Lu Yuli… to be honest, she wanted to shrink back, but after what Luo Wusheng said, and after the commotion just now, the tangled anger in her heart dissipated a lot, and the atmosphere was not so strange. At this time, the little girl had a lot more strength to stand up straight.

In this case, she would rather take a step forward than shrinking back.

Like her sword.

"Humph, it's just touching your lower lip, and it's not the first time. Didn't you touch me everywhere when I had an attack before..."

Okay, it's still a bit hard-mouthed.

But it seems to be enough to convince her... No matter how painful it is, can it be more painful than waking up and facing social death after the attack?

"This is habit. Once you accept your social death..."

"Get used to it!"

Luo Wusheng was still sighing when he was hit on the head by the cat fist again.

Lu Yuli waved her pink fist, but she was actually not calm.

Speaking of the attack, she naturally thought of her plan to pretend to be sick... It seemed that it had been exposed, and it was exposed before she had time to do anything.

How could I have thought of such a stupid plan before? Was it because my master came to the royal city and made me anxious? Did I think this was my last chance in the royal city this time?

It seemed that someone else had instigated me... but I didn't know why I couldn't remember it, and I refused to think about it in my heart.

As a result, my thoughts slowly went astray. Looking at someone who was looking at me with a strange smile, Lu Yuli pouted her lips for some reason: "Anyway, you just like my silly look when I'm sick, and you just know how to bully me..."

Luo Wusheng didn't know how this girl's brain circuit turned to this, but after thinking about it, he said: "It's really not like that..."

Well, what I like most is clearly the look of this little girl when she died after she got sick~

"I don't believe it." Miss Jianxian rolled her eyes: "If you were asked to give a score, how would you rate me when I was sick and when I was normal?"

"Give it full marks, no zero."

Although Lu Yuli had been influenced by literature for more than a month, she still didn't understand the meaning of someone's words.

Grass? What grass?

She was a little curious, but she was too embarrassed to ask because she was still in a state of dignity, so she let it go and stared at someone's face instead.

"I always feel that... you seem to be different in some way now."

"Are you more beautiful?"

Luo Wusheng answered casually, but he understood what his little Yuli meant.

He was indeed a little different, and this was a change in his mentality.

In fact, he had felt a little different when he was in Jianzhou earlier, but it was not until he faced Bai Xiaoyao who was pretending to be asleep not long ago that it was completely revealed.

If I have to say, the battle that just ended was also the key... There is definitely a big difference between having a shadow in my heart and not having one.

Relaxed, even a little inflated, feeling that many things don't need to be as concerned as before.

In fact, the withdrawal of a certain behind-the-scenes mastermind still left him with some legacy issues, such as his life experience, what is the purpose of the group of people who planned around him, etc.... But now he doesn't care.

A reckless man really doesn't need to care so much.

Whether he is the so-called incarnation of the Buddha's fruit position or not, as long as he is still himself in an idealistic sense, what's the problem with these?

On the other side, Xiao Yuli curled her lips after hearing his answer: "Shameless."

But in fact, she also felt that someone was really "better looking" now.

It was like he had broken free from some shackles, and he was more vigorous and made people feel that he was doing nothing.

It means that the enemy he defeated this time was really his knot, right?

The little girl also had her own judgment.

Then she thought that she had helped in such an important battle, which was exactly the same as what she expected when she got the sword of the ancestor of swords, and she felt some unspeakable joy in her heart.

What was even more gratifying was that the man who let her ride on him also grabbed her hand that had just been punching.

"This time it was thanks to you... Without the sword of the ancestor of swords you triggered, I dare not think that this battle could be won so thoroughly."

Luo Wusheng said quite seriously.

Even with such a serious thank you, at least five people were still owed.

Why say "at least"? Because there is a cheap master who is behind the scenes, Luo Wusheng doesn't know whether to thank him or not...

