Stay behind the scenes from Super Mario

Chapter 84 The Crow's Mouth

"I, hey, I..."

Because the incident happened so suddenly, the little wild boar had no idea that the third happy cloud would come out at all.

Although he reacted temporarily, he wanted to manipulate Mario to jump again.

However, it was too late, and the third cloud of joy returned and swept directly over Mario.

game over!

At this time, the little wild boar couldn't help but look back at the game master just now.

Now he finally understands his poor colleague a little bit.

The third joyful cloud was able to turn back?

What is this?

Isn't this just playing with people?

After a long time, such an unexpected thing suddenly appeared.

And it is precisely this unexpected thing that makes Mario die very easily.

To be honest, if players can know this unexpected design in advance, is it really difficult to dodge the third white cloud?

not difficult!

At least for someone who plays games a lot, it's definitely not difficult.

It's just a simple two jumps, all jumping over the happy cloud.

However, it is this seemingly easy thing that is the most disgusting!

Anyway, the little wild boar at this moment was disgusted.

Although he didn't feel like throwing up like the game master just now, it wasn't much worse.

"It's okay, let's start the game again."

Ouyang Luo was also startled when he saw Mario was killed by the returning Happy Cloud.

But right away, he thought for a moment and said directly.

"If you think about it carefully, the return of the third happy cloud can actually be predicted in advance."

Hearing this sentence, everyone in the room was a little puzzled.

"Director, how can you guess this, there is no hint at all!"

"No, there is actually a hint." Ouyang Luo carefully recalled the game screen just now, and said decisively, "Think carefully, everyone, when the first happy cloud runs to the right side of the game screen, it will turn directly up, and up into the air, right?"

"And the second happy cloud suddenly turned around in the middle of the game screen and floated towards the sky."

"However, the third happy cloud kept sweeping forward until it left the game screen and did not turn towards the air. Normally, the happy cloud is going to float into the air. So, it has gone beyond the game screen. Isn’t the cloud of joy that is turning towards the sky likely to turn back?”

This explanation...

A little one-sided!

However, when everyone listened to Ouyang Luo's words, they carefully recalled what happened just now.

Afterwards, everyone nodded one after another, agreeing at least a little.

"If things go wrong, there must be a demon. Since the third happy cloud is different from the previous ones, there must be other tricks."

"If we encounter other similar transformations in the future, such as flying monsters and distorted pipes, we must pay more attention."

"Anyway, in the following games, we must observe carefully and remain vigilant at all times."


Hearing his colleagues discussing there, Little Wild Boar couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"You guys, all of you can stand and talk without back pain. If you have the ability, you can come and play in person."

It's no wonder that Little Wild Boar complains in his heart like this, because only he who plays the game himself can really feel the difficulty of it.

Not to mention whether the player can notice the abnormal things, even if they notice, it is difficult to react in the first place.

Even if he reacted, it was difficult to think about what this abnormal thing meant.

And when that time really came, Mario probably died several times.

There is no way, the little wild boar is bitter in his heart, and he is still arrogant and refuses to admit defeat.

Soon, the game once again came to the 4-1 level.

After several previous baptisms, the little wild boar is finally familiar with the road.

He manipulated Mario and kept running forward.

The first happy cloud, ignore it!

The second happy cloud, dodge!

When the third cloud of joy struck, the little wild boar concentrated and operated seriously.

Finally, he escaped the sudden attack of the third cloud of joy through a big jump.

Then, it was another big jump, avoiding the happy cloud that turned back.

When the happy cloud turned back passed under Mario and came to the left side of the game screen, it finally made a gorgeous turn like the previous two happy clouds and floated into the air.


Seeing this scene, the little wild boar couldn't help shouting.

At this time, he can finally feel proud.

"Let me just say that I won't hit the same trick a fourth time, I'm still the tough me!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone suddenly wanted to remind Little Wild Boar that what he said would not hit the third time, not the fourth time.

However, since the little wild boar himself was so excited, they didn't want to expose him.

The game is still going on, Mario is still running.

At this moment, in the upper right corner of the game screen, three happy clouds are lined up, and as Mario continues to advance, they are also advancing.

It seems that these three happy clouds will be with Mario for a long time.

At the same time, Teacher Zhou, who had been behind everyone, suddenly let out a "tsk" when he saw this scene.

Obviously, he seems to have discovered something.

The room is small and there are many people.

Although Teacher Zhou's "tsk" voice was not loud, Ouyang Luo still heard it.

"Mr. Zhou, did you find anything?"

Since Ouyang Luo took the initiative to ask, even though Teacher Zhou was a little hesitant, he still expressed his thoughts.

"It's nothing, didn't you just say that you should observe the abnormal things carefully? I seem to have found one."

After saying this, Teacher Zhou saw that everyone turned their heads to him, and said hesitantly.

"In the original Super Mario Generations, Happy Cloud would have thrown the red hedgehog down."

"But look now, there are three happy clouds floating in the sky, and there is not a single red hedgehog thrown down!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone once again focused their attention on the game screen.

At this time, they realized that what Teacher Zhou said was true!

In the upper right corner of the game screen, three happy clouds are lined up.

Although they followed Mario all the time, they never left a red hedgehog behind.

Among them, there must be tricks!

As Mario's operator at this time, when Little Wild Boar realized this, he felt his heart beating even harder.

"Don't scare me, I'm not afraid!"

"It's not that I haven't seen a red hedgehog before, it's completely harmless!"

"Even if three happy clouds throw the red hedgehog down at the same time, I can easily pass!"

After saying this, the little wild boar couldn't help but clenched the game controller tightly.

Regardless of his outcome, put the harsh words first, this is the purpose of Little Wild Boar's life.

However, the second he finished these words, he wanted to slap his crow's mouth violently.

Because at this time, the happy cloud that had been floating in the sky really started to throw red hedgehogs down at the same time...

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