Stealing Spree

246 Before Meeting Them

Lunch ended and even though Nami wanted to go back with me to the classroom, I told her that it's better if we go in separately. There's still the rumors going around and though we're not doing anything to clear those off, confirming it like that will basically put us in the center of the rumors again.

As long as we don't confirm it, the only ones who have the idea of what our current relationship is are my girls and the members of their club.

Shizu-senpai already caught me with Satsuki once, it's not wrong to assume that there were others who also caught me with other girls but they're keeping it to themselves.

Well, I'm not doing anything excessive these days except my constant habit of sending Satsuki and Aya to their clubs as well as escorting Kana and Rae to the bus station. Other than that, I'm keeping it in my pants, only when I'm certain that there are no other eyes besides us will I be intimate with them.

After the lunch break, once again, the classes passed and ended normally. Of course, the comedic routines of some groups sometimes enlivened the class.

When the bell for the 7th period rang, Aya and Satsuki went to their clubs by themselves this time. It's not that I asked them to but they chose to give me the time to also look for my other girls to tell them what I told them earlier.

Well, there's only Kana, Rae and Himeko. Haruko already knew about it and she already asked the others to update her about what will happen.

So before the others go to their clubs, I went out to see Rae in Class 4's classroom. She told me that she's always among the first to leave so I didn't wait that long.

With her glasses-adorned face looking around as soon as she left their room, she instantly saw me standing from where I told her through the Messenger. It's near that empty room that we always use.

After excusing herself to her friends, she unsuspectingly walked in my direction and passed by me.

Only when she entered did I follow her inside.

"I see. I will also tell Ishida-senpai that you will not be able to come to the club."

Rae nodded after I told her the purpose of meeting her this time.

"It's fine, I'll also look for her after this. I just wanted to tell it to you in person also I have a favor to ask you."

"You know, I don't really mind it if you tell me about this in Messenger."

"Well, I also want to see my Rae. Expect my face everyday from now on."

I'm really hopeless at this point, I'm making it hard for me on purpose. Since they're near, I don't want to miss a day of seeing them. If it's possible I also want to see the others but most of the time, we could only see each other through video calls.

Rae blushed upon my words and she stepped forward and pulled me in her embrace.

"This guy. Then I'll also expect kisses from you."

"Of course."

We're in a private place so there's no point holding back. Taking her lips into a kiss, she accepted it happily.

After our lips separated, Rae traced her lips with her thumb as if reliving our kiss. After a while, she made it wet with her tongue once more. She looked really seductive by doing that.

"Uhm. I think I'm already addicted to your kiss. About the favor, what is it?"

Addicted, huh? I'm more addicted than them. I always savored my kisses with them after all.

"Right. Please look out for Kana, Rae. Even though I'm quite certain that that guy won't do anything rash. However, now that I will leave early, knowing you're together will put me at ease."

Though he didn't really admit to it, that guy was really scared of me. And after what I did to his shoulder yesterday, that fear heightened. But it's always hard to get a complete read of someone, it's better to be sure than regret it later.

"If it's only that then you don't have to worry. We're already close ever since I also got entangled with you."

"Alright. Thank you, Rae."

"Un. Kiss me instead of a thank you."

"You're really addicted, eh? I will always kiss you whenever we have the chance."

"Un. I will always look forward to that."

Rae replied with another seductive smile on her lips. Afterward, she pulled my head down once again and locked ourselves in another passionate kiss. Continuing it until she's satisfied.



After talking to Rae, my feet led me just outside the School Building to wait for Kana and Himeko. I already messaged them and confirmed that they're still in their classrooms so I told them that I want to see them and I am waiting somewhere outside.

However, before Kana and Himeko arrived, I was noticed by someone else.

"Huh? Onoda-kun? Who are you waiting for?"

With a playful smile on her face, Arisa-senpai called out to me. Surprisingly, Izumi-senpai isn't with her. And what happened to us, for her to approach me like this. I guess she already put that at the back of her mind.

"Some seniors I need to talk to. What about you, senpai? You're not with Izumi-senpai this time?"

