Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 1833 To pursue or not to pursue?

One obvious and simple truth is that those Russian guys outside are obviously after the baby in the station, not themselves.

Hermann could say with great certainty that as soon as he arrived at the train station and before he could take a breath, the Russians had a highly mechanized elite heavy armored force coming at them from behind. This was definitely not for him.

The Skeleton Division has been fighting on the southern battlefield and has never moved closer to the north in recent days.

Even after the Skeleton Division suffered heavy losses in terms of troops and technical equipment due to continuous firefighting and was forced to retreat, the Skeleton Division's retreat route also went straight through the defense zones of our own friendly forces in the southern theater. Even though the Russians behind me were still chasing and beating them hard, but fortunately everything was safe.

Thanks to the relatively strong defense of other friendly forces in the rear, the Russian pursuers chasing from the south were not able to penetrate the German strategic depth defense immediately and catch up with the Skeleton Division, which was stepping up its retreat. This is in the latest report. Information confirmed in the telegram.

The reason why Hermann wanted to place all the division's main armored forces in the south was because once the Russian pursuers from the south broke through friendly defenses and came towards him, the existing forces on hand would be able to make timely adjustments and respond urgently. .

Since there has been no actual contact with the Russians, the Russians in the south have no way of knowing their current specific movements, and it is impossible to inform the Russians in other directions to provide support and come specifically to attack their skeleton division.

However, the actions and actual combat power of the Russians outside the station are not like aimless and accidental actions. Both their tactical performance and the number of attacks look very targeted. The Russians seemed to want to rush into the station at all costs, and all actions revolved around this central point.

This includes intercepting and blocking our own armored units coming from the south to support the north, and dividing and destroying the undefended infantry units outside the station. If you think about it carefully, it seems that these behaviors can be equated with the purpose of "making the upcoming battle against the station smoother."

So what did the Russians want to do when they rushed into the station?

Standing at the window of the hidden observation point with a telescope in his hand, Hermann held his breath and stared at the battlefield close at hand. The final answer was obviously ready to come out.

"These Russian guys are here for the treasures in the station, I bet! Their goal is not us, but to snatch back the treasures that belong to them.

The young adjutant who had been accompanying Herman was stunned for a moment when he heard this. Then he blurted out words that seemed to be vague but unbelievable, and a little tentatively.

"Don't you? I thought the Russians came here specifically to intercept us. Taking advantage of the fact that we had just arrived at the station and were unprepared and out of strength, this is simply the best opportunity."

The words from the adjutant's mouth did represent the possibility of another reality. Herman nodded and acknowledged this without hesitation.

"At first I thought the same thing as you, but soon I realized that this might not be the case."

"The Russians in the south have no way of grasping our movements. We broke away from them during the day yesterday and retreated dozens of kilometers. In this case, the Russians in the north have no way of grasping our movements. They lack key information. battlefield information, it is even more impossible to come here to intercept us based on this non-existent intelligence key point. This assumption was not established from the beginning. "

"The question is simple. Since it wasn't us, why did the Russians deploy such an elite heavy armored force to attack the station like crazy? The answer is already in front of us. The two battalions of the third-rate Wehrmacht garrison at the station are still there. It’s not worthy for these Russians to take care of it themselves. The only thing they care about is the treasure in the station.”


The young adjutant did not have Herman's powerful brainstorming and imagining abilities. It was already very difficult to understand this mess of nonsense, and it was almost impossible to figure out the deep meaning.

Of course, Herman did not expect the adjutant to understand what he meant immediately. The key was to carry out the orders he gave. Being able to do this was enough.

"The fighting outside the station is basically over, and all infantry units that can be withdrawn have withdrawn into the station."

"Go and inform Frick to adjust the direction of action. Don't get entangled with the Russian armored units that are responsible for blocking the mission. Change the direction from the west and penetrate the periphery of the station to support us. There are no Russians there yet."

"As soon as the armored forces to respond to our retreat are ready, all infantry units will immediately evacuate the station in an orderly manner and retreat to the west. As long as you leave what you want to these Russians, they will not come after us again. I guess after getting the baby Guarding them well and getting rid of them as soon as possible is their follow-up task. They just need to seize this point and make corresponding tactical arrangements.”

"Before that, inform all the troops who have withdrawn into the station that they must withstand the Russian offensive and must not let the Russian infantry break through the defense line and rush into the station. If this happens, we may withdraw even if we want to. No more!”

"If the situation permits, the Russians won't mind taking the treasure and killing us at the same time. They have the strength, but they just lack time."

Putting aside the hostile relationship between the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield, if Malashenko heard Herman's analysis, speculation and words, Comrade Ma would probably have to pat Herman on the shoulder. A line from the heart: Hey, you’re a fucking genius!

Although he didn't guess completely correctly, Herman did guess the real situation at the moment almost exactly, and the distance from the complete truth was only a small, almost negligible gap.

The latest deployment based on this deeply believed guess was quickly implemented and implemented.

The armored troops of the Skeleton Division, which had just launched a frantic charge from south to north in an attempt to rescue their infantry under attack, suddenly changed their mind and withdrew at the speed of light like a tide. All the commanders and soldiers of the third regiment, who would not give up until death, were stunned by the Germans.

"Comrade Division Commander, it's very strange that the German armored forces that rushed from the south have all withdrawn! They suffered a lot of losses but they were not to the point of collapse. They voluntarily gave up the attack and retreated in an orderly manner, heading west. Do you need to pursue me?”

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