On the other hand, when I stayed in the Tianji Building, I accidentally got angry with my master, annoyed the sixth elder, and made my junior brother cry. I had to endure hardships all the way, and I was not even allowed to take any of my savings with me.

Therefore, it is impossible to return to Tianji Tower...

Gao Shi coughed.

"Ahem, since Pavilion Master Luo has asked..."

The green light in his hand dissipated and he pointed at the two jade stones on the ground: "Xiaodao is a little ashamed. These two strange stones are of a very high level and seem to have been concealed by the secrets. With Xiaodao's current level of secrets, even if they are supplemented by The poster’s power of heaven remains here, and he can’t get much information.”

"Let's talk about it first." Luo Wusheng touched his chin.

"First of all, they are not formed naturally, but are made by great powers through mysterious means... We cannot be sure who the maker is, but we can confirm that they came from the ancient heaven."

Seeing Luo Wusheng nodding and saying nothing, the fake hexagram master continued to speak:

"Their original names have also been obscured by heaven, and Xiaodao cannot see through it. However, with the help of a lot of power of heaven, Xiaodao still sees some special messages..."

"These two pieces of jade are formed in pairs and are related to each other."

"According to Tianji's test, they should be made by the great master who made them according to the principles of heaven and earth and the rules of the great road, consuming the essence of the sun and the moon, using unknown materials... and even imitated the The two characteristics of Yun Yuan Essence are placed in it."

"It's a pity that Xiaodao didn't figure out how to use it."

After the words ended, the blue light wrapped around the two jade stones dissipated.

After chewing on these words, Luo Wusheng stretched out his hand, released his spiritual power, and took two pieces of jade into his hands.

He looked thoughtfully at the two strange stones that looked the same.

These two pieces were naturally the two pieces of jade of unknown origin that he had obtained from His Majesty in the Emperor's Pond when he entered the Imperial Palace.

(Miss Empress said they came from the Siming Palace of the ancient heaven. Now it seems that it is really not simple...)

Make a lot of money.

Don't know how to use it? This kind of thing doesn't matter at all.

After all, even if he knew it, he would still have to be willing to use it.

Judging from the current situation, these are truly the only two pieces of jade in this world...

Luo Wusheng squinted his eyes, holding the two pieces of jade with spiritual power in his hand, and then moved his eyes to the fake divination master in front of him who was summoned by him on a whim today.

Now it seems that Long Dahai was not wrong before, this person is really a talent.

"It's okay, thank you for your hard work... just go on vacation these days. After all, you will also need to participate in the competition for the Immortal Ranking."

"It's not hard work, but this trip is also very rewarding for Xiaodao. Pavilion Master Luo will definitely come to Xiaodao again if he has such jade in the future!"

Gao Shi clasped his fists and saluted with a smile on his face: "Then if there is nothing else, Xiaodao will first..."

Luo Wusheng understood the meaning and thought for a moment, but the dagger at his waist vibrated again.

Xiao Yuli has arrived?

I originally wanted to ask a few more questions about the fake divination master's opinion of the white-haired lolita owner in the Tianji Building, but thinking about the temperament of a certain white-haired lolita, I might not know the other person as well as I do, so I simply gave up.

After waving his hand and seeing that he was the only one left in the room, Luo Wusheng took two pieces of jade and sat on a chair by the wall.

Not in a hurry to put away the jade, intending to study it later, he placed it on the table beside him and took out the messenger dagger.

[I’m here, where can I find you? 】

Luo Wusheng raised his eyebrows.

I feel like there's something weird about Xiao Yuli.

[The fourth room on the left after turning the corner on the second floor... Speaking of which, it's right next to where you lived last time. You can just come in. 】

After replying to the letter, he looked away from the dagger.

Then, his eyes suddenly became dull.

The two pieces of jade that were originally placed on the table suddenly disappeared in front of him!

Luo Wusheng stood up suddenly, and the sound of opening the door sounded at the same time.

"I...eh? What is this?"

Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 403 The real protagonist is worthy of being the real protagonist

To be honest, at this moment standing in front of the door, Lu Yuli began to wonder what she wanted to do by appearing here at this moment.

At first she thought she had calmly figured out a plan.

But at this moment, in the realm of chaotic perception, there is only a certain guy in the room in front, and the little demon sister is still in the mansion...

Somewhere in Miss Jianxian's heart, there seemed to be some voice speaking, telling some bold ideas.

It wasn't until she stepped into the door and was about to say something out loud that she discovered that there was something extra in the eyes between herself and someone.

That is a strange piece of jade.

It is about the size of a fist, and at first glance it is as clear as the blue sky, but a second look reveals that there is a small piece of deep black condensation in the middle of the jade, with some tiny black spots floating around the condensation.

Lu Yuli had never seen a jade like this before, and could not name it, so she immediately expressed doubts and looked through the clear and transparent part of the jade at the Holy Son of the Demon Sect who stood up opposite.

As a result, I saw a piece of jade in the other party's hand.

