Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1772 Until you get the news of victory!

The German army's crazy resistance made Malashenko extremely angry. This kind of battle, which seemed to be meaningless and the outcome was determined, could not end for a long time. The casualties continued to increase every minute. With a high-digit growth rate, if this battle lasts for more than a minute, it is a waste of time and lives. ReadМ

"We can't continue to waste it like this. We have to give these bastard fascists some strong material."

Malashenko, who didn't want to waste any more time, had a new plan. He called for another wave of support, whether it was from the sky or on the ground, as long as it could speed up the death of these Germans.

Malashenko did what he said and did not rush to lead the team into battle. Instead, after giving the task of leading the team to the main attack to Lavrinenko and Kulbalov, he stayed and went straight to Mobile. Next to the command vehicle, he reached out and asked the correspondent for the microphone, connected the channel, and then spoke.

"Pick up Comrade Political Commissar and ask him to come over and listen to the radio. Hurry!"

No matter what needs he has on the front line, Malashenko only needs to find one person when contacting the rear division headquarters: Political Commissar Petrov. The omnipotent political commissar comrade can always help our division commanders and comrades solve all troubles when they are needed most.

With Comrade Political Commissar around, Malashenko never worried about a fire in his backyard. Comrade Political Commissar was his most reliable rear protection.

"Hey, is this Malashenko?"


"Hey, Malashenko, communication check, can you hear me?"


Two questions came out from the other end of the radio. The confused Malashenko was stunned for a while before he finally realized who the familiar voice on the other end of the radio belonged to. Not comrade political commissar.

"Comrade Commander?"

Although his guess was close to ten and he was almost completely convinced, Malashenko still couldn't believe that his judgment was true. What was Comrade Commander doing on the front line at this time? Shouldn't he be sitting in command of the front army headquarters, waiting for his good news and then be done with it? It would really be outrageous to come to his own division headquarters.

However, Malashenko's guess was indeed correct, and the familiar voice on the other end of the radio quickly confirmed his guess.

"Since you heard it, I don't need to talk nonsense anymore. How is the situation over there now? Give me the latest news, immediately."

I'm holding you in my mouth, it's really Vatutin! ?

There wasn't much time left for Malashenko to immerse himself in "shock". Vatutin's tone obviously didn't seem like he was willing to wait too long. Malashenko, who didn't dare to neglect, organized his words a little and immediately He spoke repeatedly.

"Everything is going according to plan, Comrade Commander. The resistance of the Germans is more tenacious, but our soldiers are more brave! The advantages in technical equipment and military strength are on our side, and the Germans cannot escape now even if they have wings. I am confident To end the battle before dark, now there is only one last step left before a complete victory, and we are only a short distance away from annihilating the enemy's Grossdeutschland Division."

The latest news reported by Malashenko is undoubtedly good news, provided that the original grand strategic background remains unchanged, but it is different now.

"Whether you have the confidence to do it or not, Malashenko, you must end the fight before dark."

"We have enough intelligence to confirm that a large number of enemy reinforcements are coming towards the theater where your headquarters is located, moving from west to east. Not only mechanized troops and armored troops, but also a large group of German infantry divisions are also on the way. You have not The extra time can be wasted, find the enemy's weaknesses and kill them. Once today is over, you will not have such a good opportunity again, and tomorrow's battle will be completely different. "

No, why the hell are there reinforcements? Is this German guy a Calabash kid? Leave it here to save grandpa and keep sending them one by one, right? It’s not over yet?

Malashenko couldn't understand the purpose of the Germans' continuous reinforcements. If you want to say that he can turn things around, that's not true. It's useless to add more reinforcements when the battle has reached this point. If you want to seize the tiger's mouth, it depends on the capital and the remaining time. The Grossdeutschland Division now only has half a life left, and it will not be able to sustain the arrival of reinforcements. , Malashenko is very convinced of this.

But if that's the case, then what the hell are these Germans trying to do?

Assemble a large number of main forces to come and fight a strategic decisive battle with yourself?

It sounds quite reliable, and it is possible, but Malashenko has no time to think about whether his wild guess is right or wrong. The urgency of the sudden change in the battle situation no longer allows him to waste time on this matter. Son is on.

"Comrade Commander, I need any possible support to end this battle as soon as possible. Aircraft, artillery, any support is needed! We can no longer give the enemy any chance to delay, and we must end everything as soon as possible!"

Malashenko chose to go straight to the point and gave Vatutin a complete explanation of his current thoughts and needs.

To say that Vatutin and Malashenko, a pair of superiors and subordinates, really have the same temperament and can indeed urinate into a pot, Comrade Ma’s words were not finished yet, and the other end of the radio also kept holding the microphone. Vatutin was already speaking calmly.

"Don't worry, reinforcements will be here soon. The aviation force set off twenty minutes ago to the theater where your headquarters is located. The ammunition of the artillery group is about to be replenished. Several other German armored divisions and small groups of dispersed troops are now in the periphery. Under our control, they are either being held back or about to be destroyed, and cannot interfere with your battle."

"There are less than two hours until dark. I give you an hour and a half to end the battle. Whether you beat the Germans until they surrender or annihilate them all, you can choose the method. I will not interfere with your tactical command. As long as Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division wins the final result, can it be achieved?"

It's quite interesting that Vatutin met all the demands put forward by Malashenko at once. Aviation and artillery support are in place and on standby at any time. If Malashenko is still here to make excuses and reasons, then this division commander will be the same. There's no need to be a pawn. Let's see if the cooks in the cooking class who cook the big pots are still short of people. Come over and help.

"It can be done, Comrade Commander, Major General Malashenko, commander of Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division, promises you to complete the mission!"

The reassuring promise finally put a smile on Vatutin's face. At least Malashenko had never let Vatutin down in terms of what he had promised personally.

Comrade Commander has reason to believe that Malashenko will remain the same this time.

"Very good, I will sit here at your division headquarters until you send us the news of victory!"

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