The broken sword trembled on the ground, feeling the emptiness of returning to the state before liberation overnight, and suddenly felt that the sword life was boring.

Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 384 Say my name, and you will be shocked! (Update 2)

"Huh? It has been condensed to this point?"

Standing in the altar, under the gaze of Luo Wusheng and Ling Shuangxue, the figure condensed by the black fog, whose face could not be seen clearly, seemed a little surprised.

A voice that could not be distinguished between men and women, but seemed a little childish, came from the black fog.

On the opposite side, the two people watching this scene looked at each other and realized the same doubts.

Is this the change of this trial ground after gathering all the conditions?

A sword ghost appeared...?

Although it is not as twisted and hideous as the sword ghost in the ordinary sense, its characteristics and strange aura clearly show that it is a sword ghost.

The strength is probably at the level of the initial entry into the Nascent Soul.

(Is it because the formation of this thing is related to the energy in the Broken Sword of the Sword Emperor?)

The power that the Sword Emperor Broken Sword can mimic now is about the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. Considering that the root has not been touched, the energy that has just escaped is indeed about the level of the initial Nascent Soul.

Luo Wusheng felt that this intensity was within his ability to deal with.

And it was obvious that the strange Sword Ghost in front of him had intelligence and could even speak human language... Well, he was not surprised at all.

In the world of cultivation, there are so many special beings, and speaking is just basic training.

Holding his wife's hand, Luo Wusheng, who was ready to exit the secret realm at any time if something happened, did not rush to speak, but carefully observed the movements of the petite Sword Ghost.

However, he saw that the Sword Ghost's head turned to the Broken Sword of the Sword Emperor that it had thrown on the ground.

"Don't make a fuss, I will use some [Sword Principle], and the rest will naturally be returned to you... If you make a fuss again, don't even think about getting a penny back."

The voice in the black fog fell, and Luo Wusheng immediately felt that the world was quiet.

All the cries of the Broken Sword were withdrawn, and only a hidden message came through the connection.

Luo Wusheng translated it: Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west, don't bully the Broken Sword!

Then the connection was completely silent.

The body is very honest.

While complaining in his heart, Luo Wusheng shuddered, feeling like he was being spied on.

Looking up, as expected, the strange sword ghost's head moved towards him.

"Emperor of Heaven... No, the root cause is different, but the cause and effect that makes me headache is exactly the same, and it makes people feel that he will not live for many years..."

"Huh! There is neither a sword heart nor a sword body? How did such a talent that is not up to the standard enter this place and be selected? Even the sword intent that has been nurtured by [Sword Principle] is only a great success... Hmm? There is another one?"

The petite sword ghost seemed to have discovered something interesting.

Luo Wusheng's mouth twitched.

This was the first time that the talent of the Holy Son of the Demon Sect was evaluated as "not up to par" since he grew up.

But the other party's words also made his eyes more solemn.

At this time, the strange sword ghost seemed to be approaching him because of the interesting discovery.

Then he was blocked by a cold sword.

"... Who are you?"

Facing this existence that was unknown whether it was an enemy or a friend, Ling Shuangxue's face was as cold as frost, and her spiritual power surged, and her posture as the seat of the Frost Snow Peak returned to her.

Although the sword heart has been completely reshaped, this Frost Snow Fairy will only show a different side in front of her own disciples and Taoist companions.

The black mist figure shook.

"Is this... asking who I am?"

The petite shadow paused its movement, as if it was lost in thought.

After a short pause, the strange sword ghost raised its chin in a rather arrogant manner: "Say my name..."

"Scare you!"

Luo Wusheng, who subconsciously took over the line, felt a vague gaze looking at him, and then felt the faint gaze of his wife, so he smiled awkwardly and shrank back.

The petite sword ghost didn't seem to care about this detail, but just whispered to himself: "Scare you... Yeah, not bad."

After mumbling to himself, he nodded in the direction of Luo Wusheng.

The Demon Sect Saint felt strangely from this action that the other party appreciated.

Then the next words of the sword ghost were heard.

"My name... Later generations often call me the Sword Emperor, but when the Heavenly Court still existed, my official name was the Eastern Xuantian Zhenxie Pojunwu Sword Emperor."

Some childish voices echoed in the trial ground.


Sword Emperor?

Luo Wusheng was really scared.

The first thought that flashed through his mind was that the other party was bluffing him.

To be honest, he did consider that possibility at first, but no matter how he looked at the image of the man in front of him, he didn't match any of the rumored versions of the Sword Emperor.

Especially the other party's attitude towards the Broken Sword was really a bit unflattering... Would a generation of Sword Emperor treat himself, even if it was his sword, like this?

It's really possible.

The Demon Sect Saint thought of the education he had complained about the Sword Emperor's family more than once in his heart.

Then he heard the voice of his wife in his heart.

[What do you think? ]

Luo Wusheng glanced at the petite Sword Ghost who seemed a little embarrassed because no one responded, and then looked at the Sword Emperor Broken Sword who was lying on the side but refused to return to the city. He hesitated for a moment and responded through the connection of the Sword Embryo.

[My broken sword from the Sword Emperor is currently throwing a tantrum and refusing to communicate, so I can't make an accurate judgment... But this place is the Sword Emperor's secret realm after all. It seems that no one has entered or exited except us, even if he is not The Sword Emperor should also be somewhat related to the Sword Emperor, so we can treat him as the Sword Emperor for now...]

"That's enough. My current state won't last long anyway."

The sudden intrusion of the voice made the air on the field freeze.

Luo Wusheng and Ling Shuangxue looked stiffly at the petite sword ghost who called himself the Sword Emperor.

