Stay behind the scenes from Super Mario

Chapter 264 Passive Defense

It was still the little wild boar with sharp ears, and immediately heard the soft whisper of the bull's head and horse's face.

"Mr. Boring? Why is he in trouble?"

But at this time, seeing that the battle had not yet started, the bull-headed horse-face still had time to explain.

"This Boring Lord is the fastest character in the entire Legend of Dongdong's Immortal."

"The speed here is not only the speed of movement and jumping, but also the speed of moves."

"Can you imagine that his speed with heavy punches and heavy feet is faster than the light punches and light feet of many characters?"

Hearing this, even though the little wild boar has never been in contact with fighting games, he doesn't know what's going on at this time.

But he thought for a long time, and asked hesitantly.

"According to what you mean, Mr. Boring's fists are very powerful? Why don't you fight him?"

"For example, use the wave skill to contain, and always control the distance between yourself and him?"

However, the bull head and horse face just shook his head slightly and did not speak again.

Because, this battle has already begun.

And at the moment when the battle started, Mr. Boring on the opposite side rushed towards the bull-headed horse with the momentum of thunder.

The speed, as everyone expected, is very fast.

Seeing this, the bull head and horse backed away actively, intending to adjust the distance between the two.

However, it is not acceptable for fighting games to retreat all the time, they will always retreat to the edge of the board, and there is no way to retreat.

But at this moment, Niutauma faced Mr. Boring's strong attack, but chose to defend passively.

"Papa papa..."

Just like that, Mr. Boring's quick punches and quick kicks hit the bull's head and horse's face, which was defending with shoulders.

Of course, the basic skills of bull head and horse face are still acceptable, and the defense has not been breached for the time being.

Those quick punches and quick kicks couldn't cause real damage to him.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Bull Head Horse Face is currently at an absolute disadvantage.

Seeing this scene, the little wild boar was even more puzzled.

Why was it so far away just now, and didn't send waves to contain it?

Even the bull head and horse face didn't make a move.

Maybe, just a light punch can push Mr. Boring away.

However, Thin Hell seemed to see the little wild boar's doubts and explained.

"At that distance just now, you can't send waves to contain it."

"Because Mr. Boring's speed is too fast, he has enough time to complete the wave jump while shortening the distance."

"Following the trend, you can also use the jump attack to hit Brother Ma Mian's character."

"At that time, it will definitely be a set of Dalian section with extremely high damage."

"Then you can't resist for a while, and just be blocked by him and beat him." Little Wild Boar was still a little puzzled, "Maybe, with a little resistance, you can defuse Boring Lord's onslaught."

At this time, Thin Hell was quite patient.

"Actually, from the match just now, we should be able to see that the melancholy handsome guy understands the performance of characters very well."

"And, he will use the method of designing some routines to maximize the advantages of character performance."

"So, at the beginning of this battle, Brother Ma Mian should have guessed that Mr. Boring will use his speed advantage to launch a fierce attack. And the reality is exactly like this!"

"In this case, isn't it courting death to compete with the extremely fast Boring Lord?"

"In addition, resistance must be resisted, but not now."

Hearing this sentence, the little wild boar was completely confused.

"Not now, what do you mean?"

"You should have heard of a word called defensive counterattack." Thin Hell continued.

As for the little wild boar, he was still a little anxious.

"Defensive counterattack? But didn't you say that before? The passive defensive side must be at an absolute disadvantage."

"Then the difficulty of the so-called defensive counterattack can be imagined!"

Hearing this, Skinny Hell's expression remained unchanged.

"But this boring gentleman is a little different."

Having said that, Thin Hell deliberately paused to let the little wild boar breathe before continuing.

"Actually, the entire Legend of Dongdong's Immortality is indeed a masterpiece."

"But its character balance may be due to the fact that it is too old. There is a feeling of one size fits all, that is, after a certain character has some particularly strong abilities, some of his abilities will be selectively removed. .”

"This boring gentleman is actually a good example."

"After having the fastest speed in the entire game, he lost some ability to attack and break defenses."

"For example, he doesn't have an order to cast, so he can't directly hug and smash the opponent who is in a defensive state. Another example, he doesn't have a mid-range attack, so he can't break the opponent's defensive state. In this case, Brother Ma Mian only needs to keep crouching and defending, and then It can defuse almost all the attacks of Mr. Boring."

"More importantly, Mr. Boring's jumping attack is much slower than standing attack. If he dares to jump, with Ma Mian's reaction, he can definitely use the Dragon Rising skill to give him a good look. What's more, Ma Mian's game The character Ken, but has two killing skills of the ascending dragon type. If you hit it casually, the amount of blood lost is enough for Boring Jun to fight for a long time."

"Look carefully, I guess the melancholy handsome guy knows this too. The Boring Lord he transformed has never jumped to attack at all."

