Stay away from Conan

Chapter 732 The only remaining doubts

Originally, according to the plot of the original work, the hotel where Ran and Sonoko originally lived should be the property of Kyogoku Makoto's family.

However, when asking Xiaolan and Sonoko to move out of the hotel, Gao Yuan deliberately tested it, but did not find anyone suspected of being Kyogoku, so Gao Yuan thought that there might be something wrong with his judgment.

But now, Kyogoku really showed up, and he still showed up at the crime scene of the fireworks display.

For this reason, Gao Yuan couldn't help but feel very confused and didn't know what was going on.

In this regard, when Kyogoku really listened to Gao Yuan's explanation, he couldn't help but feel sorry. He understood that he had hit the wrong person, so he quickly stepped forward, helped Gao Yuan up, and helped Gao Yuan walk towards the tree beside him. Go and apologize:

"Sorry, I thought you were the criminal in that case, so I was a little harsher..."

After saying that, after placing Gao Yuan next to the tree and letting Gao Yuan rest against the trunk, Kyogoku continued to apologize deeply and said:

"But after all, it was you who made the first move. As a warrior, it is my instinct to fight back when attacked. I really can't control it."

"No... don't mind it, it was indeed me who made the first move..."

Faced with Kyogoku’s true apology, Takato responded helplessly—

Indeed, when I first noticed someone nearby, after confirming that the person was not a police officer, I subconsciously thought that the person was probably the murderer himself or an accomplice of the murderer. Therefore, before I could see the person clearly, I chose to strike first. Take action.

Moreover, in the subsequent confrontation, even though he had roughly guessed who the opponent might be, he still did not take the initiative to identify himself. Instead, he wanted to experiment when he felt that his whole body was falling apart and he could hardly exert his strength. What was the effect of "The Hanged Man" that led to the current situation.

This is indeed his own fault, and he cannot blame Kyogoku.

"I also thought you were the murderer who returned to the scene, so I took action. Unexpectedly, it was a misunderstanding..."

Gao Yuan explained, and then asked curiously:

"But why did you also say, 'I am the murderer'? What's going on?"

"Miss Sonoko and the others were originally staying in my hotel, but for some reason, Miss Sonoko and the others moved out with two men at night. And one of the men I met at noon, he met Miss Sonoko I’ve struck up a conversation with two or three brown-haired women before, and I heard that another brown-haired woman was murdered here, so I came over to take a look without worry..."

Kyogoku explained slightly seriously.


Hearing what Kyogoku really said, Gao Yuan could probably understand what was going on, so he couldn't help but joked:

"It seems that you really care about Miss Sonoko!"


When Gao Yuan said this, Kyogoku was stunned. After forcing himself to calm down, he said calmly:

"You can understand it that way. After all, in a previous karate competition, the way she cheered for her friends... impressed me deeply..."

Regarding this, Gao Yuan did not point out Kyogoku's pretentious attitude, and because Kyogoku was really here, Gao Yuan had basically figured out the truth about the fireworks display incident at this moment——

Although the logic of the original work is not completely consistent with reality, as long as it can be used as a reference, the most critical part of the murderer's method in the fireworks display incident can be solved.

All that's left is to find the evidence.

Thinking like this, Gaoyuan still felt powerless in his body. He silently looked at the downhill road outside the woods, and there was a vague guess in his heart.

But in this way, although the truth about the fireworks display has been basically clear, there is still a lack of key evidence about Ehara Tokio's falling incident.

"That's right."

To Kyogoku's true answer, Gao Yuan just responded like this without teasing him. He just leaned against the tree trunk and slowly regained his strength——

After all, I really don't have the strength to move now.

"By the way, are you okay? Judging from your skills just now, you must have practiced them, right? Your last wrestling technique was the most exquisite wrestling technique I have ever seen."

In this regard, looking at Gao Yuan's helpless look, Kyogoku couldn't help but said with emotion:

"If there is a chance, I would like to have a serious discussion with you. You should have only been serious about the last move just now, right?"

Saying this, Kyogoku looked at Gao Yuan, seemingly looking forward to it.

But Gao Yuan, who heard Kyogoku's true meaning, couldn't help but say:

"No... I have only briefly practiced kendo. The wrestling technique just now was just an unexpected means of desperation. In terms of strength, I am definitely not as good as you, so there is no need to compete."

——The "Hanged Man" can only be used once a day, but even if the "Hanged Man" successfully uses special effects, it can't defeat you, so isn't it just asking for abuse to compete with you?

With this thought in his mind, Gao Yuan rejected Kyogoku's suggestion.

In response to this, Kyogoku was a little disappointed, but he did not persist. He just turned to ask:

"That's it...but since you are a detective and a friend of Miss Sonoko, why did I hear from the hotel clerk that a man in a blue windbreaker followed another man and suggested that Miss Sonoko move out together? So, I thought you were with that man?"

"I can't help it. After all, something like that happened, so I thought it would be better if Miss Sonoko and the others move to a safer hotel. And I happen to be staying in that hotel, so I might as well have someone to take care of them nearby."

Gao Yuan explained this.

"What about that man? Does he also live in the hotel where you are staying?"

Kyogoku asked, looking a little serious.

"Indeed, he lives there too."

Gao Yuan affirmed. Seeing that Kyogoku's true mood seemed a little anxious, he probably understood what he was worried about, so Gao Yuan continued:

"But it's okay. The police are in the hotel now, and I have asked the police to protect Miss Yuanzi and the others. In addition to the man you call, the police and I have already suspected him, and we will not give him a chance to continue committing crimes. So, Don’t worry about Miss Sonoko’s safety. If you are really worried, you can go back to the hotel with me.”

"Hey? Is that okay?"

Hearing what Gao Yuan said, Kyogoku couldn't help but look a little surprised, and asked in a slightly urgent tone.

"Of course that's okay? It's just going to the hotel. There's no rule that you can't go?"

Gao Yuan said this, and then felt a little about his physical condition at the moment. After feeling that he was able to move slightly, he then said to Kyogoku:

"But, Kyogoku Makoto-kun, can you help me go to a place now to take a look? I have only one remaining doubt that needs to be confirmed. As long as that point can be confirmed, the truth will come to light soon!"

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