The mist intertwined in the picture and formed words.

First, [Original].

Then, [Immortal Relics].

The handwriting of these four words was crooked and ugly, but there was an inexplicable power that made Miss Qilin unable to look away.

Until the two lines of handwriting faded and formed a new paragraph.

[Promise what you want in your heart. ]

Miss Qilin was stunned.

Although she had no idea about the first two words, she could still understand the meaning of this sentence.

"If this is what he said to me... will he wake up next and send me away without mentioning the previous things? Or will he send me away directly in that half-awake state?"

In the current situation, the first thing she thought of was to leave.

Return to the royal city and merge with the other two bodies to end the demon chaos, and the rest will be discussed later.

Miss Qilin felt that if she had something in her heart at this moment, it would most likely be this.

As for the small probability... well, those are unrealistic fantasies.

(I've thought too much. He helped me so much in this demon chaos. That's enough.)

Although that guy usually shows extraordinary strength, he still has a long way to go before he can participate in the final battle...

While thinking, subsequent changes began to appear.

The words formed on the panel formed by the mist began to converge and return to a blur.

Looking at this scene, Miss Qilin once again clearly sensed the incompleteness of this consciousness space...including the small plane condensed by the mist, which seemed to be in an unevolved state, as if something important was missing.

At this time, this incomplete change was still being improved, forming a chaotic picture on the panel.

Indistinctly, Miss Qilin also saw the words [Sword Principle·Yuanying], [The first page of Luo Wusheng's diary], and [Xingyue■■] from this chaotic picture...

Well, there are a lot of garbled characters mixed in here.

Finally, the entire mist plane converged into a ball and dissipated in the distortion.

But Miss Qilin knew that the changes in front of her were not over.

As she expected, the fog that had formed an open space surged again.

This time, a figure walked out of the fog.

A smile appeared on the face of Miss Qilin's consciousness.

The figure in front of her was exactly the appearance of Luo Wusheng.

(So this is what the text just now meant? Give me a chance to awaken his consciousness, or directly guide his consciousness to open the channel to the outside world?)

"That should be it."

Miss Qilin looked at the figure in front of her.

His appearance was exactly the same as Luo Wusheng in the outside world at this time, and his eyes were also closed.

During this process, the boy was still approaching her.

Miss Qilin thought silently.

The key to operating at the consciousness level is to give stimulation.

So how can I stimulate someone's consciousness... Wait, is the guy opposite getting closer and closer to me?


It was obviously consciousness, but Miss Qilin clearly felt a pair of hands around her waist.

The owner of these hands gently embraced her, and an inexplicable sense of security rose from her heart, soothing the deep-seated anxiety about what she was going to face next.

(Is this what I long for?)

Such thoughts popped up in her mind, but the scene in front of her began to change.

The mist dissipated, Luo Wusheng's figure disappeared, and her consciousness returned to her body.

And compared to the gradually clearing scene in front of her, Miss Qilin felt more quickly that she had completely restored her connection with the other two incarnations of the Three Pure Ones.

Even if she didn't look at the surrounding scene, she understood a little bit.

She had returned to the world.


The changes in the royal city attracted the attention of many beings.

Some were obvious, and some were hidden in the dark.

This demon chaos had already attracted a lot of attention.

"The demons have suffered a loss again... but this time it's a little strange. Those space cracks seem to be connected to the corresponding demons that were attacked. The thunder and fire that surged out of them were attacks completed through this connection, so they will not dissipate like other magic... Those who can do this have extremely sophisticated means, but unfortunately they are not the way of cause and effect."

"Oh? Even Tiangui old man, you think so? It seems that this is also one of the hidden means of the fairy country. Unfortunately, the power is still a little lacking. I think the new leader of the demons will be able to respond soon."

The voice called Tiangui old man was silent for a while: "... Then you are not going to take action? I remember that your Su Nu pulse and the Taoist fairy country have a good relationship."

"Hehe, the person in the Sword Pavilion is still here like us. It's not my turn to rush, right?" The voice of the woman called Yuqin Fairy chuckled.

And the calm man responded to her words: "I won't take action."

"It seems to be the same as us... In your case, it was the one in the sword tomb who spoke?"

Faced with the new question of Yuqin Fairy, the man did not respond again.

"Actually, this is not bad. I also want to see who will help Wang Cheng in the end."

The old man Tiangui made a slightly hoarse voice: "Whether it is forcing out the late emperor of the Immortal Kingdom who has been missing for three years, or attracting the Taoist sect... Hey, those old guys rotting in the coffin are all very clever. , even if you want to take action, I guess there are already ways to stop you. "

"...Ha, their plan will fail this time."

Another woman's voice sounded.

"Huh? Lord Yue is actually here? I wonder what Lord Yue means by this?"

Fairy Yuqin's voice seemed to be suddenly filled with interest.

Lord Tianji Louyue, although his martial arts value is at the bottom among the cultivators of Transformation God, everyone knows how terrifying this person really is.

