Meanwhile, the Zhao family.

Zhao Chen's sister carefully knocked on the door of Zhao Chen's bedroom with food: "Brother, my mother stewed a little fish soup, can you drink two sips?"

After a long time, Zhao Chen came out and opened the door.

The Zhao family on the side immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Two days ago, Zhao Chen was fine, but he became a little unhappy when he didn't know what he saw, and then he received a message, and the whole person closed himself and hid in the house and did not want to come out.

This is the fourth day, Zhao Chen only comes out every morning to eat something, and since then he has been locking himself in the house, and he doesn't know what he is doing.

The Zhao family was very worried.

Now it's good that you're willing to eat.

Zhao Chen sat down at the dining table, and Zhao Chen's sister quickly put the meal in front of her brother.

Zhao Chen slowly picked up the chopsticks and ate them little by little.

Finally, Zhao Chen's sister still couldn't help it: "Brother, what's wrong with you?" I'm so worried..." Zhao

Chen was silent for a long time, swallowed the food in his mouth, and smiled bitterly.

"I'm out of love..." Four

days, Zhao Chen spoke for the first time, his voice was dumb.

Zhao Chen's father, who was hiding behind the door, was stunned for a moment, and immediately remembered the mysterious buyer.

Could it be her?

Zhao Chen shook his head and took another bite of food: "It's my bad two days, which makes you worry." I've figured it out, don't worry.

Zhao Chen's sister quickly nodded: "Yes, yes, it's good to figure it out, it's good to figure it out, brother, you are handsome and capable, you can always find a better one, don't think about that person anymore!"

Zhao Chen fell silent.

Could there be someone better than her?


this day, Zhang Ting prepared her New Year goods, she was really bored, so she opened her phone and brushed it.

The WeChat public account pushed a logistics association's public account, Zhang Ting remembered the girl named Mingmei, it seems to have opened a logistics company?

Zhang Ting clicked on the public account, which pushed the successful conclusion of the logistics association exchange meeting.

Click on the tweet to take a look.

Passage logistics?

Isn't this the bright company?

Zhang Ting flipped out a screenshot of the business qualification certificate from her mobile phone, yes, it was the passage logistics.

I go, is the passage logistics so powerful? Just entering the industry can stand with the level of three links and one reach?

Zhang Ting thought and clicked on the comment area.

Sure enough, the comment area is also asking.

"What is the logistics of passage? Haven't I heard of it?

"Ten years into the industry, the first time I heard about this company."

"This year's new company, I see that their official website has just been completed, and the APP has not been launched."

"This company is not small, just entering the industry can be ranked with three links and one da."


reading the comment, Zhang Ting's face was stunned.

Are all young people so powerful now?

Chinese New Year's Eve evening, after Mingmei sent the blessing message, she sat down with Weihang to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

The Spring Festival Gala of the Dragon Kingdom is very exciting, the song is no longer an adapted Internet celebrity song, but a classic work carefully brewed by the master for a year, and the singing on stage is the song of the king, and the skits performed either can't stop or the irony of society in it makes people dare not think deeply.

The dance program is even more exciting, and the magic show stunned the bright two.

After this night, Ming Mei felt her shoulders sink, and Wei Hang had fallen asleep on her shoulders.

After watching the last program of the Spring Festival Gala, Ming Mei turned the TV to the song platform, put the voice to the minimum, and then put his arms around Wei Hang and slept deeply.

After waking up the next day, Mingmei looked at the time and began to chop the filling, and Wei Hang waited to make dumplings.

In this way, the first year of Mingmei's arrival in this world passed.

The person who accompanied her was Wei Hang.

On the first day of February, Ming Mei sent her invitation.

The young generation of the entire high-level of the magic capital, except for a few who had some problems or were not in China, all received invitations.


Jia's father looked at the invitation in his hand: "Mo Qing, you take your brother with you."

Mo Qing frowned: "The invitation letter is for me alone, but there is no part of him." Mo

Qing's illegitimate brother quietly clenched his fists under the table on the side, with a little loss on his face, and looked at his father.

How could Mo Qing's father be willing to show such an expression to his true beloved son, and immediately reprimanded: "Mo Qing, I haven't settled accounts with you about that girl in the Ma family, what is your attitude?" What's wrong with taking your brother to socialize with your peers?

Mo Qing sneered: "What's wrong?" Miss Renjia Ming asked me to go by name, isn't your true love son very capable? Let him get the invitation himself.

After that, Mo Qing turned around and went back to his room.

Mo Qing lay on the bed, his eyes confused.

The family is unwilling to recognize Yeon-yeon, if I take Yeon-yeon to a banquet of my peers and let Yeon-yeon come to our circle, will it be recognized?

As soon as this thought came out, another voice came out of Mo Qing's mind:

You sober up, you and she are not of the same class, the two of you have different views, even if you are together, you will not be happy in the future! Break up with her now, let her go and let you go!

Mo Qing wanted to say it right, but at this moment there was a tingling pain in his head.

After the sting, Mo Qing, who seemed to have remembered something just now, was now in a mess in his brain.

Can't take Yeon-yeon to the party....

No, take her with you, otherwise how to prove that you love her....

I want to apologize to Ma Yao....

No, Ma Yao is a vicious woman who gets in the way of you and Yeon-yeon....

After a long time, Mo Qing felt that the pain in his brain was better.

Weirdly, he didn't have any idea of going to the hospital.

After the pain in Mo Qing's brain was less, he took out his mobile phone in a trance and sent a message to a woman marked as Yanyan.

"Accompany me to a banquet next month."

After that, he didn't care if there was a reply from the other side, and Mo Qing fell asleep.

However, at this time, Mo Qing's father was busy accompanying his true love and true love son, and Mo Qing's mother was busy sad, and no one found that Mo Qing was in a coma for an afternoon.

On the first day of March, the sunny banquet starts promptly at 7 p.m.

At half past six, Mo Qing took his beloved Yanyan to the Garden Villa, scanned the invitation and entered the villa.

The banquet format is a dance party, and after seven o'clock Wei Hang and Ming Mei lead the dance, after which it is up to you to dance and play.

The hall of the villa was transformed into a dance floor, and as the bell rang at seven o'clock, Ming Mei, dressed in a carmine dress, and the escort in a white dress delivered the opening speech of the banquet.

After the speech, Mingmei took Wei Hang's hand and led the dance floor.

The two danced a cheerful waltz.

After the first paragraph of the duo's leadership, Wang Zicong brought his female companion and Huang Xue with his male companion to the dance floor.

Subsequently, the young masters and ladies of other families also entered the dance floor one by one.

Mo Qing and his beloved Yeon-yeon are also among them.

Mingmei carefully observed Mo Qing and the so-called Yeon-yeon through dancing.

Mo Qing is very handsome and has a very high appearance, but Ming Mei has no thoughts.

That so-called Yanyan is not as coquettish as bright and imaginary, nor is she a little white flower, on the contrary, the occasional look in her eyes can be seen that Yeon-yeon must be a fierce person in her daily life.

Only occasionally, Mo Qing and this Yanyan will have an inexplicable sense of trance in their eyes.

[Dingtone~ The system has searched for the hegemonic system and is being absorbed. 】

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