At the same time, Zhao Mu was moving the mouse a little bored, checking the status of the servers everywhere.

So far, almost all servers in the national server have been breached by the little black dragon boss at least once.

The few servers are just lingering.

It won't be long before all the servers are down.

Zhao Mu had expected this result.

Even Ouyang Luo and the others should be able to think of it.

The incident happened suddenly, and it was difficult to organize enough effective forces in a short period of time, which would inevitably lead to the current result.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

For Zhao Mu or for all other players, it is just the beginning,

The good show is yet to come.

At this time, a mechanical sound suddenly sounded.

"Congratulations, so far, you have obtained a total of 53,026 game coins through World of Warcraft."

"And you spent about 800,000 game coins in total to build that boss!"

Hearing these ironic words, Zhao Mu lay on the chair without panicking.

"I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

"I deliberately transformed this game into the appearance of this monster attacking the city. There is a very important purpose, which is to earn game coins."

"And didn't you see it? Ouyang Luo and the others planned to use crowd tactics to delay the fight, so they fell into a small trap I set up."

"This wave, let me say that I can earn hundreds of thousands of game coins."

Hearing Zhao Mu's expressionless expression, the owner behind the mechanical voice probably rolled his eyes.

"Speaking of this, I want to say that you are insidious again!"

"Insidious? Don't count." Zhao Mu sat in a chair, noncommittal about the mechanical sound's evaluation, but first talked about Ouyang Luo.

"To be honest, Ouyang Luo is really a pretty good person."

"In just a few days, his thinking habits and the way he treats people and things have undergone earth-shaking changes."

"Just in response to the old saying, growing up has nothing to do with time, it has to do with experience."

"Of course, it's also because of his better comprehension."

Hearing these words, the owner behind the mechanical sound probably rolled his eyes behind his back.

"Let's talk about the game."

Zhao Mu shrugged and said very easily.

"Although Ouyang Luo has indeed improved a lot, it's only in his life and work."

"In terms of games, he is still a complete rookie!"

"The so-called crowd tactics, the so-called procrastination and not fighting, are usually not true in the game World of Warcraft!"

"Because most bosses in World of Warcraft have a berserk system, or a soft berserk system."

"Speaking of which, I'm a little strange. Why does Liu Shui follow Ouyang Luo's idea when he knows the boss rage system of World of Warcraft very well? Maybe, he just wants to experiment."

At this time, the mechanical voice asked.

"The berserk system you're talking about is the rage skill?"

Zhao Mu nodded, as an admission.

That's right, before building this boss, Zhao Mu had already considered crowd tactics, so he specially designed the skill of Corrupted Blood to prevent players from killing the boss with their lives.

In addition, in order to prevent players from just procrastinating and not fighting, the skill rage was specially designed according to the usual berserk system of World of Warcraft bosses.

When the boss enters the combat state for half an hour and the blood volume is still above 70%, it will ignore the blood loss limit and directly transfer to the next stage.

After that, every ten minutes, it will automatically transfer to the next stage.

During this period, they are no longer restricted by blood volume!

This skill can be regarded as a kind of soft rage of the boss of World of Warcraft.

To put it simply, if the players just procrastinate but do not fight, the boss will continue to become stronger.

Even if the HP does not drop below 70%, it can still use the Corrupted Blood skill, and even more powerful skills later!

This mechanism is actually the little trap set by Zhao Mu.

When Ouyang Luo and the others got entangled with a large number of players, only delaying the fight, and delaying the boss.

As a result, when the time came, the boss suddenly sent a large-scale Corrupted Blood, what would happen?

The mechanical voice was silent for a while, as if thinking about something.

After a long time, he said.

"I have to say, you designed the boss's mechanism fairly well."

"Seduce Ouyang Luo and the others, use this kind of crowd tactics that only delay but not fight, and then use the violent skill to make a surprise attack and kill them all!"

"It's just that I don't think this is a good idea!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhao Mu grinned and said with a smile.

"Then what's your best idea, let's hear it?"

Soon, the mechanical voice responded.

"As you said before, you deliberately bet with me before, in exchange for a chance to change the rules and change the game into a monster siege. A big purpose is to earn game coins."

"Then, judging from the current situation, Ouyang Luo and the others will immediately use crowd tactics to delay but not fight."

"I just pretended that they informed all players of this method through the forum or the world channel inside the game, and all players did the same. The violent skills you deliberately designed have pissed off all players, and you can get How much game currency, up to 500,000!"

"But after this point, all players will understand the soft rage system you deliberately set up, and realize that the crowd tactics can't solve the problem, and it's vain to just procrastinate and not fight."

"At that time, players in all servers will be more cautious and design more perfect tactics. The most important thing is that at that time, there will be a lot fewer players who actually fight the boss, and the game coins you can get will definitely be like a cliff. reduce!"

Hearing all this, Zhao Mu waved his hand.

"That's why I said it was just a small trap."

"By the way, it doesn't matter to me even if Ouyang Luo and the others didn't think of using this kind of crowd tactics to delay or fight!"

"It's only 500,000 game coins, which is too little compared to the amount I want to get!"

Hearing this, the mechanical voice was completely puzzled.

"No... If the players don't use crowd tactics and go to death one after another, how can you get a lot of game coins?"

"And 500,000 is a lot, well, how can you get more?"

At this moment, Zhao Mu looked at the computer screen, which was the game screen of World of Warcraft.

"Haven't you seen all the skills I designed for the boss? Can you have a little imagination?"

"Oh, that's right, you may not have actually played World of Warcraft, you don't know some of the tricks, or you don't know the psychology of those gamers."

"But I can give you a hint..."

"I designed this monster to attack the city, not just one Orgrimmar, but the entire World of Warcraft!"


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