As if he understood their meaning, the voice continued to come from the black mist: "I can hear your conversation... Although this technique has been modified many times, it is ultimately made of swordsmanship, and there are also things I created in it. It is not difficult for me to do this with the shadow of "Sword Scripture"."

"The grade is a bit low, but it does have some merits. It combines some miscellaneous knowledge that I have never been exposed to. Now I can only intercept some of the contents... interesting."

After seeing something interesting again, the petite sword ghost stopped talking. His face could not be seen clearly, but his eyes seemed to fall on Luo Wusheng.


After smacking his lips as if in disgust, his voice continued: "Well, although the qualifications are a bit inferior, they are still a bit special, but the cause and effect is annoying... The cause and effect with the sword ancestor's successor is quite deep, maybe this will That’s why I chose you.”

"Although it is a waste of natural resources, there is no other way. I will give you my sword... Huh?"

The sword ghost who calls himself the Sword Emperor seems to have discovered something more interesting.

His head turned towards Ling Shuangxue.

"...Are you the master of the sword ancestor?"


Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 385 You were beaten by Sword Ancestor

Luo Wusheng is now about 70% sure that the small sword ghost in front of him is probably the legendary sword emperor.

No matter how bad it is, it is still an existence that is deeply related to the Sword Emperor.

At this moment, a mysterious scene was playing out before his eyes.

The water in the pool that was originally directly above the altar hung down from the edge as if being pulled, and then gathered in mid-air above the stone sculpture in the center of the altar to form a water ball the size of a person.

The petite sword ghost made of black mist is in front of the stone sculpture.

The black mist on his body seemed to be under control, and strands of it followed strange paths, extending from the ground to the outside of the altar in all directions.

The black stone swords outside the altar trembled and buzzed, connected by the black mist like a line.

(Sure enough, the placement of these black swords is indeed a large formation... and it also has a feeling similar to the Thirty-Six Swords Array...)

Looking at the mysterious black mist formation, Luo Wusheng was thoughtful.

His eyes moved to the water ball in mid-air.

An indescribable aura emerged from the formations on the ground, entwining around the water polo that should have been clear and transparent, making it impossible to see clearly what was inside, and could only vaguely see a looming and graceful figure.

【how do you feel? Is there anything unusual? 】

[Nothing abnormal... Just like what he said, my sword body is indeed changing. The special energy accumulated in the acquired sword body has changed in essence. If this continues, the sword body may indeed reach a new realm. In addition, the swordsmanship that I once thought was obscure and difficult to understand seems to be gradually becoming clearer with the blessing of inexplicable power...]

Luo Wusheng raised his eyebrows after receiving the words from his wife through the sword-tai contact, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

The figure in the water polo is naturally Ling Shuangxue.

And the cause of all this could only be that special sword ghost who calls himself the Sword Emperor.

"Well, in addition to my shaking light sword body, this inheritance also includes my sword enlightenment... Of course, it is limited to the realm level and it is impossible to hand it over directly, so it is used as an auxiliary."

"When the realm is sufficient, its effectiveness will gradually be unlocked."

"I have seen some of the inheritance set up by Sword Ancestor, and she is not as good as me in this aspect."

The petite Sword Demon raised his head slightly and said arrogantly: "My inheritance cannot be weaker than that of the Sword Ancestor."

With the majestic background at this time as a backdrop, he seemed to have a bit of the power of a great emperor.

But Luo Wusheng looked at him with a rather strange look.

The performance of the person in front of me just now was too obvious...

(According to his performance at that time, he should have been prepared to reluctantly give me the position in the water polo. The reason was that I had inherited the Broken Sword and the secret realm here, but after discovering something that even my wife Shuangxue didn’t know about, After gaining special status, he changed his mind...)

Although the face of this sword demon could not be seen clearly under the black mist, the feeling of satisfaction that "the person I entrusted with the inheritance is the master who is the descendant of that guy from Sword Ancestor" almost overflowed the screen.

From this, the possibility that the guy opposite is the Sword Emperor is even greater.

Luo Wusheng thought of the cause and effect that would follow after he obtained the Broken Sword, which would convince the sword ancestors.

If the opponent is really the Sword Emperor who left behind the cause and effect after defeating the Sword Ancestor with one sword, in a sense, this calculating style is really not surprising...

He frowned and fell into thought.

Through Jian Tai's connection, he could clearly feel that his wife was still in a daze.

I don’t know what method was used to confirm that Ling Shuangxue was the master of the descendant of the Sword Ancestor. After a brief comparison and consideration, the sword ghost directly said, "Sure enough, I decided to give it to you", and then triggered the current scene.

As the central figure, the Frost Fairy did not react at all.

She was still stunned by the six words "master of the descendant of the Sword Ancestor".

And now, blocked by the mysterious water ball, Luo Wusheng wanted to communicate with her only through the telepathic function of the sword embryo, but the information would be intercepted by a sword ghost...

Without fully understanding what the petite sword ghost was, the communication between the two was a little restrained, and they had not yet started the topic in this regard.

Luo Wusheng was still thinking, but he heard a voice in front of him.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Are you regretting that you can't get my complete inheritance?"

After completing the current vision of the trial land, the black mist on the petite sword ghost seemed to be much thinner, but it still maintained its existence, and its head with an unclear face was facing Luo Wusheng.

Hearing this, the Demon Sect Saint grinned and replied unhappily: "What a pity? What's the use of that kind of thing with my talent that is not up to par?"

"Huh? You are quite self-aware?"

The straightforward answer from the other side made Luo Wusheng's face twitch.

How can I say it? If the person in front of him is really the Sword Emperor, he, Luo, really wants to travel back in time and let the Sword Ancestor beat him harder.

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