Section 1 # Volume 1 # Chapter 126 Miss Jianxian hides from the limelight (second update)

Luo Wusheng felt that Miss Jianxian's mouth must have been blessed.

The accuracy of her casual remarks was really a bit scary.

Is this the power of the Son of the Plane?

Luo Wusheng felt a slight chill in his lower body when he suddenly thought of the extremely ferocious army of Xiao Yuli in his dream.

But speaking of why he was in this girl's room now...

Well, of course he didn't mean to make fun of the little girl, nor did he want to reminisce the taste of the long-lost bloodbath.

After he fell asleep last night, Xiao Yuli sent him several more messages to learn about the details of the battle at Dengxian Lake... Fortunately, the time was staggered with the awakening of the little fox demon concubine, and it was not until just now that Luo Wusheng used his spiritual consciousness to recall the handwriting of the message sent last night.

At the beginning, he was just thinking of using the short sword to send a message to Lu Yuli to explain in detail what happened at Dengxian Lake last night.

The kind that took him out of the story.

But as he watched, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Soon he found that the seed of luck in his dantian that was moving in a circle around the golden elixir seemed to be more active.

When he tried to use the short sword to reply to the little girl about the incident last night, the little seed became more active.

So after a little thought, Luo Wusheng decided to go directly to Miss Jianxian to see if there were any other changes.

As a result, the seed was silent along the way.

Until the moment he started to talk to Lu Yuli through the door, the little seed suddenly rioted.

The originally stable circular motion turned into a wavy circular motion.

After confirming that there was no sense of danger, Luo Wusheng made a decision immediately.

It was so exciting across the door, wouldn’t it be more exciting to meet face to face?

Then there was this scene now.

Using his spiritual consciousness to look inward at the seed of luck in his dantian that was moving irregularly and greatly around the golden elixir at the speed of light, Luo Wusheng was thoughtful.

To be honest, he still wanted to know what this little seed could be used for.

After all, Yue Xuanji, the owner of Tianji Tower who had reached the level of a spirit transformation, had to work hard to get it, so there must be something special about it.

However, it seemed that there was no major change except that it made him, a Jindan cultivator, a little dizzy.

Because his attention was basically focused on this seed of luck, he did not notice that Lu Yuli on the opposite side suddenly became a little nervous after hearing his words to change the subject.

"I... that's because I only wanted you to tell me who the mysterious man was, and I didn't take me seriously at all!"

The little girl's words turned Luo Wusheng's attention back.

"Oh? Then let's play another game? Maybe you will win the next game?"

Looking at the girl on the opposite side again, Luo Wusheng raised his mouth and snapped his fingers lightly.

The white piece that had just turned into pieces in Lu Yuli's hand was reassembled in his spiritual power and turned back to its original shape.

This was a little trick he achieved using the magic sect's weapon refining technique.

Very handsome, very cool.

"... No, I won't play."

Miss Jianxian refused Luo Wusheng's invitation to play another game.

It's easy to get away with the difference of one game. If she plays a few more games and shows that she is serious, then this guy in front of her may really realize his level problem.

Being laughed at by the other party for declining level is a small matter, but I am afraid that this demon sect saint will think of more things...

Luo Wusheng is a little confused.

Has this girl finally got it?

The little Yuli in the past was full of passion and would rather break than bend... Oh, this word may not be accurate for her.

In short, the Miss Jianxian who fought again and again and never turned back until she hit the wall actually avoided the challenge so quickly?

In the past, it should have taken at least a dozen games to achieve such an effect.

Could it be that this real protagonist has learned to endure after hundreds of tragic defeats?

"Why are you looking at me like this?" The guilty little girl was panicked by Luo Wusheng's eyes.

"Hmm... I'm wondering if I should take off the ring on your hand. I haven't seen my little Yuli's stunning beauty for a long time~"

(In addition, I also want to see what the Star Moon Jade Pendant looks like when it is supported by human hearts...)

Hearing Luo Wusheng's casual joke, Lu Yuli was slightly startled, and she protected the ring on her hand with a somewhat unnatural expression.

"Hmph, don't be shy!"

The little girl raised her chin, turned her head away and stopped looking at the boy opposite, and began to order him to leave after using the words she learned from Luo Wusheng in the past to sternly refuse: "Master Luo, if you have nothing to do, please leave? Otherwise, do you want me to call your junior sister?"

She just said this verbally. If Bai Xiaoyao really wanted to come, she would have to hide first.

After all, she was the only one who died on the ferry that day.

At this time, Luo Wusheng inexplicably remembered what Yue Xuanji had said to him before.

(Well, if the rejection of the foundation-building cultivator is useful, what do I need this golden elixir cultivation for?)

But he only thought about this in his heart.

After a little thought, he shook his head gently.

"Well, let's leave it for next time."


(He really left like this?)

Lu Yuli looked at the room where she was the only one left again, and was a little dazed for a moment.

She originally thought that if Luo Wusheng really wanted to see it, she would take off the ring and show it to him before coaxing him away.

Rather than letting the Holy Son of the Demon Sect see her flaws, the little girl felt that she could still accept this price.

but now……

Is he really that afraid of his junior sister?