Lu Yuli was raising her chin with great enjoyment at this moment, but she heard Luo Wusheng sigh again: "What I said on the ferry in the past really came true. I rarely encounter danger, so I really leave it to you to protect me..."

The little girl blushed.

How come he remembers every word I said?

This is what he said when he was sick. Shouldn't normal people treat it as a joke and laugh it off?

Miss Jianxian didn't show her little pride...If I want to ask him for help, he has also helped me many times, some of which were life-threatening, so there is really no need to count so clearly.

Didn't I also count my food and accommodation during this period of time on the head of this annoying guy?

Looking at Luo Wusheng's face, Lu Yuli's mind moved, and suddenly said: "Actually...there is something I didn't have time to tell you before..."


"Bai Xiaoyao and I knew that you would be in danger a few days ago."

Seeing Luo Wusheng's expression become puzzled, Lu Yuli pursed her lips and said: "Do you remember the time when you got the immortal breath from somewhere and took me and Bai Xiaoyao to separate our true spirits to the immortal platform? Although it seems that you didn't think of it at first, Bai Xiaoyao and I did find the guidance of the immortal breath on the immortal platform at that time, which triggered the change."

"At that time, the immortal breath triggered the immortal platform to connect with the heavenly way. Bai Xiaoyao and I each revealed a part of our hidden memories, and then got some information about you from it, which explained that you would encounter an accident... But at that time, it quickly triggered the changes of the human immortal level in the ancient heaven, and the immortal platform fell in advance..."

"Well... The memory I showed at that time was actually the memory before going to the immortal platform, so Bai Xiaoyao knew everything that happened that day, and then he didn't say anything..."

Luo Wusheng blinked.

No wonder the follow-up of that day was different from what he thought.

In addition, this time when the empress summoned the immortal soul to descend with a fairy platform, she successfully summoned the immortal soul of the entire human immortal level. Could it be this reason?

But there is no way to verify it now, why did Xiao Yuli say this?

"... I just suddenly realized that your current breath is very similar to the breath of heaven that Bai Xiaoyao and I used to draw down with the immortal breath..."

Luo Wusheng raised his eyebrows, as if thinking about something.

Lu Yuli looked at him quietly.

In fact, the little girl retained many details, such as she and Bai Xiaoyao decided to help Luo Wusheng break the deadlock at that time, so she began to sacrifice the sword of the sword ancestor at that time, and Bai Xiaoyao began to seriously study the red rope mark on her wrist from then on.

For example, she and Bai Xiaoyao had concluded a plastic alliance that broke that night.

Luo Wusheng's thinking did not last too long, and he returned to a nonchalant look again.

He showed a smile on his face, and then took advantage of his own Xiao Yuli's distraction, turned over, and pressed the little girl under him instead.

Looking at the little girl who was still a little dazed and didn't know what happened, Luo Wusheng lightly hooked her little ba.

"Other things are trivial... My lovely little Yuli, you have made such a great contribution this time, do you want any reward?"

Miss Jianxian was stunned for a moment, and blurted out: "Can, can you not have that kind of reward... No more bitterness..."

As she spoke, she rubbed her thighs together.

Luo Wusheng: "???"

This time it was his turn to almost hold back his deliberate behavior.

How could his innocent little Yuli think of such a wrong thing?

Oh, it seems to be his literary influence, that's fine.

"What are you thinking about?" Luo Wusheng said unhappily: "Even if you don't think about it, although I can meet you now, you are still closer to a ghost. It's okay to press the bed, but Ning Caichen is just thinking too much to do a reversal... Huh? Speaking of which, has Old Ning ever had sex?"

As Luo Wusheng spoke, he went off topic.

Miss Jianxian didn't quite understand, but she also understood the general meaning, and her face became hot again.

In the final analysis, she has confirmed that she likes someone, but she is still at the level where her brain goes blank when she kisses or hugs. She cannot accept the unbearable burden at her age psychologically.