"Izumi is... well, you know her. She's waiting for Kazuo-kun. I saw you from a distance so I thought of saying hi."

Ah. Right. I guess, she'll be the one who will have a higher chance of taking his attention. I will be stealing all of Hina's affection for him after all. It's only a matter of time and Hina will stop trying to get us both for herself.

"Is it really that? Could it be that? Did you miss me, senpai?"

I asked teasingly.

Upon hearing my words, Arisa-senpai instantly took a step back and covered her face with her arms before answering.

"Ugh. There you go again. I told you to stop that. Anyway, I'm going back, I told you I only want to say hi. Whoever it is you're waiting for, remember what I told you this Monday."

Afterwards, she turned around and started walking back to where she came from.

Seeing that reaction from her... There's no doubt. She's running away from answering my question... And that means it's a yes...

Before I could even reply to her, she's already so far away that I needed to shout for her to hear me so I refrained from doing that.

In any case, I really should make up my mind whether I like Arisa-senpai or not. But considering I kept on thinking about her... I guess I'm experiencing the normal 'like' that most feel towards someone. But this one isn't influenced by my desire. It's really... normal?

I thought she would start ignoring me after that lecture but nothing changed or rather we've grown closer than before. That running away from my question proved that. Also, for her to go out of her way to greet me... should I just take that as her being friendly?

We didn't really have that much interaction except that time so there are no grounds to assume anything. Well, I'll be seeing her soon anyway. Let's confirm when that time comes.

After that little episode with Arisa-senpai, Himeko arrived. After telling her about why I wanted to meet her here and where I will go, Himeko nodded in understanding and cheered me on instead.

Kana also did the same and told me not to worry too much about her. Telling me how she's older than me again and she could protect herself if something happens.

"You will be the one to decide when the talk with that guy will be so... Before then, I want to make sure that he won't do anything to you."

This is just me being too worried over nothing again but I guess, it's already in my nature even before the change. Just that, I only started to clearly see what I am doing.

"Un. Then what about this? To keep your mind at ease, I will always be with Rumi during class and with Rae during club hours."

Kana, with her still shy demeanor since we're outside, grabbed my hand and squeezed it as a way for her to assure me.

"That's good enough. Sorry for being this worrywart, Kana."

"What are you saying? I love this. Feeling how much you truly care for me... I'm really thankful that you appeared before me that day, Ruki. I'm not regretting any of my decisions."

Kana smiled and tiptoed to give me a kiss. Seeing how cutely she did that, expelled the excess worries that were building up on me.

Haa. My eyes had just opened to something I was neglecting. I shouldn't forget to trust and rely on them too. I kept pushing my thoughts towards them which they naturally accepted but I also kept brushing off some of their words to make way for that. I should stop doing that. I have to start listening to them.

My arms naturally circled around her and I lowered my knees to not burden her from prolonged tiptoeing.

"I'm also thankful that whenever I'm with you, I'm realizing some things I kept neglecting."

"Uhm. I'm happy to hear that. It's like we're growing together."

Kana nodded and an enchanting smile blossomed on her face.

"We certainly are. Well then, I have to look for Ishida-senpai next to tell her that I will not be able to attend the club."

"Before coming here, she's still in our classroom. You can see her there."

"I see. Thank you, Kana. Careful on the steps, alright?"

Upon hearing my reminder, Kana pouted her lips.

"Mou... I'm not a child anymore, Ruki."

"I know. I'm just reminding my cute Kana. And you're a fine woman now so... you'll never be a child again."

And through those words, her pout disappeared which was replaced by a somewhat sexy smile as her face turned beet red. Whatever it was that passed by her mind, it's surely something naughty.

"Uh. You're still a tease. I'll be going then. See you, Ruki"

"Alright, See you."

Kana turned around with illusory steam coming out of her head as she walked wobbly towards the Club Building. For sure, I had an amused expression as I watched her back until she left my sight. That girl is always that cute.

Well then. Last stop before meeting those girls...

I don't know but I might be a little nervous at meeting them all at once or is this excitement? Well, I've already conquered them before and most of them surely still had my previous personality in their mind despite reconnecting to them on Messenger. Let's see what will happen later.

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