakes quickly. "

The main thing is, there is also the school side.

Yesterday, Wang Jianguo's meaning was very clear, let Liu Hao alone take care of all the problems, absolutely cannot say that the things sent by the confession wall are his own business, and the confession wall must have an auditor in addition to Liu Hao.

Otherwise, Wang Jianguo will be in big trouble.

You know, although Liu Hao is the eldest grandson of the Liu family, there are still a few children who have not had the college entrance examination below who are still in school.

Wang Jianguo's meaning is obvious, either Liu Hao will bear it alone, or the children of the Liu family will not want to go to school smoothly in the future.

Their Liu family is rich, but they are not as powerful as Wang Jianguo's old man.

At that time, their Liu family called every day should not be, and the earth was not working.

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