Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1811 Good guy!

As for the group of German artillerymen who crippled a battalion of his own, it would be impossible to say that Gornakov would not feel resentful about it. It can even be said that Gornakov even chewed up these German scum. The heart is there. (audience) readingМ

"Take me over there and take a look. Together, I guess your division has killed these German bastards and left them everywhere."

The forward division headquarters chaired by Political Commissar Petrov has not yet arrived at the combat area where the exchange of fire has just ended. For the time being, there are only combat troops and combat equipment on the positions that have just been captured. There is no Malashenko's favorite American-assisted Willys. Jeep available.

Malashenko, who didn't care about the number of motorized hours, was unrestrained and wild. He directly ordered Seryo to take the car, carry his crew and the hitchhiking division commander Gornakov, and go to Kulbalov to capture Home of the German artillery battalion.

Malashenko talked to Gornakov with half of his body hanging outside the turret, but the next answer surprised Gornakov, who hated the Germans to the bone.

"No, we didn't even exchange fire with the German artillery. Our soldiers just rushed over. When the Germans who were about to escape saw this posture, they gave up resistance and raised their hands to surrender. The whole process went smoothly beyond expectations."

"Surrender?! Directly???"

Almost everyone will have this "shocked for a hundred years" expression when they hear the news for the first time. After all, the Fascist army surrendered to the Red Army without firing a shot. If you say such a thing casually, you will just Afraid of being looked upon as a fool. But reality is often like this, more magical than your imagination. Such outrageous things are happening so real right now.

"I don't know the details very well. The work was done by the commander of the main regiment under me. The German artillerymen had been hiding in a hidden spot and firing, not even in the main direction of the attack. Pull out this We had to divide our forces to attack Nail, but luckily we moved quickly enough to prevent them from running away.”


Malashenko was explaining while supporting the turret with one hand and holding the back of the turret's head with the other hand. Gornakov, who was in a half-crouched position to stabilize his body balance, was listening attentively.

Time passed quickly in the awkward chat between you and me. In addition to fighting, the IS4 heavy tank was also used as a means of transportation.

After arriving at the bottom of the hillside, Malashenko got off the car and quickly saw Kulbalov, who had been waiting for a long time. Malashenko's first words blurted out before he could speak.

"Great harvest, Comrade Commander!"

"I went to check it out. These German cars are all new! Many of them have only been installed for more than a month, and they haven't even had time to scratch the paint. The structure is also very complete, and they are all packed together. "The configuration of the artillery camp, that's what the Germans said. The fascist leader of this group has been singled out for interrogation, and a lot of valuable information has been revealed."

Malashenko had roughly guessed a variety of different situations and possibilities on the way here, and was mentally prepared to accept them no matter which one they were, good or bad, and what Kulbalov was describing right now The situation is undoubtedly the best of them all.

"Let's talk as we walk and lead the way."

Malashenko didn't want to waste time. After hearing this, Kulbalov also obeyed the order. The group of people were still discussing the specific details while walking uphill.

"There are 45 vehicles in total, and there are quite a few of them. These German guys really wanted to run away, but they didn't have time. Our reinforcements arrived in time, and then we all detained them."

Every word and deed of Kulbalov revealed unspeakable excitement and excitement. No wonder, after all, this was an entire self-propelled artillery battalion's heavy equipment being collected. This was an unprecedented or even unheard of event in the past.

Just imagine how important this battalion's self-propelled artillery is?

Even if Stalin's 1st Guards Tank Division itself cannot use it, if you think about it from another angle, it will at least take a big beam out of the Germans. Each of these self-propelled artillery battalions with independent establishments is very important. How can they be wiped out completely and make the Germans shed tears of distress? This is not a casual remark.

Malashenko could understand Kulbalov's unspeakable excitement. In fact, the award that he had submitted an application for was fully worthy of the credit he had made. It was just Kulbalov himself. Just don’t know about it yet.

Malashenko has no intention of telling him now. Creating a surprise is obviously a better choice, and the questions that follow will get to the deeper core of the problem.

"Tell me the results of the prisoner's interrogation first. Who is the person you are interrogating? The battalion commander?"

As long as the Germans are willing to tell the truth, the value of the things that can be pried out of the prisoners' mouths is undoubtedly the highest. Malashenko is looking forward to Kulbalov's next answer having a pretty good result.

"No, comrade division commander. The prisoner we are interrogating is a captain and battalion deputy. He gave the order to surrender. He was also the highest-ranking person when the Germans raised their hands to surrender, and he was also the person who actually commanded them."

"According to what he said, what is that guy's name? The German's name is smelly and hard to remember. I forgot what it was called. Anyway, it probably means that he is missing and can't find anyone. After he saw a smoke bomb rising from the top of the hillside, He thought it was a signal flare sent by us to summon the large troops, so he immediately panicked and wanted to lead the troops to escape immediately. However, we moved faster than him and our formation was strong enough, and then he "

"You just gave the order to surrender?"

Kulbalov did not directly answer Malashenko's question, but nodded to himself, saying that it was indeed the case. This actually made Comrade Ma couldn't help laughing.

"This German guy is actually a smart guy. If all German guys were like him, our future work would be a lot easier."

While talking and laughing, they had reached the top of the slope. Malashenko, who stopped here to look around, first took a look at the surrounding environment and found that the highest point where he was was surrounded by undulating and uneven slopes of various sizes. , the low-lying area under the slope is like a large pit dug out by nature, or a basin. No matter how you describe it, that's it.

It seems that if those German artillerymen were hiding in this pit to fire "black artillery", then everything would be explained.

Why was he bombed before he heard the roar of the shells? Why can I hear the sound of cannons but not see the sound of fire?

The answer is simple. The Germans used short-range curved trajectories, nestled in the pit in front of them, fired at high elevation angles, and shot cattle across the mountains.

This is a "trebuchet trajectory" similar to that of a mortar that only a low-magnification curved-firing artillery with a sufficiently short barrel can produce. The concealment effect and safety factor are extremely good.

The premise is that there must be friendly forces reporting the artillery coordinates. The artillery in the pit can't observe anything except firing according to the coordinates. Even the impact point of the artillery shells and the correction of the artillery coordinates have to rely on friendly forces' observation reports, which requires a high degree of tacit understanding of cooperation. high.

But instead of figuring out the truth about the mystery that had troubled me before, I saw the special geographical environment around me with my own eyes.

What Malashenko cared about more was the big iron guys lined up and neatly stacked in the pit directly below.

The modified chassis of the No. 4 tank and the fully enclosed armored fighting room have obvious appearances, especially the thick short-barreled artillery like a pig's nose. It is the most iconic feature. Ma has a panoramic view of all this through the telescope. Rashenko actually has the answer.

"Good guy, this is such a damn good guy! This guy Kurbalov got a whole battalion of grizzly bears!"

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