Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1804 Everyone flies when disaster strikes

The Russians are calling. This is the worst news and the last thing anyone wants to hear.

However, given the current situation, it is not a surprise. After all, everyone knows that the Russians’ ferocious offensive is a thing, and the radio contact that was made a little earlier is still unclear. Notified in advance that the Russians had broken through the defenses.

Even if there was something wrong with the radio and it was fake, at least the fact that the Russians had called was true, and it was enough to know that.

"How long can you hold on? Where is the Russian now?"

The armored soldier with the rank of major on his shoulder asked the question without thinking, and seemed not to be very surprised by this situation.

But it didn't matter whether he was surprised or not. Alfred, who was only responsible for reporting the news, didn't care about what others thought. He just wants to let himself and his comrades who are still fighting desperately to survive. After informing these people, he can evacuate as soon as possible. As for other nonsense, who has the mind to care so much? .

Therefore, Alfred only needs to answer the major's question in the simplest and most efficient way now. Apart from this, everything else is not important, at least Alfred himself thinks so.

"When I left, the Russian tanks were only three to five hundred meters away from the position. They may have rushed to the position now. We lack enough anti-tank weapons and we can't delay it for too long. You can withdraw as fast as you can. , it will be too late."

The major, who couldn't tell what he was thinking specifically, still had a poker face with an unchanged expression, but there was a faint tremor between his eyebrows, as if he was having some intense conflicting thoughts in his heart.

"I understand. Before our evacuation is completed, please do your best to hold off the enemy and buy us time. There are too many heavy equipment, and it will be impossible to evacuate quickly for a while. Please be sure to convey this to your commander."


This time, it was Alfred's turn to be speechless. He even felt that the armored major in front of him said such nonsense because he had no clue at all.

The war has reached this point. If you people want to withdraw, do you think we will have to support you to death? If your life is life, our life is not life? It was you who "dead fellow Taoists but not poor Taoists" first, so don't blame us for taking the same measures against you.

The shrewd Alfred did not retort no to his face. He cursed secretly in his heart and just gave a casual salute before turning around and trotting away.

Watching the unknown infantryman who came to report the news leave, Major Schennauer, who knew how serious the situation was, had to start thinking carefully about what needed to be done next.

Many things that have happened so far have far exceeded my expectations, and I still haven't really figured out the situation yet.

Who was talking to me and reporting coordinates on that radio? Are the bombardment coordinates fake? Did the shell really hit one of our own people on the head, causing heavy casualties? If everything is as real as the worst-case scenario, does that mean that I have really committed an unforgivable and irreparable mistake?

All kinds of complex and disturbing bad problems and emergencies hit Major Schennauer's mind like a roaring flood from a bursting embankment.

Schennauer wants to explore the results, clarify the facts, and restore the truth to himself, but the current difficult objective reality does not give him this time and opportunity. Now he must act as quickly as possible for the survival of himself and his troops. The better.

"We can't go on like this. We have to find a way to leave as soon as possible. Those infantrymen always feel that they are not very reliable."

Alfred sneered at Schennauer's order, but Schennauer simply couldn't trust the infantry.

They were two different subordinate units that had not known each other before and were even less familiar with each other. No one could truly entrust their support to the other. You suspect that I will betray you, and I also fucking suspect that you are going to stab me in the back. Don’t count on anyone else at the critical moment. The best thing to do is to protect yourself first.

With the intention of running away quickly, Schennauer grabbed the submachine gun hanging on the wall and put it on his waist. He just touched the door frame and was about to leave the place and quickly go to the position to take command.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, unexpected emergencies suddenly followed.


call out--

The huge explosion was accompanied by a fireball and flying debris all over the sky. Major Schennauer, who had just arrived at the door and had not even had time to move his legs, was struck by this powerful weapon on the spot. The shock wave of the explosion sent him flying backwards.

It is true that "where you come from, you go back to". Before he could get out, he was thrown back intact into the semi-buried bunker of civil engineering works. In this case, not being killed on the spot was considered a blessing in misfortune.

"Ahem, cough, hell, where did the call come from!"

The artillery shell that exploded near the edge of the traffic ditch at the entrance was definitely not a small caliber of several tens of millimeters. Major Schennauer, who was responsible for serving cannons, knew this very well due to his professional characteristics.

It doesn't matter that he was almost killed by this shell. What matters is where the hell this shell came from, and whether he was targeted by the Russian cannon, or the hidden position has been exposed.

His own troops didn't even have time to prepare for retreat. If a large Russian force came over at this time, no one would be able to escape, and they would be completely destroyed.

Major Schennauer, who was anxious to confirm the situation, ignored the severe pain in his waist when he was thrown away and hit the corner of the table. He endured the discomfort that his body was about to fall apart. He just carried the submachine gun in one hand and supported it with the other hand. The table stood up again, and began to run towards the door again with a staggering pace at first, and then got faster and faster as it went back.

Major Schennauer, who was anxious to see what was going on outside, rushed out without thinking. This cannot be said to mean that a person has lost his reason and thinking, but more like a normal person in an emergency and under stress. Performance.

Just the moment Major Schennauer rushed out of the fortification bunker, three or two black figures flashed from the corner in front of the traffic trench, with the gun in their hands.

"Damn it! Russian guy!"

A moment of shock and consternation hit my mind, and then I saw the MP40 with the safety on and the bullet loaded, ready to shoot from the hip.

Schennauer's speed is indeed fast enough. Most people cannot react at this speed in such an unexpected situation.

But the problem is that Schennauer rushed out alone, but the group of enemies opposite him were not.

Schennauer can be faster than most enemies, but as long as one of the enemies on the opposite side is faster than him, then the only outcome waiting for him is certain death.

Unfortunately, before the black hole muzzle of the MP40 was completely pointed at the enemy, an AK holding the gun behind Schennauer had already completed its aim, and without hesitation, he pulled the trigger and the muzzle roared.

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