Stealing Spree

1824 Attention Generator

It’s an early morning for everyone and yet, excitement could already be felt in the air when we reached the school. Some students have already arrived. Maybe they’re the ones whose house is within walking distance or who have taken the bus or the train’s first trip of the day.

Through the car window, I could already spot some classmates and acquaintances. I tried searching if some of my girls were already there but we were probably among the earliest ones.

Shio drove her car to the parking lot. Some of the students saw us sitting in the backseat but that’s probably not going to make a buzz, no? Well, maybe it will. But there’s no point thinking about it.

After jokingly reminding me to behave and not make a scene early in the morning, Shio separated from us in a jolly mood.

Shizu found that amusing. The two of them didn’t have that many interactions yet because Shio wasn’t in this school last year. But during these few hours that they met and ate at the same table together, they’ve already gotten closer or had an understanding with each other.

In a way, Shizu finds Shio as an older sister figure rather than an adult.

On the other hand, Shio finds Shizu as a mature girl who already knows the ways of the world.

Let’s not talk about Akane. They both find the girl silly but at the same time, respect and admire her for her staunch devotion to me. They knew she’d have to be a really strong girl to live through those few years when I set her aside for my desire.

Ah. Right. Most of my girls respect her for that.

Anyway, while Shizu and I would be joining our respective classes, Shio would be going to the Administration Building.

According to her, the old Principal, not Hayashi-sensei, made it a directive for the teachers assigned for this trip to gather this morning. It’s probably another meeting and briefing of guidelines they have to enforce while observing and supervising the students.

Technically, the college students would be the ones managing us along with their prepared activities. But the teachers would be there to ensure that everything would go on smoothly.

I received a message from Juri that they’d be meeting us there at the Akimitsu Hills so... we’re just gathering all the students before setting off all at once.

Seeing the number of buses, the same as the one Orimura-sensei drove yesterday, lined up in front of the School Building, it’s kinda obvious that it would be our mode of transportation to the Akimitsu Hills today.

There are ten buses prepared.

Four for the 1st year classes.

Six for the 2nd year classes.

Each one was already designated to a class. However, no students have been let in yet.

They’re all gathered nearby in groups, mingling or talking to each other, waiting for the time.

When Shizu and I waltz in there together without even minimizing our notable closeness, most of them were speechless. And their eyes were split between the two of us. Most boys were focused on Shizu while most girls were looking at me.

Well, Shizu’s charms today are overflowing... She’s like a beautiful sunflower blooming under the first light of the day. Ah. There’s also the fact that her womanly charms also seemingly exploded. Like most of my girls the day after we did it for the first time.

She’s probably still emitting pheromones, making her more attractive to others. Well, even without it, she’s a head-turner on top of her identity as the SC President.

As for me... well, it’s the usual attention for me by now. It’s a mix of arriving with Shizu without hiding our closeness, the rumors surrounding me, and lastly, my appearance. My amiable smile that sometimes showed on my face was also not helping whenever it was inevitable for my eyes to be caught by someone.

In any case, the commotion died down right away after we separated.

“Onoda-kun, did you arrive with the SC President?”

As I expected, someone jumped out to ask me that as soon as I joined up with those from my class. It’s the loudmouth Yamada. Looking at him, he’s probably too excited for this trip that he failed to fix his bed hair. And with the attention we generated, it woke him up completely.

“Yeah. I did, why?” I answered flatly before my eyes scanned our other classmates who had their ears perked for my answer.

Well, there’s only around six of us at the moment. Apart from Yamada, there’s Kashiwagi, Wakaba, Amano, Esumi and Miyoshi.

The first two were looking at me like a freak and Wakaba, in particular, was frowning slightly. I could understand Kashiwagi since she was still pushing for Aya to get even closer to me. But Wakaba... well, after that run-in between us before, she’s probably finding me a bit dangerous now. Or it’s my charm that’s making her wary. Regardless, I just smiled and greeted them both along with the other two girls who I never truly had much contact with.

Miyoshi can suck his thumb. I don’t care.

“Eh... How did that happen? Did you meet each other on the way?” Yamada continued with his questions. This guy... He’s fishing for entertainment, huh?

Well, let’s see how they will react.

“No. We left at the same time. She stayed over.”


As soon as I dropped that answer, everyone reacted the same way, not just Yamada. Also, the students from the other class also seemingly caught as they all looked at me with utter disbelief.

However, before that spread, I toned it down by tapping the guy’s shoulder.

“Come on. Do you think that’s believable?”

“I... don’t know. If it’s you, it might be.”

“Heh. Maybe. Let’s keep it vague then.” I stepped away from him with a meaningful smile on my lips.

I ignored the others and tried to look for a place to sit but Wakaba blocked my way. Or rather, her feet possibly moved on their own.

“Onoda, what’s wrong with you?”

Flinging that question to my face, my eyebrow involuntarily raised as I tried to figure out what she was trying to ask there.

I looked at Kashiwagi at the side and she’s wryly smiling.

“Hmm? What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?”

“You did. You’re already drawing attention this early in the morning.”

Wakaba looked like she wanted to scold me for it but had no idea if she was being meddlesome. That’s probably why Kashiwagi looked like that.

With the way my head works that only took my girls seriously, I found this a little amusing. At least, I could probably pass the time being entertained by them while I wait for my girls.

“Oh... Is it that bad?” I put a hand on my chin, acting like I was reviewing my actions.

Wakaba facepalmed and sighed before looking up at me. Whatever was in her head, it was probably along the lines of... being troubled at how I tackled the attention on me and how much I seemed to passively generate it with my responses.

“Your act of obliviousness is kinda infuriating, to be honest. But... Haa, I don’t know. Are you going to sit here while ignoring the attention you generated?”

She pointed at the raised plant box that I was approaching. There’s no nearby bench, after all. And with the plant not really that tall yet, it could still be used as a substitute resting spot.

I nodded and sat down right away, putting down my bag on the side.

Then I looked up at her and continued my act of obliviousness, “What attention?”

Well, some were still looking at me, especially everyone from our class. Nonetheless, there’s no point minding that attention. That would just tire me out.

If they wanted to talk, they could just approach me like this girl did.

“I’m amazed at how well you’re handling this. And here I thought you were just a regular friendly guy before. Your head must be golden.”

Letting go of her troubled look, Wakaba laughed dryly as she took the space next to me. Kashiwagi then followed suit, smiling in amusement.

“I don’t know what you mean by having a golden head but isn’t this normal? I mean... I’m just going to exhaust myself if I react to everything.” I shrugged and gave that simple explanation.

Whatever’s going to happen now, looks like these two will be my temporary companions.

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