Miss Sword Fairy always feels a little weird in her heart.

But as long as he didn't show any flaws, as long as he didn't let that guy get involved with the master, it would be considered a success!

(But if this continues...)

The longer it goes, the greater the chance of something going wrong.

Even if he could hide his master's affairs, things on the other side of the boat were getting more and more dangerous.

Thinking of Bai Xiaoyao's scrutinizing eyes when she saw him these few times, Lu Yuli felt that she could not go on like this.

"...Maybe I should move out for a while?"

Time can make people forget many things.

Maybe as long as he doesn't show up for a period of time, Luo Wusheng and Bai Xiaoyao will forget some minor issues about themselves?

(Although it has only been more than half a month since the last accident on the sea crossing boat, it should not happen again so soon... but to be on the safe side, maybe we can hide until the next time is over before appearing in front of others?)

Lu Yuli weighed the pros and cons in her mind and quickly made a decision.

Well, get out and get out of the limelight.

As for the location, just choose an inn in the royal city.

Now that the competition for the Immortal Ranking is imminent, there are also many geniuses from various sects who have settled in the inn, so moving in by yourself will not attract attention.

When the time comes to seal the room every day, you won’t have to worry about the day when you get sick.

Miss Jianxian made her own little calculation.


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Section 1 #Volume 1 # Chapter 127 Brother Luo is really a god!

After leaving Lu Yuli's room, Luo Wusheng went straight to see his junior sister.

Bai Xiaoyao did not turn him away this time.

Well, she "happened" to have just finished a training session, and "happened" to have time to interrupt the retreat to listen to her senior brother's account of last night's events.

Perhaps due to the frequent occurrence of various incidents, she gradually got rid of the shadow of the exposure of her inner voice that day. Now that her mental state has generally recovered, if we meet like this, the little girl won't have any big problems.

As a reliable senior brother, Luo Wusheng would naturally not bring up topics such as "wardrobe" at this time, let alone dig out the mind-reading eyeball from his left eye to cause a stress reaction among his junior sisters.

Finally, after Luo Wusheng finished telling what he had said to Miss Sword Fairy before, the demon girl was obviously deep in thought.

However, in the end, she did not continue to dwell on these events that were far away from her realm, but quietly changed the subject.

Luo Wusheng was in retreat for the past two days, and Bai Xiaoyao, as the Saint of the Demon Sect, handled the affairs of the Magic Weapon Pavilion on his behalf.

She knew in her heart that her senior brother's layout in the Magic Weapon Pavilion had been completed, and there might not be much free time to manage the Magic Weapon Pavilion in the future. With a delicate mind, she rearranged the business allocation in the Magic Weapon Pavilion so that the work of the Magic Weapon Pavilion could be carried out smoothly. It is fully capable of functioning normally despite intervention.

After arranging everything, the demon girl also counted the terrifying income of the Magic Weapon Pavilion in the past few days.

After hearing this, Luo Wusheng had a rare look of surprise on his face.

This was certainly not because of the unexpected huge income. After all, he almost had no idea about money nowadays.

He thought that his junior sister was actually better than him in seclusion, and he sighed for a moment.

The time taken to deal with matters should not be much less than the time spent in retreat, right?

Then again, the demon girl is indeed the most popular manager of the little demon realm among the three thousand demon realms. She can make the disciples of the demon sect fight for the quota of changing domain names every year. It is indeed not just because of her peerless beauty. .

With this thought in his mind, he joked a few words with his junior sister to eliminate her worries about what happened last night before leaving.


Luo Wusheng was thoughtful as he walked out of the house.

(Even when talking to the witch, there are strange movements...)

He touched his chin as he looked at the luck seed slowly returning to steady rotation in his body.

"Does it mean that as long as I talk to people, it will change?"

Luo Wusheng muttered to himself and wanted to find someone to test his conjecture.

But when he looked up at this moment, the people in the royal city he saw looked at him in awe and kept a distance from him silently.

This is the effect of too much fame.

Since yesterday, his popularity among the people has risen to another level.

At this moment, he is clearly not a Nascent Soul, but in the eyes of these people, he is more dazzling than most Nascent Souls.

So there was this scene in front of me.

After thinking about it, Luo Wusheng decided to go to the Magic Weapon Pavilion first.

Along the way, he also clearly felt the changes that had taken place in the royal city after yesterday's incident.

For example, when he walked on the long street, he could always feel several powerful auras sweeping over him, and the number of high-level monks in the crowd also increased significantly.

However, the reaction of the people in the royal city was much duller than he expected.

Even though so many things happened yesterday, these people did not seem to be too uneasy. Instead, they were more discussing the powerful strength displayed by the current empress last night and the powerful presence displayed by a certain demon sect saint when he was exterminating monsters.

For most people, they only had time to see and hear about the extermination of monsters last night.

And the two swords that the empress used to gather starlight in front of everyone last night really left a very deep impression on them.

The imperial power even reminded many people who had lived in the royal city for many years of the former emperor of the fairyland who was once almost invincible.

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