Ming Xing didn't understand, so he asked Ming Xing.

Ming Xing shrugged: "It's good that the master's order is carried out, so much to do."

Mingxing sighed: "I just don't understand." Ming

Xing looked into the distance through the window.

They are now on the top floor of Building No. 1, which is the office of Ming Hing and Ming Xing.

Looking through the window, looking out, even if it is a good eye for the system leaving the factory, looking at the people on the ground is like ants.

Ming Xing withdrew his gaze.

"The owner is human, we are just androids who appear in the system."

Ming Xing said.

"We have the most advanced ideas and technologies in the world, and we can be the best performers, but not people."

"Even if it is the interstellar where the system is located, androids and systems cannot completely replace human life."

Because we can't produce the most important part of human life on our own, which is "feelings".

"All our feelings are generated through systematic simulation, not from the heart like humans."

"So, even if we simulate it, we will never be able to understand what humans are thinking." Therefore, no matter how many and strong bionic humans the system has, it will never be able to replace humans in performing system tasks.

Ming Xing said slowly.

Since you are preparing to go to disaster relief, you naturally need to prepare supplies.

Ming Mei took out all the business cards she had received during this time.

Arranged by company type.

Company warehouse and address in the local magic capital is preferred.

First I found a department store and ordered all the three-piece beds in stock, flashlights, batteries, and emergency lights.

After that, he hired a fast food manufacturer to produce 50,000 instant noodles in a hurry.

After that, he hired a cotton clothing factory, and three times the salary day and night to produce cotton clothing of different thicknesses.

After that, it is to find a pure water manufacturer and buy the assembly line directly.

Funds are spent like flowing water, and points roll over like flowing water.

But Ming Mei did not have the slightest happiness of earning points at this time.

If all the points were used at this point to make no one die in this earthquake, maybe she would be happy.

Then find a medical product company and directly purchase all the first aid stretchers, emergency workbenches and all kinds of medicines.

At this time, in the No. 1 employee group of Pass Logistics, the general manager Ming Xing sent such a paragraph.

[Notice: From now on, Tongtuan Logistics will stop all cooperation with other manufacturers, fully invest in the earthquake relief in Qingpu County, Hehe Province, mobilize all the material resources of the whole company, and the 700 employees in the current service of the company can chat privately. ]

In less than five minutes, Mingxing's mobile phone private chat was directly returned.

After Mingxing restarted his mobile phone, he calculated that all 700 couriers in the company had signed up.

Ming Xing went through the list of companies, confirmed that the employees had no physical problems, and immediately made a decision, and the basic salary of all employees in the past three months was tripled.

Mingxing still can't understand why humans give for people who have nothing to do with them.

Maybe that's why androids can't replace humans, Mingxing thought.

The system that had been peeping at the screen noticed Ming Xing's thoughts and was somewhat satisfied.

The gold manager of the previous system factory suddenly had a confusion of thinking, the system was shocked, there had never been such a thing before, he thought that the main god was invaded by the virus, and the result was checked to check, the main god side feedback is no problem, the system side is no problem.

That is, there is a problem with the android who shipped the system.

The loser system is afraid that the android will have self-awareness and eat the host, and it monitors day and night, and once the system leaves the factory, the bionic has bad ideas and immediately returns to the factory for destruction.

The loser system sighed quietly when it retracted consciousness, and did not know that the android began to think about whether the owner's behavior was a good thing or a bad thing, and asked the host adult, the host adult is a smart human being, there must be a solution.

The next day, after Ming Hing submitted to the government an application for passage to Qingpu County, Hehe Province, 100 employees of Passage Logistics drove 50 disaster relief vehicles to the disaster area with the first batch of supplies.

The government office hall

had just given a sip of tea to the clerk who had finished stamping Ming Xing, ready to carefully check the registration of disaster relief materials through the logistics, and the new clerk on the side asked.

"Sister Wang, don't you check the disaster relief materials that pass through the logistics?"

The clerk who was called Sister Wang smiled and shook his head: "Xiao Wu, you have just entered the industry, you still don't understand, in this kind of thing, none of the companies that come to our office hall to register dares to cheat." Companies that do not register through the government's formal offices are the ones that need to be scrutinized. The

man named Xiao Wu nodded and said no more.

After Sister Wang drank the water, she sighed: "I don't know what kind of person the boss of Passage Logistics is, and before the state has launched a disaster relief mobilization notice, Passage Logistics has begun to prepare, which is really rare."

A young man on the side muttered, "I don't know if I really want to fight the earthquake and disaster relief or if I want to take the opportunity to advertise my company."

Sister Wang snapped and put the water cup on the table, and said with a serious look in her eyes: "Xiaohuang, you shut up." The

young man pouted, but shut up.

Sister Wang sighed: "You are young people." Remember, the person who really needs help doesn't care if the person who helps him genuinely helps him or just wants a compliment. No matter whether the passage logistics wants to take the opportunity to advertise or whatever, as long as they really go to disaster relief, the disaster relief materials they reported are really sent, as long as they do not take the opportunity to make money and do not deceive, then they are worthy of our praise.

After Sister Wang finished speaking, she opened the disaster relief materials reported by the passage logistics.

Flipping and flipping, Sister Wang stopped the movement in her hand, and her face was a little solemn.

"What's wrong, Sister Wang?"

The person on the side asked.

Sister Wang sorted out the information of disaster relief materials through the logistics: "No, this batch of materials is too big, I can't call the shots alone, I have to go to the director of the department to report."

After that, Sister Wang pedaled to the director's office with high heels, leaving a few clerks who looked at each other.

The head of the office turned over the information in his hand with a solemn face.

"Director, according to that general manager, this is only their first batch of supplies. There should be a few more batches next.

"When I came to report to you, the site had verified the disaster relief materials that passed through the logistics, and the first batch of materials was not fraudulent and matched the information."

Sister Wang did not have the dexterity in the office hall just now, but reported it one by one.

The head of the office pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "I know, I'm in trouble, Xiao Wang." You go out first. After

Sister Wang left, the director of the office made a phone call and reported today's events truthfully.

There was silence on the other side of the phone for a while, and a thick voice said: "In that case, from today onwards, all kinds of approvals for passage logistics will be personally approved by you as soon as possible." "

If someone who watches the news a lot can hear it, this voice often appears in the news feed.

The head of the office said yes silently and hung up the phone.

He understood that the person on the other side of the phone meant that in the future, as long as he did not die, then their business would be unimpeded in the magic capital.

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