That piece of jade is about the size of a fist, but the surface of the jade is light black... No, that's not the color of the jade itself, but the countless small black dots inside it close to the surface, covering almost every corner of the jade. At first glance, it looks like a piece of black jade.

But as long as you find a few black spots that are not completely connected, you can see that there is a clear and empty space inside.

The two jades look exactly the opposite.

(What a strange jade... but it is still pretty good.)

It is just not as good-looking as the only star-moon jade in the world that I got from someone.

No, no, I am not here for jade.

Although I don’t know what the guy in the house is up to, it is reasonable for him to have a bunch of jade that I don’t know given his reputation. After all, I don’t know these things.

So the little girl was not surprised by this.

Compared to these... Miss Jianxian took a breath lightly, moved forward one step, and entered the house completely.

Then, she was about to close the door with her spiritual power, but she was stunned and turned her head suddenly.

The door closed.

It was indeed closed with her spiritual power.

But... is the door a little far away from me?

If the door was there, the place where he was now should be...

Lu Yuli turned his head back a little stiffly.

What appeared in his eyes was only the slightly dazed face of the young man, and an involuntary word came out of his mouth.

"Fuck, the effect is so strong?"


The real protagonist is worthy of being the real protagonist.

Luo Wusheng didn't know what to say.

According to what the Empress said before, the two spiritual jades she gave him from the ancient Heavenly Palace of Siming had been studied for generations in the fairyland, but they had not been able to draw out the mystery at all, and the specific effect could not be seen.

But at this moment, perhaps it was really affected by a certain protagonist who had just entered the door, and the power in a jade was aroused.

That is, the one that just disappeared from the table and floated to the little girl who had just entered the room.

As for its effect...

"Well, if I say that I don't know why it has become like this, will you believe it, Xiao Yuli?"

Looking at the beautiful face of the girl who was close at hand, Luo Wusheng's voice trembled slightly.

Miss Jianxian did not respond.

That little face was red as if it was about to bleed, and a pair of beautiful eyes were full of confusion, and seemed a little absent-minded.

Luo Wusheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Everything that had just happened flashed through his mind.

After he found that there was one jade missing on the table, he felt that something was going to happen, and he was worried that a treasure he had obtained with great difficulty would disappear, so he stood up immediately, and found that the jade had floated towards the little girl who had just entered the door.

At that time, he was relieved that his treasure was not lost, but then he realized that something was wrong.

He was about to use his spiritual power to recover the jade first, and then ask Xiao Yuli why she came to him this time, but he found that his body showed signs of losing control.

Although he didn't know what happened, his instinct made him subconsciously focus on suppressing the abnormality of his body.

(This symptom... a bit like going crazy? But my consciousness is still very clear, but my body and even the spiritual power in my body seem to be pulled by some force...)

Is this the ability revealed by the mutated jade?

Speculations naturally arose.

After all, the biggest change that had occurred before was the instant movement of the jade.

No, since this thing can even affect himself, then it must be...

The Demon Sect Saint, who suddenly realized something at that time, raised his eyes and saw the girl's body in front of him at some point.

In a daze, he felt a soft impact because he was trying his best to resist the changes in his body.

When he came to his senses, everything had become what it was at the moment.

He fell on his back on the ground, his body pressed against the familiar softness, and the girl, who was even more confused than him, pressed on him, her eyes unblinking, and it was obvious that her smart little head had also been hit hard.

The two people, one above and one below, looked at each other.

Fortunately, under the huge cushioning and support of the chest, the two faces were very close, but a subtle distance was retained.

The breaths of each other slapped each other's faces, which seemed a little hot.


The girl's CPU was overloaded.

Before entering the room, she had imagined many possibilities of meeting someone this time, but none of them was so exciting right away.

Her mind was blank, and what she had been thinking about had long been thrown out of her mind.

Her body did remember what kind of stress response to make in this situation... stand up immediately, and then give the other person a shameful iron fist.

Unfortunately, she couldn't even take the first step.

Miss Jianxian wanted to stand up, but found that her body was tightly attached to the other person.

So she became more confused and subconsciously struggled, but moving around, only her clothes became more messy.

In such chaos, she seemed to hear something vaguely.

(It looks like the parts that are completely stuck together can’t be separated? Is this the power of the jade… gravity? magnetism? super glue?)

(Hiss, Xiao Yuli, don’t move. How can I handle this situation, how can I analyze it… huh, calm down first, calm down my little brother…)

(But it’s okay, because Xiao Yuli hit someone with the ball, at least some parts of her body, including her face, were not stuck…)

“… Hit someone with the ball?”

Lu Yuli subconsciously spoke after extracting the key words from the voice she heard, seeming a little confused.

Until she saw someone's expression froze because of her words, and his eyes unconsciously moved down from her face.


Dust and smoke rose up.

The excessive struggle caused the two bodies to roll to the side, and they crashed straight through the wall leading to the next room.

This was a room that was somewhat familiar to both of them.


//Being backstabbed by the school, and not being able to fully understand this paragraph, it was too late to delete and revise it, so I might as well stay up all night tonight.

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