When Zhao Chen sat on the bright Koenigsegg, the whole person was still a little confused.

Why did he agree?

He thought in a trance.

Maybe the girl's eyes are really too tempting, maybe the girl's flirting means are too high.

In short, he is now in the girl's car and is about to spend a passionate night with the girl.

When he arrived at Hua Chengming's residence, Zhao Chen got off behind Mingmei.

As soon as he got out of the car, a butler-like person took the things in Zhao Chen's hand and bowed to Zhao Chen: "Mr. Zhao Chen, the lunch kitchen is ready to make braised pork, pan-fried Yakyu beef, spicy stir-fried lamb and sesame sauce with artemisia, do you have any taboos?"

Zhao Chen shook his head, and the other party bowed again, and then left.

Zhao Chen looked at this place carefully.

The villa is quite large, but only one person lives there, and the rest are all people.

Zhao Chen could see that this was just a place where the girl lived temporarily, not a girl's home.

Zhao Chen looked at the time, it was not yet noon, an afternoon was more or less enough for this girl to play, and she just went home in the evening.

Mingmei ate lunch while looking at Zhao Chen, who was absent-minded.

Watching the housekeeper carry a box of things upstairs from outside, Mingmei knew that the things she let the housekeeper buy arrive.

He was happy in his heart, and then looked at Zhao Chen with interest.

In his previous life, he wanted to try a lot of things with his boyfriend, and he could try it on Zhao Chen in this life.


Bright thought.

After lunch, Zhao Chen followed Ming Mei upstairs.

Walking into the bedroom, Zhao Chen clenched his fists nervously.

He is not afraid of other people's jokes when he says it, and he is still commonly known as a virgin.

And, Miss Bright -

it doesn't look big.

"Go take a shower."

Ming Mei pointed to the bathroom and said, "There are disposable pajamas in the closet in the bathroom.

Zhao Chen nodded, turned and walked in.

After washing, Ming Mei was already waiting on the bed in her pajamas.

Seeing Zhao Chen come out, Ming Mei beckoned, let Zhao Chen sit on the bed, and helped him dry his hair.

Finally, Mingmei retreated Zhao Chen to the bed.

Ride? Zhao Chen thought in a daze in his heart.


An afternoon of debauchery passed.

By the time Zhao Chen was awake again, it was already the next morning.

Zhao Chen woke up in a daze, turned his head slightly, and saw the girl sitting cross-legged next to him in a silk nightdress, as if playing a game.

Zhao Chen wanted to say something that matched the morning atmosphere, but found that his hoarse voice couldn't make any sound.

Only then did I remember what kind of afternoon and night I spent yesterday.

Zhao Chen moved his body slightly, and a tearing pain spread throughout his body, and in the end, his entire body could not move.

Hearing the voice of the person next to the pillow, Mingmei put down her mobile phone, turned around and lay next to Zhao Chen, picked up the insulated straw cup on the side and handed it to Zhao Chen: "Drink some water!" Warm.

Zhao Chen twisted his head and drank some water, only then did he feel that his throat was more comfortable.

As soon as Zhao Chen turned his head, he saw what had been used yesterday afternoon and evening.

Zhao Chen's face turned red.

Yesterday, it was this girl who hung this around her waist to make herself an especially memorable afternoon and evening.

...... A little girl who is less than twenty years old, where can there be so many tricks of completing NO men?

It's just...

Zhao Chen eased in bed for more than half an hour before he felt relieved.

It's been a long time, and nothing has come out.

It's just that remembering the feeling that penetrated into the bone marrow last night, Zhao Chen blushed.

...... It doesn't feel bad.

Supporting the wall, he limped to the bathroom to take a bath, and limped back to bed.

Sunny is running on the balcony for fitness.

Seeing that Zhao Chen had returned, Mingmei stopped the treadmill, sat next to Zhao Chen, and rubbed Zhao Chen's waist: "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Zhao Chen closed his eyes and enjoyed the bright and rare tenderness: "It's okay." The

voice was still hoarse.

Mingmei handed him Zhao Chen's mobile phone.

"Someone called you in the morning and I didn't answer."

Zhao Chen supported his body, took the mobile phone and said thank you, as soon as he opened the mobile phone, sure enough, it was all the phone of the family.

After lunch, Zhao Chen did not feel more comfortable until the evening, so he said goodbye to Mingmei and returned to his home.

As soon as he arrived home, he opened the door, and Zhao Chen saw that his parents, younger brothers and sisters had all arrived.

"Morning!" Zhao Chen's mother ran out: "Chenchen, why did you come back?"

Zhao Chen thought for a while and didn't know how to explain it, so he said vaguely: "The friend who bought the office building kept me for a day."

Zhao Chen's father frowned and said, "Is the other party the full amount?"

Zhao Chen nodded: "The full amount, I have hit the company's account, and it is now running." Not surprisingly, the company was able to slow down after making a profit in these two weeks.

Zhao Chen's father nodded, looking at Zhao Cheng's gaze with some relief.

This child has always been cultivated by himself, and this ability to turn the tide is indispensable to this child.

I'm also older, and it's time to let go.

Zhao Chen's two younger siblings were just about 19 years old this year, and they also said happily at this time: "Is the family slowing down?" "

Some time ago, because of the company's problems, the atmosphere at home has been bad, but now it seems to be solved!

Zhao Chen's father nodded: "You guys have to learn from your eldest brother, you know?" Zhao

Chen's sister threw herself down on Zhao Chen with excitement, and shouted long live the eldest brother in her mouth.

Zhao Chen's waist that had just eased up was hit like this, and Zhao Chen only heard a crunch in his body, and held the dining table on the side so that he did not fall.

It's just that the face is white.

Zhao Chen's sister knew that she had done something wrong and stood aside awkwardly.

Zhao Chen rubbed his waist without a trace and said, "I'm a little sleepy, so I'll go upstairs first." Then

he went back to his bedroom without looking at the faces of his family.

Zhao Chen's sister held back her words and finally dared to say: "I'll go, why is there a kiss mark on the neck of the old brother?" Zhao

Chen's parents didn't look very good, looked at each other, and also went upstairs.

Only Zhao Chen's younger siblings were left standing there inexplicably.

Bright again drove Ferrari Rafael to the purchased office building and looked at it, leaving the points for the exchange car, and the rest were exchanged for a gold medal manager.

Used to manage the company.

Bright intends to start a company.

Investment companies.

There are no specific projects, let's redeem the gold manager first.

After redeeming it, I put it in my own home.

Go to the underground garage and intend to drive home.

As soon as I arrived near my car, I saw a man holding a woman with a flower branch, and said to the woman who was showing the flower: "Do you know what kind of car this is?"

The woman said with a snort: "Brother Liu~ people don't know, what kind of car is this?"

That Brother Liu smiled, patted the woman's upturned buttocks, and said with a lewd smile: "This is Ferrari Carra, more than 5 million, if you want brother to buy you one!" The premise is that you serve your brother well tonight~"

Mingmei burst out laughing.

Brother Liu's eyes flashed with chagrin, and when he turned his head, he saw a beautiful girl looking at him.

The fierce and evil expression on Brother Liu's face immediately turned into a satisfying expression: "Oh, where is the little sister, do you want to play with your brother?"

Said, shaking the gold watch on his wrist: "See?" 500,000 Kovani, if you have fun with your brother, you will give it to you!

Ming Mei sneered and said: "More than 90 million Ferrari Rafael has become more than 5 million Ferrari Calla in your mouth, this brother Liu, can't you see it?" "

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