Steel Chambers of War

Chapter 133: True gold finger arrived

   What the weak current control is doing at this time is no longer control, but to divert the power grid that originally avoided the intelligent center...

   The next moment, when the energy barrier that protects the smart center intersects with the energy of the high-voltage power grid in this room, the miraculous effect of'attack the other's shield with the spear of the other' appears.


The energy barrier was broken instantly, and then the high-voltage current instantly penetrated the device body of the smart center. Not only the physical layer was severely damaged, because the strong current penetrated various electrical components, but also caused its own system and stored data. Suffered severe damage...

  At the same time, the automatic defense system on the entire starship was paralyzed, and the pressure on the soldiers of the Steel Barrier who were working **** the starship was suddenly reduced. On the other hand, the enemy's morale was greatly reduced and almost desperate.

   This is actually the most orthodox way to capture enemy warships in interstellar warfare. It is to send boarding combat troops to defeat the opponent's intelligent center, so as to ensure that this starship no longer has any room for resistance. It's just that generally speaking, doing so will always cause huge casualties, so the Star Empire will not do it. This time, because of the participation of the Rong Xiang, the process seemed particularly short and easy, and therefore the battle damage of the boarding battle was not too big.

   At this time, the high-voltage power grid around Rong Xiang disappeared, the energy barrier like a cage was naturally closed, and there was silence around him. He breathed a long sigh of relief, if he was still electrified like this, he might be familiar with it soon. And even now, his skin was stinging, apparently suffering from serious burns.

   But it is strange that his body is not weak. On the contrary, his whole body seems to be filled with electric energy, and electric arcs even beating on his body surface uncontrollably. If someone could see his appearance, he would find that his eyes turned out to be releasing blue electric lights at this time, just like the **** of thunder in the myth.

   But Rong Xiang doesn't like this state. He feels that his cells are undergoing a difficult torment, so he can't wait to release all these currents.

   At this moment, there was a mess of footsteps in the passage when they came, and it was obvious that the defender on the starship wanted to come to check the situation.

   Rong Elephant did not dodge this time, but directly took out the GR-X3 Gauss sniper rifle from the weapon backpack. Large-caliber solid warheads are already in place in the magazine, and then kneel down to shoot, while strong current is accumulated in the magazine...

   Suddenly, a group of people appeared at the end of the passage. They also found the Rong Elephant, and they immediately fired at him and rushed up...

   Rong elephant just tilted his head and avoided an attack that would hit him on the head, then pulled the trigger and shot a bullet with lightning flashing...


   The bullet hit an enemy with incomparable precision, and it turned out to be the shield that was directly stacked to shred. Then it continued to bombard the opponent’s chest with strong kinetic energy, slamming the whole person back into the air...More importantly, when this warhead collided with the opponent’s body, it actually exploded in a circle. Terrifying electromagnetic force field! The electromagnetic force field immediately caused the person who was shot to be electrocuted, and a strong smell of burnt was emitted from under the armored exoskeleton all over the body. But it couldn't cause harm to other people protected by the shield... but it used electromagnetic effects to magnetize all the metal products on the body and the metal walls of the nearby passages!

   Magnetic storm shooting! This is the combat skill that Rong Xiang has deliberately tapped and strengthened during this period. Electromagnetic force is defined by human civilization as one of the four basic forces of the universe, and it naturally has its special features. Ordinary shields can block electromagnetic energy kills, but there is nothing to do with electromagnetic effects.

Under the crowd, these people still wanted to gather the fire and the elephant, but at this moment they suddenly lost control of their bodies. The walls, and even between them, seemed to have an unspeakable attraction between them. They were originally neat. Therefore, the formation became a mess.

Rong Xiang seems to have anticipated this situation a long time ago. His hand holding a gun is very stable, and the warheads with powerful electric energy are blasted from the muzzle of GR-X3...Magnetic storm shooting, and it is continuous shooting. !

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   three consecutive shots, each time a large-caliber metal warhead directly penetrates the opponent's shield, and then the electromagnetic storm that erupts will electrify the soldiers protected by the exoskeleton armor into coke.

   And the soldiers who could use exoskeleton armor to forcibly restrain the electromagnetic effect after four consecutive magnetic storms shot the electromagnetic storm, their exoskeleton armor almost completely failed. As long as it is made of metal, there is no way to block this influence. Many of them even stick to the bulkhead in a ‘big’ font. Others are crowded with several people and can't get out.

   For this effect, Rong Xiang was quite satisfied. He did not choose rapid-fire weapons because he believed in his marksmanship, but after all, he was somewhat lacking in group attacks. But now with the effect of this magnetic storm shooting, it seems that the shortcomings in this area have been filled temporarily. And it's not just group damage, it's also group control!

   But he can have such a powerful effect now, but it is still because he wants to vent the over-charged electric energy in his body. Now after this round of catharsis, the electrical energy in his body has obviously calmed down. So I put away the GR-X3, and then quickly hit the group of enemy soldiers who were struggling to get out of the electromagnetic simply punched, whip and hit the knee. He almost didn't waste any effort to knock down the entire team of the opponent to the ground... Standing in the middle of this circle, Rong Xiang looked down at his palm quite surprised. Because he can feel that he is almost in a state where all his attributes have been enhanced by 50%, and it is surprisingly because the residual electricity in the cell allows him to enter the super-electric activation state previously studied.

   However, his previous activation state was achieved by self-stimulation using the biological currents in his own body cells, so not to mention the doubling of the physical energy consumed, the whole body cells will also enter a certain period of debilitating afterwards. So this was defined by him as a desperate means at a critical moment rather than a regular state... But this time it was different. The external current filled the cells in the body, and it could also achieve this activated state. Although physical exertion has also doubled, the loss of body cells has been reduced a lot.

   Of course, maintaining a 50% enhancement state is still too heavy for the body, but when he attenuates this activation rate to 30%, the body is actually in a very comfortable state. In other words, this state of ultra-electric activation is currently 30% appropriate. He even vaguely discovered that in this state, the cells of the whole body seem to be gradually strengthened due to the constant current stimulation within the range!

"Huh? It turns out that the physical attributes can also be self-improved like this?" Rong Xiang suddenly seemed to have discovered the new world...If this is the case...From the initial micro-electric induction to the current weak current control, this is accompanied by Rong Xiang’s talent has gone from weak to powerful, and now he has finally shown its true value...This is a talent that can attribute great power to himself, and it also means that he can surpass the definition of the concept of super fighter in this era. .

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