If you offend this person, under the gradual progression of heavenly secrets, even if you are also a god, you may not even know how to die.

I remember that eighteen years ago, there was a hidden mysterious god who hunted down the Tianji Tower owner for some reason. Judging from his strength, it was almost certain that this month's owner would die... But not long after, there was news The news that the mysterious god inexplicably offended the demon clan and the demon concubine was slapped to death.

Even now, no one has figured out how the Yue Tower Master did this.

In addition, Master Yue's whereabouts are uncertain. Although he will participate in some important meetings of various major sects, he never shows his true appearance. Even the voice that is always revealed has been vaguely modified... This directly makes him mysterious. The feeling has reached a higher level.

Fairy Yuqin was also full of curiosity about the owner of Tianji Tower.

Come to think of it, Master Yue must be a mature and reliable fairy who is influenced by Tianji, is serious in speech, never does anything out of line, uses Tianji skills to understand all living things, and supports the entire Tianji Tower by himself.

The secret of heaven has calculated all the vicissitudes of eternity, and revealed the meaning of the sun and moon in one sentence.

Unexpectedly, today's demon chaos, even this person is here.

Unfortunately, the Yue Louzhu did not answer her question.

"Taoist Tiangui, you were wrong this time... Although the method of attacking the demon clan is not the way of cause and effect, it is not a pity." The voice of Lord Yue was calm: "Those who can use such methods, Even if your cultivation level is temporarily insufficient, it should not be underestimated.”

"It's not cause and effect, but...huh?"

The voice of the old man Tiangui seemed to want to say something, but his tone suddenly changed.

At this time, the scene in the royal city changed again.

After the crack in the sky opened for the arrival of the new master of the demon clan, the golden beast eyes that appeared lit up with a strange light.

The next moment, the monsters who were about to be pulled into the cracks in space suddenly had a burst of power. The monsters distanced themselves from the cracks and broke away from the flames and thunder.

However, the painful screams of these monsters did not stop.

Although their monster bodies were detached, they looked exactly like them, but shrunk to the size of a fist. They were still wrapped in flames and thunder, and were pulled into the corresponding space cracks.

Those are demon infants, just like the Nascent Infants in the bodies of human Nascent Soul monks, they are more important than the physical bodies of these Nascent Soul demons!

As the demon baby was pulled into the space crack, the separated demon bodies fell into silence in an instant, as if they were dead.

It can be clearly seen that the golden beast eyes in the sky instantly became gloomy after seeing this.

Especially, after it saw the Empress of the Immortal Kingdom, who was struggling to support herself with the Human King Sword in her hand, suddenly took a step forward.

North of the royal city.

In the formation leading to the space where Sendai was located, a beam of light appeared out of thin air and rushed straight into the sky, forming a huge white vortex in the originally dark clouds.

At the same time, an illusory light and shadow flew out of the Imperial Palace of the Royal City and the light pillar at the same time, and merged into the body of the Fairy Kingdom Empress.

The light of the Human King Sword enveloped the empress.

Her aura was rising steadily at this moment.

The three bodies gather, and the immortal soul descends.

Section 1 #Volume 1 # Chapter 464 On the One Hundred Ways to Die for Senior Brother (3k)

In a pale golden space.

Luo Wusheng imagined many scenes when his consciousness returned to his physical body.

But none of them were like the scene in front of him at the moment.

Where is my Miss Qilin? Where is Miss Qilin who is my age?

I thought that when my consciousness returned to consciousness, the first thing I saw was the mortal body of the empress... maybe she was still sleeping, or maybe she had begun to accept the cruel reality of social death.

Unexpectedly, there was no trace of that girl's breath around him.

In addition, two other unexpected figures appeared.

And it comes in even more unexpected forms.

Luo Wusheng squeezed his eyes hard, and after confirming that he had truly returned to his physical body, he started to turn his neck stiffly.

First turn to the left, then to the right.

Then he turned back and fell into deep thought.


No, after all, I never fell asleep at all.

(So...what's going on?)

Why would my junior sister and Xiao Yuli hang on me?

Feeling the familiar softness coming from both sides, Luo Wusheng raised his head and looked at the sky.

At this moment, the two little girls closed their eyes lightly, wrapped their arms around him on the left and right, and put their two cute little heads on his shoulders respectively...

Looks like he's asleep?

But why sleep here like this?

(What happened after our main consciousness left?)

Luo Wusheng was still confused, but the expression on his face suddenly changed and quickly became distorted.

"Hiss--it hurts."

Just now, he was still immersed in the confusion of waking up, but now he quickly felt that something seemed to be wrong with his body.

What the problem was was clear at a glance.

It was going to explode!

Luo Wusheng clearly felt that his body was filled with terrifying spiritual power. If it weren't for the physical strength enhanced by the Buddhist Golden Body and the recovery ability blessed by the Monster Breeding and Blood Refining Method, his body would probably have exploded.

Where did this surging spiritual power come from?

He was only conscious for a short period of time, how did it become like this?

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