Stay away from Conan

Chapter 359 The long-lost reward

Chapter 359 The long-lost reward

The next day, after dawn, everyone, led by Suzuki Ryoko, climbed over the back mountain and found the family living here. They called the police and informed the police. After the police arrived, Amamiya Ryoko also chose to admit to the police. own crimes.

Afterwards, what happened in the villa was also known to the parents of Suzuki Ayako and Suzuki Sonoko, so the Suzuki Foundation immediately sent a helicopter to pick up the people attending the party.

At the same time, a suspension bridge repair team was dispatched, and the destroyed suspension bridge was quickly repaired.

As for Gao Yuan's "MINI" car parked in the woods, the Suzuki Consortium also sent someone to send it back to Gao Yuan's residence.

At this point, the party in the villa finally came to an end.

However, Suzuki Ayako, who was the initiator of this party, seemed to be unable to bear the blow and became seriously ill because of witnessing the tragedy and learning that her former friend Atsuko Amamiya had passed away.

However, what is somewhat surprising is that Gao Yuan actually developed a high fever and fell ill on the second day after the case ended——

Originally, Gao Yuan felt something was wrong with his body when he followed everyone over the back mountain, but when he thought about so many things he encountered last night, he felt that it might just be caused by not getting a good rest. So, after being sent back to Tokyo by the Suzuki Foundation's helicopter, Takato immediately returned to his room and fell asleep.

That night, Xiao Ai asked Gao Yuan to go downstairs for dinner, but found that there was no response no matter how he called Gao Yuan. Feeling strange, Xiao Ai couldn't help but walked into Gao Yuan's room, and then found Gao Yuan sleeping on the bed with a fever all over.

Upon seeing this, Xiao Ai realized that something was wrong, and immediately knocked on the door of Dr. A Li's house next door. With the help of Dr. A Li, Gao Yuan, who had a high fever and fell into coma, was sent to the hospital, where he was quickly admitted. He was sent to the ward and put on an intravenous drip.

Standing in front of the hospital bed, thinking of what happened yesterday, Xiao Ai suddenly understood why Gao Yuan suddenly had a high fever - it seemed that when he went out to find her yesterday, he had already been soaked in a lot of rain, and after returning to the villa, he also He didn't change his wet clothes in time, and braved the mountain wind at night to go out and pretend to be a "bandage weirdo"——

In this way, it is not incomprehensible to catch a cold.

Thinking of this, Xiao Ai couldn't help but blame herself - after returning to the villa yesterday, she should have persuaded him to take a bath and change out of his wet clothes.

It's just that at that time, he was preoccupied with thinking about the case. Even after returning to the room, he was still reading the manuscript he got from Chikako Ikeda. In addition, he was living in the same room as him at the time. The thought of asking him to take a shower and change clothes made him feel uncomfortable. At that time, I was a little embarrassed to say it, so I didn't say anything in the end.

In this regard, Xiao Ai could only helplessly stay in front of the hospital bed, quietly looking at Gao Yuan lying on the hospital bed——


Sitting on the chair next to the hospital bed, Xiao Ai sat with her legs stacked on top of each other, supporting her chin with her right hand, and murmured with a depressed look:

"It seems like the last time I spent the night with you in the hospital wasn't long ago! You are such a troublesome guy. I don't know what you were like when you were alone before. You are such an old man and you really don't care about him at all. My own body!"

After complaining to Gao Yuan, Xiao Ai could only sigh helplessly in the end.

At this time, the door to the ward was pushed open, and a slightly fat figure walked in lightly - it was Dr. A Li.

"How is he?"

Coming to Xiao Ai's side, Dr. Ali looked at Gao Yuan who was getting an IV drip and couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"The doctor said it's just a high fever at the moment, and it should get better once the fever goes down."

Xiao Ai replied.

Hearing this, Dr. Ali couldn't help but nodded:

"Yeah, that's good."

After saying that, he looked at Xiao Ai and asked:

"Xiao Ai, are you going to stay here tonight?"

"if not."

Xiao Ai said helplessly:

"At least we have to wait until he wakes up."

As he said this, Xiao Ai rolled his eyes, folded his hands in front of him, and couldn't help but say:

"Really, men who live alone are so uneasy!"

Hearing this, Dr. Ali on the side was about to nod in agreement, but when he thought about it, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment - a man living alone? It seems that he is also the man who lives alone in Xiao Ai's words!

Therefore, Dr. Ali had no choice but to smile awkwardly, then walked to another chair aside and sat down, seemingly planning to guard Gao Yuan in the ward.

But Xiao Ai and the others didn't know that Gao Yuan's lethargy at this moment seemed not just because of the high fever -

"The reasoning is over, let's start closing the case."

"Comprehensive evaluation of case closure: S"

"Knowledge: S"

"Logic: S"

"Observation: S"

"Settlement is completed, the overall score reaches S, the reward is 50, additional rewards will be issued, please choose:"

"Reward 1: Disposable Item II"

"Reward 2: Special props IV"

"Reward Three: Sword"

"This case is too difficult. An additional bounty of 200 will be added. Since the overall score reaches S, an additional bounty of 200 will be awarded."

"Detective Rating: Certified Detective"

"Bounty: 1680"

When he just got home, Gao Yuan felt weak and uncomfortable. He went to his room and lay on the bed. When he was drowsy and about to go to sleep, Gao Yuan only saw the settlement panel appear at this time.

And this time, not only was there an extra bounty due to the difficulty of the case, but it also received an "S" overall rating for the first time in a long time, which also meant that there were rewards to be collected.

In a hazy state of consciousness, Gao Yuan looked at the three options this time. "One-time props" and "special props" are relatively common options, but the third option, "sword", is relatively rare. In total, This is also the second time I have seen this option.

So, I don't know if the high fever made Gao Yuan's thinking a little sluggish, but by some mistake, Gao Yuan chose "Reward Three: Sword".

But just after Gao Yuan made his choice, Gao Yuan fell into a deep sleep inexplicably——

In a hazy state of consciousness, when Gao Yuan opened his eyes again, he found that he was standing in the kitchen of his home, feeling very comfortable and without any discomfort.

In the pan in the kitchen, poached eggs were being fried at the moment. The sound of frying made Gao Yuan, who was holding the spatula, subconsciously hold the handle of the pan. He held the spatula in one hand and fried the eggs. He pressed the poached eggs, then picked up the pan, used a spoon, turned the poached eggs over, and continued to fry them for a while, then took the fried eggs out and put them on a dinner plate——

Two plates, two portions of food.

Gao Yuan glanced at the time and the sky outside the window. It should be early morning.

This situation is not unfamiliar to Gao Yuan. After all, after living with Xiao Ai, it is normal to prepare two meals in the morning.

So, after making breakfast, Gao Yuan brought the food to the dining table in the hall.

At this time, the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs was also heard——

"Good morning. Breakfast is ready."

Gao Yuan calmly and naturally muttered something to the figure walking downstairs, and then, Gao Yuan was stunned on the spot——

Brown short curly hair, mature and stunning beauty, the girl's uniform of Didan High School...

The person in front of me is not Xiao Ai!

It turned out to be Miyano Shiho!

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