The sleeves fluttered.

On the immortal platform that had just returned to peace, nearly a hundred array lights that had not been seen before lit up one after another, connected by light like a chain.

Elder Yun nodded with satisfaction.

He remained calm in the face of danger, worthy of being the only junior he had high hopes for.

Look, look at them all, who can be worthy of her? What kind of person can she be interested in?

Just thinking this in his heart, Elder Yun suddenly heard the seemingly casual voice of the young emperor.

"... Is the vague figure just now really a god-transforming cultivator?"

"Hmm? That person can solve the dragon monster and the demon soul in this way. There is a high probability that he is a god-transforming cultivator, and his cultivation may even be higher than mine... But it is not necessarily the case. If there is a treasure that can restrain the demon soul, it can indeed be done. But I saw it before. It seems that the person did not use a treasure, but actually captured the dragon with one hand. I also know a few secret treasures in the world that can restrain the demon soul, but I have never seen one that can do this."

Elder Yun didn't know why the girl next to him suddenly asked this.

Judging from the previous scene, that person must be a mysterious god.

Otherwise, she would not be unable to see the other party's background.

After receiving this answer, the eyes of the Empress flashed, but she did not speak, instead pretending to concentrate on manipulating the formation.

Somehow, she felt that when she just faced that figure, she had a sense of familiarity that seemed to come from nowhere.

And before the other party disappeared, he said a word... The voice seemed to be concealed by an inexplicable force, but it made her sense of familiarity even stronger.

She couldn't help but think of someone who was jealous of monsters during this period of time.

But the person she knew did not have such strength.

And that person had never concealed his identity when he took action against the monsters in the past.

The Empress fell into deep thought.


Wangxianlou Inn.

"Ugh, cough cough... What's going on? I haven't been so dizzy even with a hangover. What's going on again? It's true that every time I do something, I can't be at peace..."

Luo Wusheng's face was a little ugly, and he couldn't even open his eyes, muttering.

He seemed to see something in the dimness, but he still wanted to rub his temples first to relieve the dizziness and headache.

He gently raised his hands on both sides... but he couldn't lift them.

"What, so heavy?"

It was still soft.

It smelled good.

And it made a sound.


It made a sound?

That's right, he seemed to hear some umm and ahh sounds.

It sounded like the impatient mumbling of a girl who was staying in bed.

Luo Wusheng thought about it carefully.

Recently, there have been many women lying on him... The most important one is his own Shuangxue wife, but because of time and other reasons, his wife rarely fell asleep when she was with him.

It seems that it was only when he got the first blood? But even then, when he woke up, Ling Shuangxue was already pretending to sleep.

Well, next time I have a chance, I will try to wake my wife up...


The son of the Demon Sect opened his eyes suddenly.

However, when he saw the scene in front of him, his face turned paler than seeing a ghost.

No, it must be that his way of opening was wrong!

So Luo Wusheng closed his eyes and squeezed them several times before opening them again.

Then they became paler than before.

The first time he opened his eyes, he saw two beautiful girls with their eyes closed.

And the second time he opened his eyes...

The twinkling eyes in the two beautiful eyes met his sight.

At this moment, he finally remembered what happened before.

But this is still wrong!

Didn't I arrange my funeral... er, what happened later?

Where are my trusted teammates?

Where is my white-haired loli worker... Where is the fairy spirit?

Why do I see such a scene in front of me now when I wake up?

Luo Wusheng has already reacted. The full flesh on his body can only be that he has lifted the fairy spirit state and touched the real flesh and blood body.

But how did he come back suddenly?

And most importantly... why are Xiao Yuli and the little demon girl still lying on him? !

Luo Wusheng felt the coldness under his body.

No mistake, it was the ground.

In other words, after he fell to the ground and lost consciousness before, he didn't move at all?

I've been tricked!

What should I do now?

Luo Wusheng didn't dare to look at the girls' eyes anymore, and looked at the ceiling with despair.

What else can I do? What can I do? What can I do?

But at this moment, the door was knocked frantically.

"Holy Son... Holy Son Boss! Something happened! The competition for the Human Immortal Ranking will be moved up to tomorrow. The Immortal Kingdom has sent someone to invite the Saint Lady and Miss Lu to finalize the matter. They are downstairs!"

Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 417 The mysterious deification is actually me? (4000)

The competition for the Human Immortal Ranking will be moved up!

When the Immortal Platform fell, many people made speculations and thought that this might happen.

But when the official Immortal Kingdom really announced this matter and sent people to invite the contestants to participate in the competition as soon as possible, it still shocked almost the entire Royal City.

Since the concept of the Human Immortal Ranking came into being, there has never been such a precedent!

But at this moment, almost everyone in the Royal City also knew the reason for this exception.

The fairy platform fell ahead of schedule, the demon clan transformed into a divine dragon monster and appeared, and the mysterious fairy platform captured the dragon...

Each of these is not a simple matter.

And thinking about the incident that just spread a few days ago, and there is no official explanation yet, that the Demon Sect Saint Son Qifeng City killed the chicken demon, and the earlier demon-suppression incidents, etc.... It can be said that many people now have a feeling that a storm is coming.

This time, the competition for the Human Immortal List may really be different from any previous one.

What will happen next?

Some people who have lived in this stable royal city for many years have rarely felt uneasy.

Several forces in the royal city have begun to collect relevant information.

They rushed to the north of the royal city among a large number of curious people, wanting to see if this year's trial of immortals will be different from the past.

But in the end, the scene of everything being normal made them more confused.


Luo Wusheng had no time to pay attention to the outside world.

He was still in the room of the Wangxianlou Inn at this moment, but he had already sat up from the ground and stared at the closed wooden door in front of him in a daze.

The two beautiful girls who were originally on him were no longer in the room at this time.

Well, the door was just closed, and the two girls just left.

"Really... just left like that?"

There was some confusion in his voice.

The development of the matter was completely beyond Luo Wusheng's expectations.

At first, he thought that a certain fairy would help him deal with the follow-up, but not only did it not happen at all, but the situation after waking up made him sweat coldly, thinking that something was really going to happen this time.

But what he could not have imagined in his confusion was that after hearing the sudden voice of Li Xing, the young clerk outside, the two girls stood up calmer than himself and slightly tidied their clothes.

Bai Xiaoyao was okay. Before, it was just because the true spirit suddenly left the body and could not control the body, causing the body to fall on Luo Wusheng due to inertia. At this moment, when she stood up, she saw that even the white dress on her body had few wrinkles.

But Xiao Yuli was different. The dress on her body had already been a mess due to her previous struggles. As soon as she sat up, she saw the messy dress collapsed, revealing several white spots.

Luo Wusheng even saw a slight blush on Miss Jianxian's face.

However, the girls remained silent.

Get up and go out.

When Luo Wusheng came to his senses, he was the only one left in the room.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

(No... This should be something that happened when I didn't know?)

Luo Wusheng suddenly shuddered.

He thought he still knew a little about his junior sister and Miss Jianxian.

Under normal circumstances, even if someone outside urged, it shouldn't have developed like this.

At least he wouldn't say nothing about the situation just now.

Luo Wusheng, who had already sat up, gradually began to sort out his thoughts.

Although it seemed that not much time had passed today, enough things had happened.

"If something happened when I didn't know, the possible time period was only then..."

When he was fighting the black dragon and letting the two girls find the guidance of the immortal breath by themselves.

What happened during this period? What could have caused the situation to develop like this just now?

Did Xiao Yuli take the initiative to reveal everything and successfully explain it clearly?

It shouldn't be like this. With the temperament of my little sword fairy, can he do this?

Luo Wusheng took a breath and exhaled slowly.

No matter what, it's better than the worst result.

(... Xiao Yuli and I are in the same camp on this matter. We should be able to get the result by sending a message with a wooden sword later. There is no need to be too anxious.)

The more anxious you are, the easier it is to make mistakes.

Calming down, Luo Wusheng looked at his hand first.

A fist-sized mysterious jade stone lay in his palm.

As the culprit of everything, this jade stone seemed to have no special features at this moment.

"Those powers have been sealed back... huh?"

Luo Wusheng was stunned.

He folded the jade stone in his hand, but found that the surroundings of his Dantian Xinglian seemed to emit a similar aura to the jade stone in his hand.

Is this because some power remained in his Dantian?

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