Stealing The Heavens

Chapter 884: Amazing change (fourth more)

The eighty-eighth chapter is a shocking change (fourth more)

The Terran, the Terran of the Pangu Continent, is the most important in life and death. They believe in the principle of reincarnation, and it is the gift of heaven and earth that is made by one person, and it is the creation of nature. They thrived in the Pangu continent, but in the end they all belonged to the dust.

Everything from man comes from nature. When the end of life is over, it is natural to give back everything to nature. Therefore, the Daxie, including the Emperor and the Emperor, died directly after the death of the earth, and there was no gold jade and tall tomb. Even the body of the emperor will be mixed with the soil of the Pangu Continent. Therefore, the Dazu people’s most important ancestors’ spiritual sacrifices, but there is no custom of sweeping the tomb.

Among all the Dalai people, those who are deep-rooted generals and priests are qualified to acquire certain heaven and earth spirits to extend their lives. However, the number of heaven and earth spirits is limited and has a limited effect. At most, like the Emperor Zunhuang, he is supported by the power of a country. Other princes or others, up to dozens of yuan through the drug life extension is the limit.

Whether it is the emperor, the prince or others, the life is exhausted, and there is no more medicine to continue, it will step into the natural cycle of reincarnation.

Only those high priests, if they are exhausted, if they want to, they will enter the secret hall of the secret hall and become a member of the secret temple. The secret hall will use the secret law to make them hibernate and save them almost without limit.

Over time, the secret hall did not know how many Yangshou nearly smashed Tongtian priests, and some even hundreds of generations of emperors before entering the hibernation state of worship. These Tongtian priests also have a life of thirty or fifty years, and the short ones have only three to five months of life. But no matter how long they have, once they recover from hibernation, they will be able to play the strength of the Tongtian priest - enough to resist the power of Taiyi.

Even if you use some powerful curses, you may directly take time off their lives. But if a curse can hit an enemy, you will earn a lot of money. These offerings will not lose money.

The Terran Gongfa is the fastest, as long as the qualifications are appropriate, a Tongtian priest can only be cultivated in a hundred or two hundred years. Even if there is only thirty or fifty Tongtian priests who volunteered to enter the Tibetan temple to become a secret hall, since the establishment of the Great Hall, since the establishment of the secret hall, how many thousands of generations have been changed, how many in the secret hall The offering is hibernating, and it is feared that the first lord of the dynasty of the secret hall is unclear.

The worship of these hibernations is the ultimate strategic force of Daxie, a strategic force that deterred the heavens and the Buddhas and made them dare not do anything. Allowing you to rob the world or other kinds of disasters and catastrophe, Daxie will rely on this army to stand up and stand up.

Compared with the large number of secret temples in the Dagu, how powerful is the power on the bright side of the heavens and the Buddha's door?

Just like the heavenly court, the strength of one product is too big. However, there are six people in the Great Emperor and the Five Emperors and Five Emperors. The Buddha Gate is only the Buddha Lord Amitabha and the other three present Buddhas. The number of Tianting and Buddhism two products is not more than twenty. The total number of three products is only forty. The total number of other four products to seven products is also three or four hundred people. Eight products and nine products are too The number is slightly more, but with the merits of those who have forcibly entered the realm of Taiyi with the infinite merits of the red world, it probably will not be more than the population of a remote village.

But now, the secret hall of the secret hall is invaded, and the life of all the secret temples is in the hands of outsiders.

Yangshan Wang is not only in the cold sweat, they even have a faint oil and water under their skin, they are scared by the words of the only Buddha, almost not scared to death. There is no power in the secret hall of the hibernation. They are a bunch of dead people lying there, and a three-year-old child can kill them with a knife and cut their throats.

Now the Tibetan temple is not a three-year-old child with a knife, but the only Buddha of the founder of the Buddha.

The princes of the policing were standing there stiffly, and their heads were blank and completely chaotic. Xinshan Wang and his followers are crazy screaming in the sky, they have mastered the most important thing, and now they have occupied an absolute strategic advantage.

Nearly a thousand black-painted Tongtian Towers slowly appeared alongside Xinshan Wang and others. On the spire of each Tongtian Tower stood a Tongtian priest who radiated a rich and ghostly atmosphere. On the tower of the Tongtian Tower, it was full of priests and priests dressed in black robes. These towers have all shown their original size. The towers of the towers are suspended like a hill in the air. Nearly a thousand towers are put together, and a strong sense of pressure hits them. They give Yangshan Wang almost shattered. The mind is again pressured by heavy pressure.

Staring at the tower of the Tiantian Tower closest to Xinshan Wang, the pair of long-browed three-footed old man, Yangshan Wang shouted: "There is no nest, you... Si Tiandian Da Si Tianhe What is the right and left?"

The old man grinned, and the black chill that was visible to the naked eye continued to spurt out of his mouth. He whispered: "They, they are dead. Don't ask me how they died. In short, they are dead." I laughed, and the nest was not full of enthusiasm and pointed at the towers and the priests laughing. Dao: "There are many disputes over the past few days. The Prince and you are competing for the throne. Our Heavenly Temple is neutral. All the priests are ordered to stay in the Sitian Temple and not allowed to go out. Hey, all the priests are ordered to stay in the Sitian Temple and not to go out. ”

Taking a deep breath, there is a nest that does not blink and says: "So, a special secret medicine, all who are not from the Prince!"

