After settling everything, Luo Wusheng brought the first batch of goods from his Magic Weapon Pavilion to the Immortal Kingdom and arrived at the six-door door.

"Speaking of which, Jin Zhang seems to be presiding over there in the east of the city. It shouldn't be Qilin's turn..."

Luo Wusheng's self-talk suddenly stopped.

Someone happened to step out of the void and appeared in front of him.


A familiar cold voice sounded, followed by a brief pause:

"...You want to see me for something?"

The eyes under Miss Qilin's mask looked at the boy opposite without any disturbance.

After more than a day of reflection, she very professionally covered up the traces of something unnatural about herself.

As long as no one notices the occasional wandering gaze that moves downward.

Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 393 Did I hack myself? (3000)

As the mortal body of the empress, Miss Qilin had actually already received the news about the return of the Holy Son of the Demon Sect who had been missing for a day.

To be honest, she was a little concerned about what this young man did.

Most of the information about demon chaos in my fairyland comes from the other party, but at this juncture, this person suddenly disappeared for a whole day, and disappeared as soon as he left the royal city yesterday, and did not return until today...

(It’s so mysterious, and at this time, could it be that he made a special trip to make new preparations for the following demon chaos? Is it related to the demon clan’s demon concubine?)

This guess was reasonable to her.

After all, everyone who knew about the demonic chaos was more worried than the last, fearing that this wave of chaos in the royal city would be bigger than imagined... Undoubtedly, this demonic chaos suddenly became the top priority in the eyes of these people.

Unfortunately, she must have never imagined that a certain Holy Son of the Demon Sect had not had much concern about the so-called monster chaos from the beginning. When he occasionally thought about it, he was just thinking about how to make his death more standard.

At this time, Luo Wusheng, who was almost breathless, cast a slightly resentful look at the girl opposite.

"...Master Qilin, if possible, could you not teleport directly in front of me next time?"

Could it be that, Your Majesty, you want to change your profession to become an assassin?

There was no movement at all during this teleportation, and even the changes in the power of heaven and earth were so slight that they were almost imperceptible... Was Miss Qilin's teleportation technique so exquisite in the past?

"I'll pay attention next time."

Miss Qilin looked away unnaturally, but her voice remained calm.

Even though it is commonplace for Liumen Jinzhang to teleport back and forth when she is alone, as a mortal, she should not have shown this level of teleportation skills. This is not in line with the rules she has set for herself. lower capability range.

However, the problem is that she had felt the aura of the Holy Son of Demon Sect in front of her before inside, wandering outside the six doors... She was very concerned about whether the other party did something during the day when he disappeared, but because of his identity, As well as the incident that happened the day before yesterday, she didn't take the initiative to find the other party. She was entangled in various things, and finally controlled her mentality and chose to come out directly to ask the other party's purpose...

In the end, her heart was still confused, and she couldn't help it anymore and teleported to the other party.

In response, the young man sighed.

"Forget it, I am indeed here for something this time."

Luo Wusheng looked at the girl in front of him, and recalled that he had not been happy with her last time...well, in a sense, it should be considered a pleasant separation.

The most unpleasant thing should be the Taoist incarnation at the end of the last meeting?

I really don’t know how the mental state of these three incarnations of Miss Empress is maintained.

He complained in his mind, but his eyes flickered.

(If there is not enough external force, this incarnation will dissipate in this demonic chaos incident that I think is stable...)

Although this is not a true death in a certain sense due to the special nature of one Qi transforming into three pure beings, it does make people feel a bit sad when thinking about it...especially from the perspective of myself who was also given a destined death by the original work.

Not knowing what he thought of, Luo Wusheng shook his head: "But this is not the place to talk, so let's find another place."


At first, Miss Qilin thought that the young man's change of place meant that he wanted to enter six doors to talk.

After all, there is a specially prepared meeting place inside the six doors.

But the young man opposite rejected this proposal and chose another location.

East of the city.

Passing through the already somewhat thin formation light curtain, two figures stepped into the realm within the light curtain.

