Stay behind the scenes from Super Mario

Chapter 281 Repaying the other with the same way

And at the beginning of the first round of the match between King Ming and the stickman, he rushed towards the opposite side as usual.

How could a player like him try first like Thin Hell?

The assault is over.

However, as if the stickman on the opposite side had also been on hormones, he also rushed towards King Ming in a daze.

And with a forward kick, it directly landed on King Ming's forward punch.

With a "bang", the bodies of both sides flew back directly because of the collision just now.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

When the two got up from the ground, they rushed towards each other without saying anything.

There is a feeling that I am sworn to death with you.

As a result, it is estimated that everyone will be disappointed.

Just in this collision, your jumping punch just hit King Ming on the head and knocked him down directly.

In this regard, the stickman has the advantage of pressing up and attacking.

And he obviously just missed this opportunity!

While King Ming fell to the ground, he rushed over and jumped to attack, kicked lightly, jumped to attack...

After a complete set, King Ming was completely helpless to fight back.

Then, without paying attention, Ming Wang misjudged the stickman's attack and failed to block the opponent's next attack.

The body staggered directly, unable to defend.

The stickman, on the other hand, continued to rush forward and kicked the rising dragon's feet three times in a row, directly kicking King Ming into the air.

Afterwards, it was followed by a must kill——wild fireworks!

The sharp flames swept across King Ming's body, making a "bang bang bang bang" explosion sound.

Just such a big set of combos directly suppressed King Ming's blood volume to the minimum, leaving only a little blood.

Seeing this, King Ming knew in his heart that passive defense would definitely not work, and after getting up again, he wanted to grab a move.

However, there are risks in rushing to recruit, and you need to be cautious when making moves.

This time, luck was not on King Ming's side, he was kicked in the chest by the other side, and his blood volume bottomed out.

This is the end of the first round of the match between King Ming and the stickman.

King Ming, we lost!

And from the beginning of the battle to the final end, only seven seconds have passed.

Seeing this scene, the water friends in King Ming's live broadcast room were a little speechless.

After a while, they couldn't believe their eyes.

After all, for a long time, only King Ming suppressed and beat others, and no one ever suppressed and beat him.

Moreover, it only took seven seconds to empty a whole blood bar!

Also seeing this scene, the bull-headed horse-faced and thin Hell looked at each other again.

Finally, the bull head nodded and said.

"It seems that my guess is correct. The opponents that professional players encounter are all modified according to the player's own style of play."

And Thin Hell also nodded in agreement.

"That's right, this should be called repaying the other with the way of the other."

Hearing this, the little wild boar exclaimed in combination with everything that happened just now.

"That's right, it seems that he is really repaying him with his own way."

"The opponents Thin Hell met were all masters of standing back and forth. And like the stickman just now, he can even run forward and ascend the dragon with Slender Hell's trick."

"And the opponents King Ming encountered were all attacking machines that would rush to move and wanted to go all out."

Having said that, the little wild boar froze for a moment, then frowned slightly, and sighed.

"Oh, I heard that King Ming's style of play can restrain Slender Hell's style of play, so let him deal with the stickman."

"As a result, every professional player encounters opponents with different styles of play. What should we do now?"

The bull's head and horse's face are similar to those of the little wild boar, but he knows a little more.

"When the style of play is the same and the overall strength is similar, it is usually better to compare the status."

"Which side is in good shape, the side will win."

"It's just that the opponent is a computer AI, and the state should be able to maintain a very high level. As for the professional players..."

"At least the current King Ming is in a bad state!"

Hearing this, Little Wild Boar quickly looked at King Ming in the live broadcast.

The second round of his battle with the stickman has not yet started, but there is obviously something wrong with his expression.

Obviously, being killed by a computer guy within seven seconds would make anyone upset.

At this time, the bull head and horse face continued to explain.

"Ming Wang is a player whose fighting strength is definitely ranked among the top among all players."

"His style of play tends to be offensive, and he is fighting for his life. He is very good-looking."

"However, this also led to his poor defensive ability and weak mental endurance."

"When he is pinned down or suppressed by the opponent, he always thinks too little, and always wants to get out of the predicament through desperate means. However, he must bear a very large risk during the period, and even lose the game because of it."

"All in all, it's hard to win when he faces stick figures who play the same way as him!"

Hearing this, the little wild boar involuntarily looked at Skinny Hell.

At this time, the hope seems to be placed on Slender Hell again. After all, he has won a small round with the stickman through a certain method.

As if feeling the expectant eyes of the little wild boar, Thin Hell's expression was a little strange.

"Don't worry, I will do my best, but I can't guarantee anything."

Hearing this sentence, the little wild boar only felt his heart being pulled together.

Thin Hell said this, obviously not confident.

And a fighting game player loses confidence, and the result can be imagined.

Realizing all this, the little wild boar suddenly became a little anxious.

"Why don't we think about it again?"

"For example, Skinny Hell, can you temporarily change your style of play?"

"As far as I know, your comprehensive strength is very strong and comprehensive."

"Even if it's a temporary change of style of play and a strong attack like King Ming, it should still look good."

Hearing this, the bull's head and horse's face also looked at Thin Hell.

He knew that it would be difficult to temporarily change his style of play.

But for a player like Thin Hell, it's not impossible.

However, Thin Hell shook his head slowly, with a firm attitude.

"Believe me, temporarily changing your style of play won't help at all!"

"Because my style of play has already been ingrained in my bones, even if I learn how to attack like King Ming, the decision I make at the critical moment is still to follow my subconscious mind and return to the original style of play."

"This kind of thing is really too hard to get rid of."

At this time, the little wild boar suddenly stretched out his hands, put them on his head, and pinched his scalp violently.

"Then what should we do? Is it really necessary to make Thin Hell fight recklessly with a computer AI that can't make mistakes and never get tired?"

Looking at the appearance of the little wild boar, the bull's head and horse face sighed.

As far as the knowledge of fighting games is concerned, even if it is broken and kneaded into a ball, he can make it clear for you.

However, at this time, his theoretical knowledge was of no help at all.

Now, it's up to Thin Hell himself.

At this time, Thin Hell also sat back in his seat, and started the third round of the match against the stickman...

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