Stay away from Conan

Chapter 463 Two paragraphs of the threatening letter

Chapter 463 Two paragraphs of the threatening letter

" said I'm a prisoner?"

Meimei asked Kudo Shinichi in shock.

"Well, yes."

Xinyi nodded, and then shouted toward the stairs between the stage and the elevator room:

"Okay, everyone come to the elevator room!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Officer Megure immediately walked down, followed closely by Takagi Wataru and the arrested Amano Shoichi, followed by Xiaolan, Sonoko and Dr. Agasa, as well as Hualien's mother Misuzu, Dazai The organizer, Miura Daigo, basically everyone was present.

"You suddenly called us all back. What are you planning to do?"

Officer Megure looked at Shinichi strangely and asked curiously.

"What happened?"

Miwako Sato poked her head out from the stage and said.

"You guys..."

Seeing that the police officers led by Officer Memu were still here, Meimei was slightly surprised, but she calmed down and couldn't help but say:

"This little detective actually said that I am the real murderer!"

Meimei said with an incredulous expression.

"Huh? Really?"

After hearing Meimei's words, Officer Megure's eyes widened, while others around him also looked surprised.

"Really? Shinichi."

Regarding such a statement, even Xiaolan looked in disbelief and said in surprise.

"Indeed, the person who killed Miss Hualian was Miss Meimei."

Shinichi announced to everyone categorically.

"Hmph, so boring."

Meimei said disapprovingly.

"Kudo, please explain."

Officer Megure said in confusion:

"What do you and Brother Mingzhi want to do by asking us to pretend to leave the hotel?"

"Okay, then I'll start explaining now."

Shinichi explained at the beginning:

"This incident is a tragic case caused by the threatening letter received by Miss Hualian."

"We all know this."

Officer Megure nodded.

"But the question is, who sent that threatening letter!"

Shinichi suddenly said.

" should be Mr. Amano, right?"

Officer Memu said thoughtfully:

"After all, someone who can use the term 'puppet on strings' and wants to pierce Miss Hualien's heart... No matter how you think about it, it should be Mr. Amano who once dated Miss Hualien but was forcibly broken up." Things done.”

"At first glance, it seems so."

Regarding Officer Megure's answer, Shinichi couldn't help but say.


Hearing this, everyone present looked a little surprised.

"Dear Hualian, tonight, I will shoot through your heart and make you my string puppet. The only consequence for disobeying me is 'death'."

After seeing everyone's reaction, Shinichi couldn't help but read out the content of the threatening letter:

"If you carefully analyze the content of this threatening letter, you will actually find that the content is a bit strange."


Officer Megure said in confusion. He took out the threatening letter in the evidence bag from his pocket and looked at it carefully. He was a little confused:

"No matter how you look at it... they are all threatening letters simply to threaten Miss Hualian and want to kill her..."

"Yes, it's a threat."

Shinichi suggested:

"If you think about it from a threat perspective, the content of this threatening letter is a bit strange."

"Kudo, please explain it carefully."

After watching it repeatedly, Officer Megure still looked confused, so he asked Shinichi to explain directly and stop beating around the bush.


Xindian nodded:

"Actually, this is a problem discovered by Mr. Akechi."

Shinichi first mentioned Gaoyuan, and then began to explain formally:

"Officer Mumu, please read carefully. The entire threatening letter is divided into two paragraphs. The first paragraph talks about shooting Miss Hualian through the heart tonight and turning her into a Titus. String puppet. And the second paragraph says that if you disobey him, the only outcome will be 'death'."


After hearing this, Officer Memu read the contents of the threatening letter carefully and couldn't help but nod:

"But what does that mean?"

"Officer Megure, if you only read the first paragraph, what can you think of?"

Shinichi couldn't help but ask.

"First paragraph?"

Officer Memu was confused and read out the first paragraph:

"Dear Hualian, tonight, I will shoot through your heart and make you my string puppet... Huh? This seems..."

Officer Megure felt something strange.

"It's awkward, isn't it."

Shinichi said:

"Based on the text of this paragraph, we can understand that the person who sent this threatening letter plans to do something tonight to 'shoot through Miss Hualian's heart' and make Miss Hualian his 'string' puppet'."


Officer Megure couldn't help but nodded.

"But what does the other party want to do?"

"Huh? Isn't it just like this, using a dagger..."

Officer Megure said in confusion.

"That's not the case."

Shinichi shook his head and said:

"Mr. Akechi said that when he only read the first paragraph, what he thought of was Mr. Miura!"


Miura Daigo on the side heard Shinichi mention his name and said in surprise:

"why me?"

"Let Miss Hualien be my puppet, in other words, don't you want Miss Hualien to listen to me? And tonight happens to be the scene of the 'Miss Japanese Style' contest. As the organizer of the contest, Mr. Miura has also I have told Miss Hualian many times to ask her to listen to me... Isn’t it reasonable to think so? "

Shinichi couldn't help but said:

"And the second paragraph also mentioned 'disobedience'. If it wasn't to force Miss Hualian to do something she didn't want to do, why was the word 'disobedience' used? Also, if the real purpose of the person who sent the threatening letter was to kill If you disobey Miss Hualian, the outcome will be the same whether Miss Hualian disobeys or not."


Hearing this, Officer Megure said with great certainty, and then looked at Miura Daigo seriously.

This made Miura Daigo break into a cold sweat, and he waved his hands repeatedly and said:

"No! It's not me! I never sent such a letter!"

Regarding this, Shinichi continued to say without waiting for Officer Megure to interrogate:

"But if you understand it this way, wouldn't it be strange? What if Miss Hualian doesn't participate in tonight's competition because of this threatening letter?"

"However, Miss Hualien is an extremely strong person, and it is impossible to give up participating in the competition because of such things. Mr. Miura is concerned about this..."

"Precisely because Mr. Miura is convinced of this, it can't be him."

Shinichi continued before Officer Megure finished speaking:

"Mr. Miura knows that the threatening letter will not scare Hua Lian, but will also arouse Hualian's vigilance. Doesn't this make it pointless to send this threatening letter?"

"Then... Kudo, please stop being so pretentious. What did you and Akechi discover?"

Officer Megure said impatiently when Shinichi said it.

"Mr. Mingzhi and I both believe that the two paragraphs before and after this threatening letter may have been written by two people!"

Shinichi explained this straightforwardly.

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