Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2015 Race against time

"Comrade Commander, how is the battle going on your side?"

Malashenko not only had to direct the battle he faced face to face, but also the calls from the political commissar comrades in the rear could not be delayed at any time. Malashenko must understand how the latest battle is going on on another battlefield that he cannot see but is not far away.

"I'm almost done here. The Germans' last position has been cut off. They are collapsing. They won't be able to survive for long. I can end the battle completely within an hour. How is the situation in the north?"

Yes, Malashenko is concerned about the changes and progress of the battle in the north. The bastards like the Skeleton Division who are rushing all the way south are definitely more threatening than those who were almost killed. The Grossdeutschland Division was even worse.

If it were a head-to-head confrontation between the freed-up leader division and the skeleton division, there would be nothing to say. Malashenko guarantees that he can beat the shit out of the skeleton division. If he can't beat it out, it will count as a bunch of bastards.

But now, what stands between the Leader Division, which is busy annihilating the remnants of the Grossdeutschland Division, and has not yet been able to free up its forces, and the Skeleton Division, which is at its peak, are just two ordinary Guards brigades that are not fully equipped and have suffered battle losses. .

This is not an opponent of the same magnitude as the Skeleton Division. What Malashenko is worried about is that before he cleans up the remnants of the Grossdeutschland Division, if the bastards like the Skeleton Division break through the interception line and come to destroy his good deeds, then it will be terrible. It's a headache.

Malashenko was afraid that Comrade Political Commissar would bring him some bad news, but sometimes the world is the kind of place where you are afraid of whatever comes. What Comrade Political Commissar said next was obviously not good.

"The situation in the north is very bad. The bastards of the Skeleton Division are tearing at the defense lines of the blocking troops like crazy. As soon as the battle started, the two sides immediately entered a fierce phase. The tank clusters faced each other head-on, and the infantry also followed the tanks to fight. At the same time, the level of tragedy is unprecedented.”

"It seems that the Skeleton Division intends to use its advantages in technical equipment and military strength to forcefully break through the interception line as quickly as possible. Those two brigades can hold on for the time being, but they won't last long. At this rate of troop depletion, it won't be possible. They will all be exhausted within an hour, especially their medium tanks, which are unable to deal with the cans of the Skeleton Division. The armored confrontation is almost one-sided. "


Malashenko is using superior technical equipment to bully the powerful Grossdeutschland II, whose equipment level has declined after patchwork.

In the same way, the Skeleton Division, as one of the old elite units of the Waffen-SS, can also use its relatively superior technical equipment to bully the Guards tanks that are not full of troops and mostly have T3485 and T43 on hand. trip.

Malashenko didn't even need to go to the scene to see it. He could already imagine what it would be like to bully T3485 and T43 with valuables like Black Panther II and Tiger King just by relying on his imagination.

It is no exaggeration to say that the feeling of opening a can and cracking walnuts should be similar to this.

As much fun as he felt bullying the Grand Deutschland Division, those bastards of the Skeleton Division should feel the same way.

You ask for a solution?

Of course, the way is to lead the division and rush over to let the Germans know what the real king of land warfare is, but this will take some time.

What Malashenko lacks most right now is precisely time.

Malashenko, who felt a burning sensation in his head, was extremely anxious, but knowing that there was nothing he could do no matter how anxious he was, he could only continue to press the radio transmitter in his hand and ask questions.

"What about the planes? When will our aviation support arrive? Leave me alone and tell them to support those two brigades and throw all their firepower on the heads of those bastards in the Skeleton Division!"

This time, the political commissar who continued to speak without thinking brought good news to Malashenko.

"The aviation force has already taken off, and half the division's IL-2s and Tu-2s are already on the way. These aircraft have been urgently transferred from other missions, and some have flown directly from far-away frontline airports. So. It will take more time on the road, and the battle will be divided into several waves.”

"The first wave of air strikes is expected to arrive in ten minutes. I have already told them to fully support the northern battlefield. But the loss of troops in those two brigades is too great, plus the enemy's crazy attack at all costs, targeted Extremely strong, I expect it will be difficult for the aviation force to stop them. You still have to free your hands and rush north as soon as possible. Only we can defeat the enemy. "


After hearing this, Malashenko just held the radio and was speechless for a while. After twitching his eyebrows twice, he finally replied to the political commissar with only one simple sentence.

"I know, tell those two brigades that Malashenko will be here soon!"

Putting down the radio transmitter in his hand, he turned his gaze back to the commander's periscope in front of him. All that Marashenko could see was the last struggle of the Grossdeutschland Division before its final destruction. of stubborn resistance.

"Kurbalov, Varosha, increase the intensity of the attack! Don't you two still have reserves? Throw them all in, leaving no one behind! Send your two guard companies up as well, if necessary! Use your best speed to kill these bastards!"



Whether it’s Kulbalov sitting in the command IS4, or Varosha in his command truck, or even Malashenko’s command vehicle not far away, also in the command IS4 Lavrinenko on the spot.

The expressions on the faces of those who could hear Malashenko's words on the channel were "shocked". Almost everyone had almost forgotten the last time Malashenko was so "angry" that he wanted to play with the enemy for real. Timely things.

The current attack intensity has been unprecedentedly powerful. The leader division, which was already severely overstaffed, has devoted all combat troops except reserves and guard troops to attack the remaining remaining positions of the Grossdeutschland Division. Launch an onslaught.

But despite this, Malashenko still felt that the attack was not strong enough and the attack speed was not fast enough, so he continued to invest more troops.

Even though we know that the marginal effects are serious, that investing more troops will not bring much actual benefit, and that victory is still in sight, we still do this.

That can only mean one thing. The situation has really reached a point where we have to race against time.

Otherwise, judging from Malashenko's always shrewd command style, it would be impossible to issue such an order.

Knowing what time it was, Kulbalov and others didn't ask any more questions. Malashenko said whatever he said. It was important to execute the order first. They immediately took the last reserve team in their hands to guard against possible emergencies in the north. He threw himself into the battle head on.

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