"Well... with the arena outside, if I open this formation light curtain and reopen my Wangxian Tower Inn, it may not take an hour to be full."

Luo Wusheng spoke to the woman beside him casually and easily.

Miss Qilin's eyes swept over the scene within the formation: "Are you still concerned about the business of an inn?"

"Why don't you care? After all, it's a place that I paid a price for...and since that incident, my inn hasn't been open for several days, and the guys in the inn are still pointing to this business to make ends meet. ”

Saying this to relax the atmosphere between the two of them, Luo Wusheng once again opened the inn in front of him that he bought at a "huge price".

The formations belonging to the six doors outside Wangxian Tower Inn have now lost their energy supply. Even if he is not responsible for untying them, the light curtain will disappear automatically in a few days.

But the formations inside the building are different... They are all kinds of anti-spying formations professionally imposed by the owner of Tianji Building. As soon as you enter the inn, the atmosphere will be chaotic. Even if the incarnation comes, don't even think about knowing anything about what's going on inside.

There is a saying that these twenty [only] Xingyue Jade in this world are worth it in this sense.

Regardless of the bad character of a certain white-haired lolita, Luo Wusheng really liked doing this kind of business.

"But then again, although I heard that the competition place was built on the east side of the city, I just learned that it is so close to here. The deserted place here is quite contrasting with the bustle of the outside world... "

Luo Wusheng recalled what he had just seen outside.

As a place to attract attention, the external arena is indeed well built, with all functions complete, and the decoration is quite grand, leaving a large area for viewing.

The shops and vendors on the street outside are all happy... Such good opportunities to make money have come one after another in the past month, and there is even a formal competition for the Immortal Ranking.

I’m making a lot of money this time, and I’ll probably make enough money in the next year.

Unfortunately, compared to the excitement, the so-called monks' competition on the stage seemed quite boring.

Although it is a battle for foundation building and a warm-up for the competition for the Human Immortal Ranking, it is quite restrictive compared to the competition for the Human Immortal Ranking...

It's forbidden to fly, and it's forbidden to use magical weapons, and not one of the monks who can really be regarded as the seed players in this Immortal Ranking has taken any action.

Most of the people who took the stage were monks who had no hope of shining in the competition for the Human Immortal Ranking, as well as Zhu Ji who did not meet the conditions for participating in the Human Immortal Ranking Competition... in order to find a suitable place for them to make a name for themselves.

Luo Wusheng even saw an elderly Zhuji, who was estimated to be eighty years old, come on stage to fight against a young man, but was knocked down by the young man who had no martial arts ethics with just a few moves.

(No wonder Xiao Yuli and Xiao Yaonv, the two favorites to win the championship, are not interested...)

However, it is indeed enough to attract attention as a gimmick. Even though the Holy Son of the Demon Sect, who has a high vision, feels that compared with the battle between Qi Refining monks he watched in the martial arts trial stage before, except for the extra special effects, there is not much difference in other aspects.

Stepping into the Wangxian Tower Inn, Luo Wusheng didn't hear the response from the girl next to him.

But he didn't care either.

He knew that Miss Qilin wanted to maintain the cold persona shown on the outside, but he was a little curious about what the girl was thinking in her heart.

As he led the other person all the way upstairs, his words continued.

"In this way, that... He was the one who was beaten..."

Luo Wusheng said as he walked: "I heard that the arena this time was also built by a Nascent Soul from the Immortal Kingdom. Should it be him? Tsk tsk, even if the Nascent Soul were to do it, it would still take a lot of time to build it using the Sky Rock. Kung Fu, especially this process is extremely labor-intensive. It seems that although he looks like that on the outside, he is actually a diligent person..."

"I did it."


Luo Wusheng was interrupted by a cold voice. Before he could say the words "honest man", Luo Wusheng almost stepped down the stairs.

"I said, I did it, that's where the competition took place."

Miss Qilin repeated in a calm tone.

This time Luo Wusheng confirmed that he had no more auditory hallucinations and looked at the girl next to him with strange eyes.

