Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1519 Death of the Vikings (Part 2)

The remaining SS troops on the battlefield were still resisting. Even if the situation was irreversible, these SS troops still did not want to give up. Or maybe they insist on continuing to fight for some reason, but no matter what the reason is, it doesn't matter now, because it will not have any impact on the result. The end of this group of SS troops is now approaching.

"Concentrate your firepower and prioritize the Germans' armored vehicles! Kill their King Tiger first!"

No matter what the situation is, the King Tiger heavy tank, which poses the greatest threat, must be dealt with first.

This monster, which has the ability to penetrate the weak points of the Red Army's heavy tanks head-on, must be dealt with first. If it is left alone and continues to output, it will be a big problem. Even a single-digit King Tiger can cause huge casualties to the Red Army. The order issued by Kulbalov is indeed the best and necessary choice at the moment.

The use of armor-piercing projectiles at medium and long distances cannot effectively damage the German King Tiger. This is a reality that has been proven before our eyes.

But the Red Army's tank troops, which dominate the world with their big guns, have other ways to deal with these monsters. After loading 122mm high-explosive shells and blasting them with a few rounds, there is no target that they can't defeat. No matter how strong the tank is, the armor will crack. Losing combat effectiveness is unreasonable and brainless, but it is indeed effective.

"High-explosive reload!"

"Loading completed!"


Boom boom boom——

The IS6 heavy tanks that stopped about five hundred meters away from the King Tigers focused their fire output. The hot muzzle flames rushed out from the huge muzzle brake of the chamber, blasting the huge caliber tanks. The 122mm high-explosive projectile shoots straight towards the target and rushes away.

During World War II, tanks were not equipped with a two-way stabilizer for the main gun, and did not have reliable and practical fire capabilities while moving. This situation was of course the same for the German King Tiger.

Therefore, those King Tigers who were stopping in place and outputting firepower motionlessly were a great help to the Red Army's direct-aiming bombardment of high-explosive bombs.

High-explosive shells with low muzzle velocity, curved trajectories, large impact on wind speed, and worrying long-range accuracy are indeed a bit difficult to hit moving targets. Especially for high-speed moving targets, it almost depends entirely on the face and whether Comrade Stalin is blessed.

But if it is to attack a fixed target of a big guy as wide and fat as King Tiger at a medium distance, the full-caliber high-explosive grenade launched by the 122 Heirloom of the IS6 heavy tank will still be able to win without any problems.

Several roaring high-explosive shells hit the King Tiger's front main armor belt firmly. Whether it was the front of the turret, the front of the car body, or even the front and bottom, they all encountered varying degrees of concentrated fire attacks. The explosion could not be seen in detail amid the fire and smoke.

The concentrated fire attack of the Red Army's heavy tanks, which had an absolute numerical advantage, was so fierce that the 122mm high-explosive grenades concentrated on one azimuth point not only covered the target King Tiger heavy tank in the explosion flames and smoke. The scattered shrapnel and flames also injured the unlucky SS infantry around them, and all kinds of screams could be heard all of a sudden.

"Crazy! These Russian guys are crazy, they are blasting our tanks with grenades!"

"This can't be effective! Our King Tiger weighs nearly 70 tons and is covered in thick armor. How can defenses and grenades that can't penetrate even armor-piercing bullets be effective!?"

Even now, there are still SS soldiers comforting themselves or deceiving themselves?

It doesn't matter what happens, the important thing is that there are indeed people with relatively clear heads among the surrounding SS troops.

"Is there something wrong with your head? Don't you know what caliber the Russian heavy tanks have? Have you forgotten how many times our King Tiger was destroyed by the Russian 152 heavy artillery!?"

This 152 is not that 152. The tragic past that many SS veterans still remember refers to the King Tiger heavy tank that was destroyed by the 152 howitzer of the Red Army field artillery group.

Field artillery's direct fire at a tank is equivalent to buying a lottery ticket, and the chance should be said to be extremely slim.

But if you spend more money, there will actually be a qualitative change in the end, and the probability of winning the lottery will increase linearly.

In the same way, the Red Army's field artillery group, which already wins by numbers, moved around at will, with dozens or hundreds of 122 and 152 salvos firing in the face. Under such circumstances, even if the King Tiger maneuvers in time and plans to escape from the shelling range, it is inevitable that some unlucky King Tigers will be drawn by the artillery barrage and become the lucky ones.

Once the unreasonable 152 high-explosive bombs are directed and hit the Tianling Cap, it will destroy the light and heavy tanks without distinction regardless of the thickness of your armor. Even if you are a heavy tank, how thick can your head be? 152 Divine Cult can die on the spot with just one hit.

The SS veterans who still can’t forget the sight of the wreckage of the King Tiger being smashed on the head by Russian heavy artillery cannons can use their rich experience to make a bet: Our own King Tiger will not be able to withstand those Russian tanks no matter what. The high-explosive shells of the caliber main gun are concentrated fire bombardment. This is not a question of whether your armor is hard or not, but that when the caliber reaches a certain level, it can really be unreasonable.

After the fire, smoke, dust and explosion impact quietly dissipated, the result that followed was indeed as expected.

The few single-digit King Tigers were killed miserably by high-explosive bombs. The only thing that was slightly better was that the armor on the front was smashed out with a bunch of shocking huge craters. No matter what the internal situation was, at least it looked miserable. The appearance is quite reasonable and intact. If the people inside are okay, it is not ruled out that they can continue to fight.

But for those Tiger Kings who are in poor condition, continuing to fight can only be a luxury hope.

A King Tiger in the worst condition was hit by two 122 high-explosive grenades at the gun root and the front of the turret almost simultaneously. The huge and powerful explosion power from an extremely long distance instantly destroyed the slender gun of the King Tiger. The barrel of the 71 times caliber 88mm main gun was torn into two pieces and broke on the spot.

The longer part of the gun barrel that broke off from the mantlet near the base of the gun was now stuck upside down in the soil, like a telegraph pole.

The turret, with only the shortest remaining barrel remaining, looked as ridiculous as a pig's snout, but the horrific damage certainly didn't end there.

The tracks were blown off, the front half of the skirts on both sides of the vehicle were almost completely blown away, and even the welding points above and below the vehicle were smashed and cracked.

No one knows how many 122 high-explosive bombs hit this King Tiger at that moment. The only thing that is certain is that this King Tiger can be removed from the battle order.

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