Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1310 Your Friend

Iushkin was confused for a moment as to what kind of medicine Malashenko, who was pretending to be mysterious, was selling in this gourd.

Many times, Iushkin couldn't guess what Malashenko was thinking. The real situation was often what Malashenko did in the end, which was very different from Iushkin's guess. , one in the sky and one on the earth.

After making several wrong guesses like this, Iushkin finally stopped guessing what Malashenko wanted to do. Anyway, if you guess, you will be wrong. Comrade Commander, who does not follow the routine, can always bring you all kinds of "surprises". Instead of continuing to guess, it is better to be a spectator and watch Malashenko. What exactly are you planning to do?

"Aren't you curious about what I want to do next?"

So when Malashenko deliberately raised such a question again, Iushkin's answer was just a simple sentence.

"Of course I'm curious, why wouldn't I be curious? But it's useless to be curious. I've never guessed it right once, so I might as well wait and see what you're going to do."

Iushkin, who always speaks directly, answered simply and without any pretense, which actually surprised our Comrade Ma a little.

"Well, just wait and see the good show, I will use the most extreme method to treat this Fasis dog.

Iushkin did not reply, but rested his elbows on the upper edge of the road wheels of the car, waiting to watch the show.

Malashenko also acted swiftly and swiftly. He stepped forward and, under the alert of a group of soldiers with guns and live ammunition, he suddenly came to the German officer who was so fanatical that he seemed to have been completely brainwashed as if he had entered a pyramid scheme. In front of him, he began to look at the person in front of him seriously.

With his blue eyes and blond hair, he is undoubtedly the so-called "purest" Aryan.

Malashenko's first impression at first glance was that the guy in front of him looked somewhat similar to the German propaganda posters he had seen. It would be even more damning if this guy could hold up a recruiting sign and take a photo!

Judging by the common aesthetic standards of later generations, this fascist bastard who chants all kinds of fanatical slogans is undoubtedly the "very handsome" type, enough to make young women pregnant and girls scream, standard. German style guy.

This man is not too tall, he is more than half a head shorter than himself, about 1.8 meters or less.

The military rank on his shoulder is that of Major of the National Defense Forces. His black face has horizontal and vertical lines, and he is more swipey than a painted-faced cat. He looks like a miner who has just escaped from a mining accident and rushed to the shaft. .

No matter how handsome he is, the current image of him with a painted face and a crooked hat and rags can only be classified into the "sharp brother" category at the most.

After staring at the "very distinctive" guy in front of him for about ten seconds, Malashenko finally spoke first, staring at him so hard that he couldn't help but want to say something.

"That's a good speech. Look at the cowards around you. All these people combined don't have the backbone of you."

"What you do next is another matter, but at least for now, I have to say that I still admire you."

Malashenko's tone of words was a bit "yin and yang"

You might call it a compliment, but it always sounds a bit off, as if you are implying something by criticizing others.

You might call it a curse, but there really isn’t anything obvious about it. Since you have the guts to say it, why don’t you want others to comment? What's more, the one who speaks first now is the loser, and the winner is fully qualified to judge the loser.

After all, only the winner is qualified to preach, otherwise it is just funny.

"So that's all you want to say? Russian guy. Your German level is pretty good. Did you learn it specifically to lead your people to surrender to Germany? I have to praise you, you learned it really well. "


No one could understand the "encrypted call" between the two, or even if they could, it was only half-understood by Erduodao, not to mention that Malashenko and the captured German major didn't even speak to each other. Extremely fast.

"Whatever you say, but then you don't have to tell me your theism."

"I have a friend here that you will definitely like, and he is also German. It's just that his judgment on the future of Germany is very different from yours. I'm very curious about what it will be like when you two meet."


Malashenko's words were a bit pretentious, and he deliberately mentioned some key points, but did not tell the truth. Such a situation directly made the unconvinced and sullen German major feel confused for a moment. So, I feel uneasy.

"What on earth do you want to say? What German? Do you want traitors to deal with me? I am a staunch soldier of the Führer, don't want me to succumb to you inferior Bolshevik trash!"

The fanatical German stickmen of this era always have a special flavor in their speech. They especially like to emphasize that they are loyal to someone or something, and put their own image in a very high position as soon as they speak, trying to make you realize that they are invincible. , It’s better to stop as early as possible. Malashenko has confirmed this more than once from the lunatic prisoners whose heads are twitching and unable to distinguish the situation.

But in the end, the end of these fanatical German sticks was actually the same, not to mention that Malashenko personally took action and tortured those fanatical German sticks.

The bullshit he talked about exploded, and when his body was suffering, he grimaced in pain and called her mother. In the end, he said whatever he wanted and wanted to take out his tongue to show you.

With such a boastful crotch-stretching level, Malashenko really wanted to grin and spit out: With this level of ability, you can't even withstand the first of the ten most tortured tortures in the Qing Dynasty. What a waste, absolutely unnecessary.

But something that can bring some fun cannot just be forgotten. Changing the way of playing may lead to different results, and Malashenko now has an excellent method that can completely satisfy the needs. own curiosity.

"Go find Comrade Political Commissar. I'll wait here. Remember to do it as soon as possible."

Malashenko took out the cigarette case from his pocket and said casually while taking out the cigarette. Kulbalov, who always followed the orders of the division commander without compromise and 100% execution, immediately nodded and replied.

"Okay, I'll do it right away. However, Comrade Political Commissar is with the follow-up troops. We have just finished the battle here. Even if we go to find them immediately, we will probably have to wait a while before they can come up."

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