At this moment, Ouyang Luo's expression changed.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand everything.

At the same time, he also knew how Ace would operate next.

Soon, the yellow savage who had just returned to normal, after calming down for a while, jumped on the spot again.

Then, he suddenly rushed in the direction of Ace.

At the same time, Ace had just escaped the attack of another yellow savage, and just landed on the stone on the right side of the game scene.

At this critical moment, Ace just turned around, facing the right side, and kept firing bullets.

The far and thick bullets poured out to the right in an instant, and just landed on the head of the yellow savage just now.

There were two more "puff puffs", and the yellow savage who had just returned to normal was hit into a snowball again.

But this time, he turned into a snowball and landed directly on the stone.

That position is exactly what Ace needs.

You don't need to take any risks to push this snowball, and you can also use it to kill another yellow savage.

Seeing this scene, those who understand will naturally understand, and those who don't don't dare to interrupt.

Anyway, at this moment, Ace rushed directly in the direction of Snowball.

Behind him, the yellow savage attacked again, but was still easily dodged by Ace with the help of the terrain.

Soon, he came to the side of Snowball.

"Papa" refilled the bullet twice, Ace completely rounded the snowball, and then stood on the right side of the snowball, ready to fight.

At this moment, the remaining yellow savage rushed over again.

But the result is predictable.

The snowball was directly pushed away by Ace, and hit the yellow savage.

Now, the two yellow savages died at the same time and went to Huangquan together.

As for the remaining two little blue whirlwinds, the tornado they turned into holding hands is right behind Ace at this time.

The distance was very close, but it was just a little short, and Ace was not killed.

It is only a matter of time before we finally kill them and pass this small level.

Seeing this scene, the studio seemed to explode.

"I'll go, is that okay?"

"What is this, luck?"

"God Ace actually closed this?"

"Isn't this a level that can only be passed through the tacit cooperation between teammates? A miracle really happened!"


At the same time, Ouyang Luo couldn't help looking at Ace and asked softly.

"Is this what you planned from the beginning?"

Hearing this question, Ace just glanced up at Ouyang Luo, then continued to look at the game screen without answering.

But at this time, Ouyang Luo confirmed everything just from Ace's small eyes.

"In the beginning, you deliberately ran to the right side of the game scene and stopped at the distance from the two small pits in the lower right corner. You used the distance difference between the two yellow savages to achieve the purpose of making the two yellow savages land at different points. .”

"Then, also because of their poor distance, you were able to fire a bullet and make one of them snowball and fall to the bottom of the pit."

"And then, you keep moving to the left, while avoiding the attack of the yellow savages, while completely opening the distance."

"In the end, you use a particularly long range to hit the yellow wild man into a snowball and land on the rocks."

Hearing this, Ace finally said something.

"More than distance!"

Hearing this, Ouyang Luo nodded.

Obviously, he had already seen it.

"There is still a time gap!"

"The yellow savage who turned into a snowball and the yellow savage who has been chasing you can no longer attack you at the same time."

"That's why you can stand still so calmly and hit that yellow savage into a snowball without worrying about being attacked from behind. After all, that yellow savage just attacked you and needs a short cooldown."

At this time, the blue snowman operated by Ace just hit the remaining two small blue whirlwinds in the thirty-ninth level into snowballs.

With only one push left, he can pass this level that has tortured him countless times.

But at this moment, Ace had listened to all the words Ouyang Luo had said before, turned his head to look at Ouyang Luo, and said with a smile.

"anything else?"

Seeing Ace's smile at this time, Ouyang Luo frowned slightly.


Afterwards, he carefully recalled all the things that happened just now, and suddenly he frowned and smiled.

"No wonder, you are operating a blue snowman, and the place of birth is obviously closer to the left, but you are going to run to the right."

Hearing this, Ace curled his lips, slightly proud.

But this also proves that what Ouyang Luo said just now has already touched on the point.

At this time, Ouyang Luo looked at Ace and added.

"It stands to reason that if the Yeti Brothers are just trying to avoid the pursuit of the yellow savages, it doesn't make much difference to run first to the left and then to the right."

"The blue snowman you operated should have been running to the left."

"But you still ran to the right first, leading the two yellow savages to the right. The goal is actually not the two yellow savages, but the two little blue whirlwinds."

"The birthplace of the little blue whirlwind is on the right side of the game scene. If you run to the left first, the tornado that the blue whirlwind turns into will keep moving to the left until it catches up with you."

"But you run to the right first, which is equivalent to keeping the two little whirlwinds on the right side for a while, and finally you have time to push the snowball and kill the yellow savage before the tornado arrives, right? "

"From the beginning, you've thought about it all, and you've ruled out all the risk factors."

At this moment, Ace finally looked at Ouyang Luo, and his eyes changed.

These two people actually have something in common in character, one word, proud!

It wasn't until this moment that Ace really recognized Ouyang Luo.

But immediately, he turned his head to look at the game screen, and manipulated the blue snowman to kill the last two little blue whirlwinds.

Thirty-ninth mob, pass!

The next level is the boss of the fourth level of Snowman Brothers.

At the same time, the live broadcast room was completely boiling because of the conversation between Ouyang Luo and Ace.

"What does Ouyang Luo mean by those words just now? It seems to be saying that all of this was calculated in advance by God Ace?"

"Distance deviation and time deviation, and using the characteristics of the small blue whirlwind to avoid risks, I also thought about it for a long time before I figured it out. The great master Ace is really a great master, he is awesome."

"Now, don't you swell the faces of those trolls?"

"Those trolls just came out, why are you not talking now?"


Regardless of what the water friends in the live broadcast room said, Ouyang Luo looked at the upcoming boss level and said softly.

"This boss is not simple, do you need me to provide you with some information?"

However, at this time, Ace shook his head slowly, with a firm tone.

"Just now, I have watched the game video of Little Wild Boar."

"So, I already know everything I want to know."

"As for Little Boar's failure, I can only say that he is still too weak."

"Just right, I'll show those idiots just now, what is an operation beyond their understanding!"


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