Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1439 Finale Prologue

"Aim at the target, 12 o'clock! The Russian's T34! Reload quickly!"


"Loading completed!"


Boom - boom -

The German army's small water pipe anti-tank gun opened fire. The reason why it is called a small water pipe is because for the current Red Army tank force, even if it is only a medium tank force, anti-tank guns with a caliber of less than 88 mm can only be regarded as small. water pipe.

Even the PAK 40 75mm anti-tank gun cannot 100% kill the T3485 with one hit at a regular combat distance. There is a considerable chance of ricochet or failure to penetrate due to an incorrect angle of incidence. .

The German anti-tank gun teams operating anti-tank guns in combat certainly understood this. In the past, they had more powerful anti-tank guns as the backbone of the battle, sometimes 88 mm anti-aircraft guns, sometimes more powerful long 88 anti-tank guns.

But this time, they can only rely on their ordinary and even outdated anti-tank weapons. If they can't fight well, it will be equivalent to failure.



As expected, these 50 and 75 mm anti-tank guns of the German army were not very effective, and most of them did nothing after hitting the target.

The 50mm hooded armor-piercing projectile hit the sloping armor plate on the front of the T3485's body and ricocheted directly.

The hood and quilt were smashed together by the armor-piercing projectile, which had been severely distorted. The T3485 slid diagonally upward on the armor plate on the front of the car body, leaving behind a relatively deep ballistic trajectory, and then went straight to the sky, leaving a silver-white tracer in the air, and there was no more Other things.

The larger-caliber 75mm hooded armor-piercing projectile is also ineffective. The Red Army medium tank group on the charge is not the only T3485. As the top elite unit of the Red Army tank corps, the 1st Stalin Guards Tank Division is also equipped with the T43 medium tank, which is still very rare in the current sequence of the Red Army tank corps.

This design index specifically refers to the new Red Army medium tank of the previous generation Panther 1 medium tank. It has quite good defensive power and has been improved to a qualitatively different level. At the same time, it still retains moderate tonnage and good maneuverability, and its mechanical reliability is naturally excellent. After all, it got the help of Comrade Kotin who had the guidance of Malashenko.

The PAK 40 anti-tank gun, which has the same armor-piercing power as the long-barreled Panzer IV tank, is naturally unable to attack the T43 medium tank. A shot fired at it can only make a sound and do nothing.

The 75mm full-caliber armor-piercing projectile supported by the cap did not ricochet, achieving the expected near-perfect normal incidence effect. However, the remaining armor-piercing kinetic energy is already seriously insufficient on the inclined forward trajectory with equivalent defense. The final result is that the projectile is like a toy javelin stuck on the target, stuck in the upper armor of the T43 body, and becomes Maozi decorations.

With the order of the comrade of the division commander in advance, the Red Army tank soldiers who were charging at full speed would naturally not let the Germans' broken cannons continue to do whatever they wanted. Even if the chance of breakdown is low and it can only be useless in most cases, you must not let something that threatens your existence be ignored.

"Stop the car and aim at the German cannon! Let me blast it into the sky!"

"Good high-explosive bombs!"



Medium tanks not only have good acceleration performance and fast top speed, but also have first-class starting and emergency braking speeds, far better than heavy tanks. The T3485 and T43 at the front came to a complete stop in just a split second.

That is, at the same time as it came to a complete stop, the high-explosive shells rushing out from the muzzle at high speed had already crossed a not-so-long distance and accurately hit the open space directly in front of the German anti-tank gun emplacement.

The artillery shield, which can barely withstand small arms fire, cannot stop the explosion of an 85mm high-explosive projectile.

The rapidly spreading flames were wrapped in high-speed impact projectile fragments, swallowing up the nearby German anti-tank guns and artillery batteries in the blink of an eye. Apart from the loud noise that shook the air, there was not even a scream.

A few German anti-tank guns were sent into the sky like this, and were scrapped on the spot without even achieving the slightest victory, turning into a pile of twisted and hot metal debris stained with burnt black blood.

Only a few tanks stopped and opened fire. Most of the Red Army tanks were still charging at high speeds. The Germans, who had lost only a few anti-tank guns, could no longer stop these red beasts from rushing towards their faces. .

"It's over, we're dead! We're dead! The Russians will grind us into a pulp! They will!"

"Shut up! Pighead! If you keep shouting, can the Russians not be able to rush over? Ah!?"

"Iron Fist, bring the Iron Fist over here! Quick!"

The few anti-tank guns could not be counted on from the beginning. In the final analysis, the anti-tank weapons that the German army relied on most were the Panzerfaust rocket launchers that were simple to use and could be used by everyone.

Full boxes of iron fists were carried up one after another by German soldiers. After kicking open the lid of the box, they were filled with brand-new anti-tank weapons.

The anxious German soldiers all took out their iron fists and distributed them in a panic, making final preparations. It was at this critical moment that the Soviet tanks, like a flood from a dike, finally broke through the position and really crushed them in the face.

"Cover the tanks, comrades! Don't let those Germans with iron bars get closer! Fire!!!"

Seeing the Germans scurrying around like rats, they already had something very deadly in their hands that could kill the tank with one hit. The Red Army infantry captain who was following his own tank and commanding the infantry-tank coordination immediately gave a loud order, waving the wave of sand in his hand and asking the soldiers to cover the tank. The most important thing about the relationship between tanks and infantry is that the relationship between tanks and infantry is the most important thing. Easy to describe.

"Come on! Get up here and knock out those Russian tractors!"

The German second lieutenant was shouting orders to his soldiers.

"Stop! Cover the tanks first and kill the German iron rods!"

Corresponding to this is the exact opposite order from the Red Army squad leader.

Main guns, rifles, submachine guns, machine guns, pistols, grenades... almost all weapons that could fire were firing wildly. The red-eyed Soviet and German troops were almost on the verge of losing their minds, driving their bodies through the hail of bullets. It's just a body that moves mechanically.

But all this can only be regarded as the beginning now. The iron flow of the end, which can truly sweep away everything with its unstoppable violent destruction, has only just arrived on the battlefield.

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