Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1314 Comrade Second Lieutenant is sour (Part 1)

Malashenko wanted to take this opportunity to explore Winter's background. This was obvious to the lice on the bald man's head, and he did not hide anything from the political commissar comrades.

To put it bluntly, Malashenko still cannot trust this German guy who has just surrendered.

It is true that this guy has a "miserable life experience" and that he has a letter of introduction from a German communist informant, but Malashenko does not believe these lies. When it comes to the enemy, he only believes that seeing is believing.

There is no trust without reason in this world, and the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division is not a nursery that accepts everyone.

If you want to do things behind your own back, you must first show some real skills.

In other words, you should first submit a certificate to prove yourself.

"You want to test Winter? With that rabid German lunatic?"

Comrade Political Commissar seemed a little surprised, but Malashenko's reply was just a slight nod without changing his expression.


"Okay, I agree with your idea in principle. However, if you really plan to do this, I can't guarantee that things will develop in the established direction. Winter is still not very determined, as if he is recovering from a serious illness. The patient who is still lying in the hospital bed [ ], and I don’t understand what exactly you plan to use this test to prove? How do you plan to arrange this Winter? "

Facing the puzzled inquiries from his political commissar comrades, Malashenko, who pretended to be mysterious, just smiled indifferently.

"As long as you agree, that's all. As for what happens next, just wait and see."

The whole process of finding Winter did not take much time. This major of the Wehrmacht Intelligence Bureau, who was now extremely honest and willing to cooperate with the Red Army in principle, was under the custody of the guards when he was found by the people sent by Malashenko. , sitting in the compartment of the truck, holding a German version of a communist book borrowed from a comrade of the political commissar, and reading it with relish.

Dong dong dong——

The sound of knocking on the truck compartment suddenly sounded, just like the unkind tone of the person who suddenly spoke.

"Hey! Get out of the car quickly, German guy, our comrade, the division commander, wants to see you! Move quickly!"


Winter, who was engrossed in the sea of ​​books, was a little at a loss. He couldn't figure out what the famous "Steel Butcher" Malashenko wanted to do with him.

"What do you want to see me for? Can you tell me?"

Winter, who was confused, expressed his doubts. The second lieutenant who came to ask him to get out of the car was obviously a Red Army soldier who knew German, but he didn't seem to care much about the need to answer Winter's question.

"Where is all this nonsense? You are a prisoner of war! Do prisoners of war need to know the reason for executing orders? Know yourself clearly! Leave quickly!"


The tall and thick second lieutenant raised his arm and gave Winter who had just got out of the car a hand with dissatisfaction. Winter, who had not had time to stand firm on his feet, staggered on the spot and almost fell to the ground in the snow.

Since being captured, Major Winter's status and treatment have plummeted instantly. It can be said that it is miserable.

The cold-proof coat that she was originally wearing was missing. Winter himself didn't know exactly why it was missing. Anyway, he was woken up by the cold when he fell asleep at night. When he woke up, he found that he was covered with clothes. The quilter's coat was missing.

Stolen by other prisoners of war? Or was it the Russians who were guarding him?

Winter didn't know the real answer, and at the same time, he never thought about going to the guards guarding him for explanations and theories.

Just like what the second lieutenant who came to inform him of his past said, he is just a prisoner of war, and of course others can recognize his identity. And after talking with the political commissar named Petrov, Winter, who had been unable to find a future direction, felt that he could finally stop and think about what to do in the future.

Compared to the biting cold that he endured, Winter, who even felt a bit of joy in his heart, didn't care about this. What he cared more about was what kind of answer he could find through his subsequent exploration and thinking.

But unfortunately, Major Winter seems to have caught a cold at this moment. This nervous guy who only cares about feeling the joy in his heart and has left his body behind his head is now even frozen to the point of being unable to stand still. , trembling all over, and after being pushed violently, he had to hold on to the wheels of the Gas truck to stand upright.

"Comrade Second Lieutenant, this German guy seems to be in bad condition. He seems to be ill."

"Yes, Comrade Second Lieutenant. Look at him. He only has a single coat on him and nothing to protect him from the cold. If something goes wrong..."

The two soldiers following the young lieutenant, one on the left and the other on the right, were whispering "advice and suggestions." Although they did not express their words clearly, there was only one implicit meaning.

This German major was no ordinary man. He was an "important person" whom Comrade Division Commander and Comrade Political Commissar had talked to separately.

If we want to punish people for good or bad, we should go against Comrade Division Commander's temper of "It's better not to get angry, but when he does get angry, the volcano will erupt". I'm afraid Comrade Second Lieutenant will be the first one to suffer.

"I'm not blind, of course I saw it! No need to remind me!"


The two soldiers holding Bobo Sha in their hands curled their lips and said nothing, but they were thinking in their hearts, "Since you saw it, why didn't you take care of it? Waiting for someone to get sick from the cold and then making your comrade the teacher go berserk? Are you seeking death?" You didn’t even do that!”

The fact is that the young second lieutenant was indeed unhappy with Major Winter, but the reason for his displeasure was extremely strange and even a little funny.

"What ability does this German guy have? Is he worthy of having a separate meeting with Comrade Division Commander and Comrade Political Commissar? I heard that Comrade Division Commander even lit a cigarette for this guy? Where did this nonsense come from? I won't believe it even to death!"

To describe it in a more down-to-earth way, the young second lieutenant did feel a little "jealous."

The propaganda machine of the entire Soviet Union has shaped Malashenko, who emerged in 1941, into a person who always stays with the soldiers and fights side by side on the front line. He has won two Hero of the Soviet Union awards, and has been praised and personally praised by Comrade Stalin. Meet the absolute number one "tank hero"!

After such a label was attached and then heavily promoted, Malashenko, who had multiple halos and honors, almost became an "idol star" in the eyes of young people across the Soviet Union. If we look at it from the perspective of later generations, it is indeed the same. Effect.

In the diary of the young girl in Huaichun, there is a photo of our Comrade Ma, who is upright and sitting upright, taking a medal photo of a major general in uniform. It was cut from the front page of Pravda.

Similarly, there are many young and old boys, even young men of the same age, and there are many people in the Red Army who admire our Comrade Ma. Almost all of them regard becoming a great hero like General Malashenko as their life goal. Regardless of whether they can achieve it in the end, they must at least strive for it.

There is no doubt that this second lieutenant, who is two or three years younger than Malashenko, is such a person. The most important reason why he voluntarily signed up to join Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division was that he would defend the motherland and fight the enemy under the command of a hero in his mind.

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