Wang Zicong bit the lollipop stick in his mouth.

First a not simple driver, and such a housekeeper who has obviously received special training, and....

Wang Zicong turned his gaze to the second floor, where a nanny-like woman was cleaning the windowsill on the balcony of the second floor.

The woman was diligent in her hands and feet, and her work was quick, but she suddenly stopped, as if she felt something, raised her head and scanned left and right, and then her gaze was opposite Wang Zicong.

Then, like other people's nannies, the woman showed the smile that a friend of the owner should have when she saw her - there was a hint of silence in the enthusiasm.

If Wang Zicong hadn't seen the coldness in the eyes of this nanny-like woman when she looked up just now.


Wang Zicong looked at Mingmei and Huang Xue, the two women calmed their own hairy children, talked and laughed to help the white wolf An put on the collar, and was rubbed around by the white wolf's furry head, and then the two women settled their hairy children and closed the door of the cargo compartment.

Wang Zicong hid the contemplation in his eyes and replaced them with a smile when he faced them.

"Gone, old Huang, bright, there are a lot of wonderful performances today."

As soon as she sat in the car, Mingmei suddenly reacted and asked: "By the way, Lao Wang, you are a small truck, right?" Do you have a road pass? Wang

Zicong nodded: "Of course there is, there is no proof of how I drove over." "

Mingmei is relieved.

The pickup truck drove all the way to the abandoned warehouse, but instead of entering through the previous entrance, it drove around the back, which resembled a construction site.

On the ground lay or sat or stood a group of construction workers-like people, wearing hard hats and overalls, with cigarettes in their mouths or mouths and mobile phones in their hands.

It looks like you are resting after construction.

Wang Zicong's pickup truck drove all the way to block the road, and a worker-like person smoking a cigarette looked left and right, and then cut off the cigarette and stepped forward to the window of Wang Zicong's car.

Wang Zicong lowered the window, and the worker-like man lowered his head and stretched out his left hand, and with his right hand, he took out a machine that resembled a barcode scanner from his pocket.

Wang Zicong pulled down the car light shield and pulled out a black card from the belt behind the light shield, and her bright and good vision allowed her to see clearly that there were some special lines on the card under the sun.

The worker-like person took the card, scanned it with a scanner-like machine, and then respectfully held the card with both hands and returned it to Wang Zicong, and said in a low voice: "Welcome Wang Shao, Miss Huang, Miss Ming to our casino." Today is the No. 2 dog fighting venue, I wish several distinguished guests a good time.

Wang Zicong nodded, reversed to another road, drove for about a few minutes, and was another group of abandoned warehouses.

Wang Zicong drove the car to one of the large warehouses, honked his horn twice, and three people who looked like greeters came inside.

After the three got off the car, one of the beautiful women stepped forward: "Welcome Wang Shao, Miss Huang, Miss Ming, are the three here to bet or compete today?"

Huang Xue spoke: "I participate, and the two of them bet." I'm still bringing the Brazilian Philer, and the fourth game today is my race, so I'll be able to serve the dog. The

beautiful woman bowed to Huang Xue: "Okay, Miss Huang, please rest assured, we will definitely serve Lord White Fang."

After that, two other greeters, a man and a woman, stepped forward to open the door of the cargo compartment, and then they couldn't help but exclaim.

The beautiful woman turned her head to look, and a majestic white wolf jumped down with its head held high, and then squatted obediently in place, with its big fluffy tail holding its front paws, looking a little well-behaved.

After that, Huang Xue's Brazilian Philer also jumped down lightly, hesitated and squatted next to the white wolf in the same position.

Ming Mei laughed out loud and stretched out her hand: "An An, come to me." The

white wolf Anliso got up, lightly trotted to Mingmei's side, whined and rubbed beside Mingmei.

Brazilian Feile also ran to Huang Xue's side.

The beautiful woman looked at it with some hesitation, and then carefully observed the white wolf.

She has worked in this underground dog fighting ring for many years, and it is clear whether a wolf is a dog.

This is clearly a white wolf in front of you!

However, this white wolf was brought by the three rich second generations in front of him...

The beautiful woman hesitantly spoke, "Uh... Dare to ask the three distinguished guests, is this White Wolf Lord also going to participate?

Mingmei shook her head and said, "No, our family An An just came to play with me today." The

beautiful woman breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

It's not good to come to the game.

The people who come here to play dog fighting and watch the game are some young masters and young ladies, none of them can afford to provoke, and these three in front of them are the most unprovoked people.

If they want the white wolf to participate, unless the boss personally comes forward, the manager really can't refuse.

It's a pity that the boss is not in the country during this time, if you let this white wolf play, isn't it a group of people who play a good game, and let an open hanging one in?

Won't their dog fighting ring reputation be gone then?

Fortunately, this white wolf did not play.

Therefore, the beautiful woman bent down even more respectfully and said, "Miss Ming, do you need us to help you serve this white wolf?"

Ming Mei shook her head: "No need.

Wang Zicong looked at the time on his watch, looked up and said, "Don't waste time, let's enter." The

three followed the beautiful woman into the venue.

As soon as you enter the door, there is a standard room waiting for the elevator.

Just as the elevator came, the three walked in.

At this time, in addition to the necessary escape passage, there is only one elevator passage open to the outside world in the underground fighting dog ring


Next to the corridor directly opposite the elevator passage are several contestant lounges, and in each house there is a fighting dog, of various breeds, and each fighting dog has several attendants waiting for them.

Go to the right is the competition channel, and to the left is the audience channel.

Qin Feng was waiting for his Caucasian dog in front of a lounge.

At this moment, a middle-aged man with a big belly led a Du Gao over.

"Oh, Young Master Qin, you also participate in today's dog fight!"

The middle-aged man nodded flatteringly at Qin Feng, opened a box of new cigarettes and handed it to Qin Feng: "Qin Shao, come to Genhuazi?"

Qin Feng waved his hand: "Thank you Mr. Wu, don't smoke." Mr. Wu got a new one? I remember that President Wu also brought a Caucasus last time?

The middle-aged man snorted: "The one was bitten to death last time, but I bought the dog that bit it back," said, the middle-aged man pointed to the Dogo dog beside him and said: "Oh, this is it, it has been fed with raw blood and meat since childhood, it is particularly fierce, and it does not let go when it bites its neck." Speaking of Young Master Qin, how many games did you play today?

Qin Feng replied: "The fourth scene, what about President Wu?" The

middle-aged man laughed: "It's a pity, it's a pity, I can't meet Qin Shao today, I'll play the sixth game."

Qin Feng thought for a moment and spoke: "The sixth scene? I remember that the one who guarded the sixth game today was the one surnamed Yuan? The

middle-aged man nodded: "Young Master Qin has a really good memory, it's the one surnamed Yuan, that kid can train dogs, pay him to help me train a dog, he is not happy, he is very arrogant." I specially brought my Dugo to kill his arrogance. Just

then, a young man came out of the contestant tunnel.

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