Hearing this, Little Wild Boar quickly looked at the game screen.

At this time, Mr. Boring is still attacking the bull-headed horse-face who is in a defensive state.

However, he just kept using the combination of fists and feet, interspersed with a small skill from time to time.

Indeed, as Thin Hell said, it never jumped up.

At the same time, Ouyang Luo frowned slightly, as if remembering something.

"The horse face can indeed squat down and defend all the time, without worrying about the opponent's mid-range attack breaking the defense."

"But as far as I know, there is a hidden defense breaking value in fighting games."

"If the defense time is too long and the hidden defense breaking value explodes, he will also be broken defense."

At this time, Thin Hell said calmly.

"Don't worry, Brother Ma Mian is an old man, so things like breaking the defense value can't be difficult for him."

"He will definitely find an opportunity to fight back before breaking the defense value."

The little wild boar still looked at the scene in the game screen and scratched his head.

"Looking for a chance to fight back? But how can there be a chance here?"

However, Thin Hell stretched out two fingers and smiled.

"In the case of being pressured, we have at least two ways to fight back."

"First, just like Zhuge Liang just now, use the ascending dragon skill that has a short-term invincible effect to desperately."

"If you succeed in the fight, you can save the situation with one click!"

As soon as the words fell, the two parties on the game screen changed suddenly.

The bull-headed and horse-faced man seemed to have spotted Bored-Jun's movements, and suddenly got up from the ground, aiming at Boring-Jun with an uppercut.

Coupled with the rotation of the body, while causing a lot of damage, it also knocked Mr. Boring into the air.

This is the legendary Rising Dragon Fist.

This time, the bull head and horse noodles won the battle!

In other words, he accurately calculated Boring Jun's actions at that moment, and forcibly turned the situation back.

Seeing this scene, the little wild boar was quite excited.

"Great, is this the charm of Thang Long?"

"It's back, it's all back, and the blood volume of the bull head and horse face is still at an advantage!"

At the same time, everyone in the live broadcast room seemed to be infected by the little wild boar, and their emotions were very high.

"I said that as a veteran of fighting games, Bull Head and Horse Face shouldn't be beaten all the time. I didn't expect this to happen."

"This Rising Dragon Fist really boosts morale."

"Actually, you don't need to worry too much. Boring Lord's character itself has the characteristic of attacking. It is absolutely right to choose defense first. And with the experience of bull-headed horse-faced, his defensive ability is absolutely fine."

"That's right, looking at Boring Lord's blood volume now, if he eats three more dragons, he will die!"


However, compared with everyone's high emotions, the faces of the bull-headed horse-faced person and the skinny hell are a bit ugly.

Ouyang Luo, who was already good at observing details, naturally noticed this.

So, he leaned directly to Slender Hell and asked softly.

"Is there... is there any problem?"

At this time, Thin Hell shook his head slowly.

"As I said just now, there are two ways to defend and counterattack, one of which is to use this dragon skill to fight desperately."

"It's just that most of this choice is just a helpless move, not the more reasonable one."

"The so-called seeing through is actually just a joke passed on by our fighters. Who can really see through the opponent's psychology. What's more, Ma Mian's opponent this time is still a computer AI."

"In this case, using the Dragon Rising skill is simply turning the original battle into a gamble. Whoever is lucky will win."

"This situation is not what we want to see."

Hearing this, the little wild boar scratched his head unconsciously, and muttered something to himself.

"Are you lucky? It's not impossible."

After all, in his heart, as long as he is lucky enough, he can defeat his opponent. In this kind of match that can be tried many times, it is of course acceptable.

If I fail once, I will try again.

Anyway, once in a while, my luck is good enough.

However, the bull-headed horse-faced man who was fighting and the thin hell who was watching the battle seriously, obviously didn't think so.

Experience tells them that most players who want to use luck to defeat their opponents will not "live" until now.

Ouyang Luo, on the other hand, seemed to understand the subtext of Thin Hell, and stared intently at the game screen.

At this time, Ken, the game character operated by the bull's head and horse face, once again fell into passive defense.

And Mr. Boring, is still a strong onslaught, hardly giving the bull-headed horse-face a little time to breathe.

Soon, the bull-headed horse frowned slightly, and muttered something.

"It's broken, it's about to be broken!"

At this critical moment, he had no choice but to repeat the same trick, and once again used the Dragon Fist to fight desperately.

However, this time, Mr. Boring suddenly stopped attacking and chose to defend on the spot.

The rising dragon fist with the bull's head and horse face directly hit the Boring Lord who was on the defensive.

The opponent was not injured at all, but his body flew into the air due to the characteristics of the Rising Dragon Fist.

Next, he will be unable to defend against any attack...

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