But she wants to confirm a relationship with the other party...

Luo Wusheng had seen this kind of heroine mentality in various novels in his previous life. Everyone calls it "wanting to fall in love but afraid of being swindled".

Zero points.

But if it is really a state of illness, Miss Jianxian probably dares to go up?

Well, anyway, she has no such intention now.

Luo Wusheng did not have it either.

He just sat down next to the little girl silently and waved his hand gently. For some reason, the space became much darker, and a large amount of phoenix fire rushed into the edge of the original chaos.

Under his control, the flame evolved into a flower of flame, from closing to blooming, to shattering into a sky full of stars, shining and colorful, evolving the illusion of the starry universe.

Lu Yuli, lying on the cloud, stared blankly at the magnificent view in front of her, but she didn't know whether she was looking at the sky full of stars or the boy who was tapping his fingers seriously under the stars.

"Looks good..."

Almost subconsciously, she half-pulled Luo Wusheng's illusory sleeve and stood up, her lips lightly touching the handsome face illuminated by the firelight.

Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 491 Just don't attack my master (4k)

Luo Wusheng's heart was about to fly.

When Miss Jianxian came close, she said more than just the word "looks good".

There was also a sentence in a very low voice...

Luo Wusheng felt his heartbeat speed up slightly.

Confirmed! The real protagonist of the generation, the head of the old Siji author, the most powerful sword fairy in the world, the beautiful and cute Xiao Yuli who even women can't control, is really interested in him!

Although I had vaguely understood this before, I was still a little uneasy in my heart, thinking about what to say if it was just a special treatment during the onset period, and thinking about the world correction power...

Now this layer of window paper is probably about to be broken.

I couldn't help but think of the comments left by stupid netizens when I was watching the fan fiction of the unspeakable anime in my previous life - what's the point of playing with the protagonist's harem? A real man would even play with the protagonist!

But the protagonist of that anime is a man... Never mind, the mood is the same?

Luo Wusheng couldn't tell what his mood was now. After all, it was just a kiss on the face, which seemed to be worse than the previous mouth-to-mouth kiss, but the feelings contained in it were completely different.

If I have to say, Luo Wusheng is actually more worried about whether his fate can withstand it.

Even his somewhat inflated mentality is a bit inflated now.

But things should be viewed from both sides. If the protagonist likes you, can you still refuse?

Rejection is more of a test of fate, right?

Luo Wusheng muttered in his heart, his face was expressionless, but his hands picked up a flame flower very skillfully, picked the flower in his hand, and the flame quickly crystallized, and in a blink of an eye it became a fire crystal flower, shining in the dark space.

Even without spiritual power, with his understanding of Tao and control of the Phoenix Fire, it is easy to do this step.

So cultivating immortals can really enrich the operation.

"Reward you with a little red flower."

Luo Wusheng smiled and handed the fire crystal flower to the little girl on his arm: "Do you like it?"

Lu Yuli half lowered her head, her little face was reflected red by the firelight, her eyes fell on the fire crystal flower, and there was a little haziness in her eyes.

She didn't know whether Luo Wusheng heard the confession she didn't even know if she had said it out loud... From his performance, it seemed that he didn't hear it? Or did she not say it out loud at all?

Biting her lips lightly, she took the flower with beautiful light flowing, with a look of anxiety, but still nodded: "...I like it."

"Then... how about using it to exchange for the world's most powerful and lovely little sword fairy Miss Lu Yuli to continue to protect me in the future?"

The hand that was originally attached to her unconsciously hugged the little girl's waist.

Miss Sword Fairy felt so hot that her head was about to steam... It must be that the Phoenix Fire controlled by some annoying guy was too hot!

Still want to use such teasing words to coax herself to help him in the future? Who does he think he is!

Still touching her, tui!

Lu Yuli felt that she had to refuse righteously and sternly, and then return to her usual attitude.

So she looked down at the clouds under her and said weakly: "Well..."

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