Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2013 Moment of Destruction

The Germans are going to make a fuss about the buffer zone and treat Malashenko to a meal of steel cannonballs.

Of course, Comrade Lao Ma, who is not a fuel-efficient person at all, cannot just be beaten without fighting back. He has already prepared a reciprocal response to the Germans.

It is true that Malashenko mobilized all the ISU152s in the entire division to the front line and concentrated them together, but the leadership division does not only have one kind of artillery equipment such as ISU152s. Of course, the Katyusha rocket launchers of the four battalions are not for free. .

The attack on the second defensive position does not require long-term artillery preparations. Malashenko, who adheres to the principle of rapidity and rapidity, needs to launch a swift and sharp concentrated assault. The kind of artillery preparations that require two hours of firepower to hit him first We really don’t have the time and conditions to fight the battle of superiority now.

But there are no conditions for long-term artillery fire coverage, which does not mean that Malashenko will not use any artillery fire.

The Katyusha rocket launcher, which has an extremely fast rate of fire and can cover a large area in a short period of time, with sufficient firepower projection, has become the choice that best meets Malashenko's actual combat needs.

"Come and go quickly" is the biggest characteristic of Katyusha, so when the rain of rockets trailing orange-red tail flames across the sky appeared in the field of vision and fell straight down, I really didn't expect it. The Soviet army's mechanized group charge had already begun, and Manteuffel was quite surprised that he could still fight such a wave.

"General, danger! Get down quickly!!!"

Boo hoo hoo hoo——

Boom boom boom boom——


The last scream Manteuffel heard before he was forcefully pushed to the ground and kissed the loess was the roar of the captain of the guard company who had been loyally guarding him.

As for what happened after that, it is basically unknown.

The overwhelming rain of rockets was like an unstoppable ice and snow storm hanging under the city of Moscow in the cold winter. It swept through the German positions that were unable to dodge at an extremely fast speed.

It was obviously the time for our own artillery to fire, so why would there be a fierce artillery attack from the Russians at this time? Shouldn't the Russians take shelter from the fire for a while? At least it shouldn't have come so quickly.

Many unlucky German soldiers couldn't understand this truth, but they never had the chance to think about it carefully in this life.

A total of 144 Katyushas from the four battalions were fully loaded and fired in a single salvo. Without any reservation, they used up all the freshly loaded ammunition in the shortest possible time. A total of 2,304 rounds of heavy rockets with a caliber of 132 mm. The bombs exploded densely on the German positions like a storm.

This terrifying density of firepower only occurred in just ten seconds. The scene after the German position was hit by this bombardment was nothing but flying sand, rocks, and dust that rose up in an instant.

Just looking at that posture just makes people think that the scene that may turn the ground upside down is nothing more than this.

"Damn it, you mother! Are you happy now?"

Although it was expected that the German army would do some artillery bombardment in the buffer zone, Malashenko, who was bombed on the way to the charge, still felt quite unhappy about this.

Seeing that the rocket storm that he had carefully arranged in advance had spread the German stick, it was impossible for Malashenko to feel unhappy.

Fuck the art of war! I just explode! If you can't blow it up, it means you don't have enough firepower. Continue to increase the amount of firepower and continue to explode! If you don’t believe it, I can’t fucking kill you idiots!

Manteuffel didn't know who the crazy Soviet commanders were, and he naturally had no way of knowing what the unreasonable man on the other side was thinking.

When Manteuffel, whose ears were buzzing from the shock and who felt as if his body was soft and turned into mud, as if he was out of control, steeled himself again and struggled to get up from the ground, was the first thing that caught his eye. What was seen was the miserable and messy scene in the forward command post.

The density of the Soviet army's firepower projection was so high that even the command post where Manteuffel was in a relatively safe position behind the forward position was not spared the damage.

It was unclear whether it was one or more rounds of 132mm Katyusha rockets. They fell from the sky with a parabolic trajectory and directly hit the roof of the semi-buried forward command post, breaking open a rocket in Manteuffe. I think I can fit the King Tiger turret into a hole that big.

Manteuffel was lucky enough to survive, but it came at a price.

The specific cost was that at least half of the people in the entire forward command post, including the guard company commander who protected him and the surrounding guards, were blown up by the rockets and died on the spot.

It was good to be able to keep a whole body. After getting up, Manteuffel could see that directly under the large hole in the roof of the command post, at the center of the rocket impact point, several bodies had been blown into pieces. Two, even three or five pieces of body parts and broken pieces of meat were found.

One arm in the east, one leg in the west, half a head in the north, and half a body in the south.

You can't tell who these minced meat and remains originally belonged to. The war machines created by humans have the power to completely destroy the human body as the creator without even leaving a trace.

The pieces of flesh and limbs that were blown up to the ground like this are just a piece of cake in the daily life of the battlefield.

"General, uh, uh, you, are you okay? Are you okay?"

After all, there are living people in the forward command post, and the Chief of Staff, who was also lucky to survive under the protection of the staff beside him, is one of them. It's just that this guy's current condition is really not very good. It can even be said to be worse than the beggar on the street.

The originally straight military uniform of a colonel of the National Defense Forces was now like a used diaper, with patches of black and gray, not to mention holes of various sizes.

The handsome and stylish big-brimmed hat on his head flew away. In short, he was nowhere to be found. The handsome blond hair in the past has now turned into a messy old hen's nest of khaki color. As for the mature, charming and good-looking face that used to make girls scream and young women think wildly, it has now become the image of a refugee miner that even old ladies don’t want to take a second look at.

Not to mention that his clothes and face were disfigured, but the important thing is that Mr. Chief of Staff was injured.

A large metal fragment, estimated to be a fragment of the rocket body, was driven diagonally from the waist into his lower abdomen. It's just that it's not completely submerged, and most of it is still exposed and dripping with blood, which looks really permeable.

"Medicine! Doctor! Someone come quickly! Hurry!!!"

Seeing this, Manteuffel couldn't think too much. He started shouting loudly and prepared to call for help. However, he didn't expect that the chief of staff would become like this but he didn't care about himself. He waved his hands and spoke with difficulty.

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