Yangshan Wang heart mouth pain, blood constantly emerged from his mouth, he almost died in the past, but while spurting blood, pointing to the nest, not screaming: "How can you be worthy of your family's ancestor, the emperor, has a nest You, you, heaven, Sitian Temple, they, they..."

If there is a nest that looks at Yangshan Wang without any trouble, he said faintly: "There are nests? The poor world is reincarnation, and it has already been cut off by red dust. Although it is also one of human beings before the impoverished world, there is a nest of poor ancestors. But nowadays, barrenness is one of the future Buddhas of Buddhism, and there are many kinds of nests, which are not related to poverty."

Yangshan Wang closed his mouth, and he pointed at the nest, and the blood of the mouth continued to flow from the chest, but he forced to swallow all the blood, and the blood squirted along his nostrils. Come out, a little bit of blood stained his upper body, looks very embarrassing.

Don't look at it, he snorted, and Princess Lele walked quickly to the side of Yangshan Wang. He pressed the heart of the Queen of Yangshan and poured the rich green wood into the body of Yangshan. He also fed him. In recent years, Jiang Yun’s ancestors refining the 'robbery Dan' in accordance with the Dan Fangzi on the Yuanling old man’s book.

The main material used in the robbery is the juice of various congenital gods in the spiritual environment of Yuanling. The entrance of the medicinal herb is turned into a clear spiritual liquid, which turns the blood of Yangshanwang into a clear and fragrant air. Turning all over the body, all the injuries in the Yangshan King's body were instantly healed, and even his life's essence was greatly improved.

Don't sneak a sigh, look at the cold and cold and say: "So arrogant, so proud, isn't it the only Buddha who occupied the Tibetan temple?"

Xinshan Wang laughed happily: "It is the only Buddha that has occupied the Tibetan temple. Not only that, but is it that many of the old secrets of the secret temple have been killed? Hey, Donghai Wang, you still take up the big battle. Nowadays The advantage is in my hands, and it’s useless to fight and die."

The voice of Xinshan Wang has not fallen, and I don’t want to point it out. The head of the nest’s head is smashed, and the horrible force will have a nest and his Tongtian Tower will be smashed. One of the future Buddhas of Buddhism, Wuchao, had just been proud of it, and it was not so long.

Xinshan Wang was so scared that he slammed his mouth and almost didn't bite his tongue.

Don't look coldly at the letter of King Shanshan and screamed: "The only Buddha, come, we compare, you kill those who are worshipping in the Tibetan temple, I am here to kill your running dog. In front of these priests, many of you are reincarnation of your Buddha's door. Big guys? See if you first kill those offerings, or do I kill those of you with the same door vulture!"

Many of the princes of the government were scared by the hand of the 乞 嗷嗷 嗷嗷 , , , , , 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳 阳You can't do it, you can't do it... You, you, you can't be impulsive!"

Do not swear by the height of the body, Yangshan Wang they are ants-sized worms in front of the beggars, they can only hold the legs of the donkeys, and do not lick their mouths. Don't be cold and shouted: "I don't care so much. You can only change one life for the princes. You have killed the Xinshan King and the scourge of this group of vultures. Xiao Wang will kill the only Buddha."

They waited for Yangshan Wang to open their mouths, not to lick their hands, and to create dozens of extremely fine light rays. They tied them up firmly, and tied them up like a donkey. They couldn’t even say anything. It is.

Don't scream and shout: "The only Buddha, come, come, come, kill and worship, I kill the monk, see who we kill, the skill is new, who kills the endless trouble? Your family is not a grandfather Ronghua Fuguisheng does not bring death without taking it, haha, even if he is chased and killed by the big man in the future, Laozi can’t dare to wipe his neck, and after 18 years, he is a hero!”

Take a deep breath, don't scream and say: "But you, the only Buddha, if you look at Laozi to kill so many reincarnated vultures, how many people are you going to offend at Buddhism? Hey, Laozi is only a few hundred years old. Yangshou, for your endless life, Laozi is not losing!"

In the laughter, don't wave a big hand, but also a betrayed Sitian Temple, the priest who betrayed the big scorpion was beaten by the palm of his hand.

The roar of the only Buddha rises to the sky: "Maniac, stop! There is something to say..."

If you are afraid of sorrow, you are afraid of not being killed. Don’t be jealous now. The only Buddha is a sinister Buddha. He is not a mad Buddha. How can he dare to go out and fight hard?

Don't sneer and sneer: "In a word, the one in the Tibetan temple is dead, I will kill everyone here!"

The only Buddha shouted: "Several old people in the secret temple have been killed by the impoverished, they can't live!"

Don't sigh: "If you are dead, you can't kill it now. Let's talk about it and see how this scene is cleaned up today!"

The princes of Yangshan, who were banned from being shackled, took a deep breath, and they looked a little more relaxed.

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