The combat orders issued by Varosha were implemented in place, and the three battalions of infantry in a step-by-step manner soon began to act according to the combat tasks they had received.

Those German soldiers who were trapped in the combat carriage, either relying on the armored protection of the carriage and leaning on the back of the carriage, or hiding in the carriage and holding machine guns through the shooting holes, could see that a large number of Soviet infantry were advancing in a continuous, But he moved closer to his side in an orderly manner.

This kind of orderliness does not mean that the Russians lined up with guns and marched over, but that the Russians were like moving graveyards and reptiles and fleas scurrying all over the ground. Under the staggered cover of the bunker and relying on the German shooting blind spots and blind spots of vision, there was basically no direct firefight along the way and they were easily suppressed to a very close distance.

There is really nothing we can do about this situation now. The situation of the German soldiers trapped in the train wreckage under the platform is really too passive.

The place where they were now was on the track bed under the platform, which itself was a low-lying area. It is equivalent to being caught in the middle by the platform heights on the left and right sides, as if being trapped in the valley and isolated, and the cliffs and highlands on both sides of the valley are all in the hands of the Russians.

The direct consequence of this is that the trapped German troops have a very large blind spot of sight and shooting. The combat carriages, except for some turrets and machine gun towers mounted on the top of the carriages, have a higher field of vision and can still respond effectively to fight. outside. 【】

The rest of the firepower, such as those installed in flatbed carriages or lower-height combat carriages, are simply unable to cross the blind spot of shooting or cross the blind spot of vision to attack the Russians. This greatly limits the firepower output capability of the trapped German troops, and This created an excellent opportunity for the Red Army troops to advance on the front line.

There is also an additional effect when the German soldiers who can't see how many enemies there are and where they are now hear their comrades occupying the higher field of view of the turrets and machine gun towers in the lower part of the carriage or outside the carriage. When the bad news comes, this indescribable, invisible and intangible horror effect can only be imagined and guessed, and the place is almost full at once.

"Did you hear that? Enke said that he saw hundreds, maybe even thousands of Russians rushing toward us. They would suddenly rush down the platform and stab us to death with bayonets. How could we beat such a small number of people? So much?"

"It's not just the south, haven't you heard? There are also Russians behind the broken trains on the east track. It's just that they haven't started charging yet. It's just a matter of time."

"I'm worried about the Russians in the north. We were beaten back by them just now. They will definitely not give up and will continue to pursue us. I would do this in my place."


The whispers between you and me are full of worries about the bad situation and the worsening status quo.

It can be seen that these German soldiers are not die-hards who really want to fight to the end, at least not all of them. If they were really a bunch of crazy die-hards, they wouldn't have to sit here and talk about these useless things now. Why are they talking so much nonsense? Just copy the guy and beat him to death and that's it.

There must be a major reason why they haven't surrendered yet.

What are the triggers?

The answer is simple. It is the air force colonel standing in the center of the armored car at this moment, furious at the two low-level officers in front of him.

"Surrender? Never surrender! This is impossible!"

"How can I surrender to those dirty and despicable Russians when I shoulder a mission personally assigned by the Imperial Marshal? It's them who should surrender! Countless reinforcements will soon be surrounded from all directions. Marshal Model will not If you just sit back and ignore what is happening here, the Imperial Marshal will personally give him the order!"

"As long as Marshal Model orders the reinforcements to attack, everything will be fine! We only need to hold the defense line, with these powerful armored carriages and the heroic and tenacious fighting will of our soldiers! You two should also prepare for serious things, such as waiting for reinforcements After arriving, accept the surrender of the Russians. The surrender ceremony must be conducted with gentlemanly etiquette, and the same applies to the lowly Russians. "


After a flight of spittle flying in all directions that made people speechless, the two officers, a major and a captain, were really speechless in front of the colonel.

Everyone knows that you are the Imperial Marshal who parachuted down to supervise the completion of this mission, and you are also a man who parachuted directly from Berlin. You are not a front-line combat force, not even an army, just an Air Force colonel.

But even if that's the case, brother, you can't just leave it here without talking about the truth, and don't understand any military common sense, right?

Reinforcements? Where the hell are the reinforcements coming from!

Didn’t the station garrison team say that when they were stuffed into the car and wanted to run away together? There are no serious organized field troops around here, and there are no reserve teams to send. The only army that can help fight is the Skeleton Division, but now the Skeleton Division bastards have long since disappeared, and even the specifics are gone. I don’t know when my feet will be greased and I will run away.

Just the escort team in the car plus the third-rate station guards who squeezed in at the last minute, how can such a group of people still want to withstand the fierce attack of the Russians on the opposite side? Have you ever heard of the nickname "Iron Butcher"? Don't tell me you don't even fucking know who Malashenko is!

Seeing that the major next to him was about to get angry because of the unreasonable behavior of the bastard in front of him, the young captain quickly tugged on the major's sleeve and signaled with his eyes to stop messing around and talk to him outside.

After casually prevaricating a few words and saying some useless words to barely deal with the colonel in the carriage, the captain left the carriage and came outside the carriage. He didn't go far, and then he lowered his voice and spoke to the major in a deep voice. .

"Do you have any need to argue with him? This is just a stupid pig from Berlin. Why should we argue with him?!"

"Don't care? What can we do if we don't care?! He is responsible for commanding everyone. If he goes crazy, we will all have to accompany him to death. What's the point of doing this now!?"

What made the major angry was why he had to die and be buried with this idiot. He looked unwilling and unwilling.

In stark contrast to this, the captain next to him had a gloomy and unpredictable smile.

"Who said he was in charge of commanding everyone? After we all became prisoners of war of the Russians, who else was he commanding? Tell the Russians what he just said and the orders he gave, and I'm sure he will be shot. ! And do it immediately! I’m not kidding you!”

The captain's tone sounded cold, cold, and extremely vicious, as if he was talking about an enemy rather than his superior.

He himself had already annoyed that stupid pig who airborne from Berlin, so the major didn't have any substantive reaction to the captain's words at first. It took him a while to react, and after taking such a detailed look, he finally revealed his secret. With a dumbfounded and disbelieving expression, he slowly spoke.

"Wait, you mean, you mean we give him"

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