For the Holy Son of the Demon Sect, who is a fan of strange stones, he naturally also has Tianpan Stone... This is a strange stone known for its hardness. Some are often added as auxiliary materials in the production of many magical instruments, but when making Wuxiang, Luo Wu The concept of being born with a vague form did not include the dozen or so high-end materials he had.

But he also knew very well that using the Sky Rock was an extremely torturous process.

What's more, to build such a small arena?

My dear Majesty, are you M?

Good to die, Miss Qilin beside me seemed to have thought of something wrong at this time, so she added:

"This is a mission given to me by His Majesty."


I always feel that it is better not to say this sentence.

That's all. As long as your Majesty is happy.

Miss Qilin on the other side also felt that the air became more difficult to read due to her answer, but she couldn't figure out the reason for the moment.

She felt that there should be no problem with her answer...

(Wait a minute, I forgot that in his eyes, I am the emperor's biological sister...)

Then what he said just now, didn't he lead the evil empress sister to order the torture of her subordinate sister who was hiding her identity?

Did you accidentally hack yourself?

Miss Qilin felt that she had guessed the truth behind the change in the atmosphere, but the words she had said could not be undone.

And having said that, a large part of the reason why she would do that kind of torturing herself was because of the young man beside her.

Ever since the illiterate girl grew up, various methods of diverting attention in the past two days have been a little insufficient. As soon as I close my eyes, I seem to be able to see the scene I saw in the Emperor's Pond again...

And when they thought of themselves and someone entangled in that picture, the minds of the three incarnations immediately became confused.

So find something to divert your attention and distract your mind to the point where you can forget about it.

Emperor Shen rarely devoted himself to his work, crazily reviewing documents, and trying his best to solve the problem of the demon clan and demon formation.

The Taoist body closed itself off to cultivate the mind, and vaguely understood the essence of the supreme forgetfulness.

As for her mortal body, she just did it a little more extreme... and the effect was better. Even if someone was right next to her, she could try her best to maintain her personality and not let her mind wander.

Her state of mind has improved a step further.

Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 394 Is my image so broken? (Update 2)

"So, what do you want to discuss here?"

The previous episode was over, but the atmosphere was still a little awkward, so Miss Qilin spoke first.

Now the two of them have entered the room of Wangxianlou Inn and sat at a table.

It's just that Miss Qilin is a little uncomfortable.

There's nothing wrong with this room. The decoration is grand and noble, and you can faintly smell the sandalwood. It's not disturbed by anything. It's a qualified place for discussion... The only problem is that this is the place where her emperor body talked with the boy in front of her.

Now sitting in this position as a mortal body, there is always a weird sense of déjà vu.

Luo Wusheng, who had somehow opened the room, also had the same feeling, but since he had already entered, he quickly calmed down his thoughts after recalling his plan.

After a pause, he first took out a storage bag from his waist and handed it to the other side.

"First of all, this matter."

Watching the girl opposite take the storage bag in her hand, he straightened his face and said, "This is a special magic weapon that His Majesty had previously commissioned my Magic Weapon Pavilion to make. The corresponding instructions have been written down and classified in the corresponding places... The day before yesterday in the Imperial Palace, His Majesty said that these should be handed over to the Six Gates to deal with."

After hearing this, Miss Qilin nodded after reading the things in the storage bag in her hand.

"Well, His Majesty did explain this matter."

This is a lie.

Originally, the emperor did remember this matter, but the impact of the events that happened later was indeed a bit too great, and then he had to order the arrangement of the plan to deal with the demon array, so he really couldn't remember to explain this matter.

Fortunately, the Demon Sect Saint on the opposite side directly handed this matter to his mortal body.

However, in the eyes of the other party, there should be no need to find me specifically for this matter, let alone come here. The same is true for the communication in the Six Gates...

Miss Qilin's performance was relatively calm. Although the emperor had forgotten about this matter before, she had recalled this not-so-small matter when she followed the boy here, so she was not surprised.

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