Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2044 It’s really outrageous

"Let me go! You fascist running dogs, I will never be defiled by you even if I die! Let me go!"


Although Russian and Polish are both Slavic languages, Russian belongs to the East Slavic branch of the Slavic family of the Indo-European language family, and Polish belongs to the West Slavic branch of the Slavic family of the Indo-European language family. In short, the two languages ​​are not mutually intelligible, or in other words, they are talking at cross purposes.

Therefore, Alsim, who blinked twice, did not know what the Polish woman was saying.

As a rough man who had only been to school for two days, Alsim could not even write his mother tongue, and had to ask his comrades to help him read letters. It would be difficult for him to understand Polish.

"What is this woman yelling? Who understands?"

Just because you don't understand doesn't mean others don't understand. In the elite leadership division, highly educated soldiers are everywhere. Maybe even a small squad leader is a college student. There are not many such things in the leadership division.

As expected, Alsim, who asked the question, didn't wait too long. A soldier who was fluent in Polish stepped forward and translated.

"This woman said we want to rape her, and she would never let us fascist running dogs rape her, so let us let her go. That's what she meant."


Alsim blinked twice and was a little confused at first, and then he felt that he was about to laugh.

Rape you? With your current appearance?

Not to mention that I don't mean to do that now, and I don't want to have a baby movement among the dead.

Even if I really want to find a woman to relieve my boredom, I won't have a problem finding a woman who smells like urine and wets her pants! It is important for people to know their own limitations. It is not a good thing to overestimate yourself.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with her. Get her out of here! Now!"

Alsim waved his hand to signal the two soldiers to be quick, just like shooing away flies. However, even though the woman who had wet her pants was lifted down by two strong men, she still struggled and refused to give in.

"Let me go! You German pigs, fascist bastards! I'm going to kill you all. Don't even think about sleeping with me! I'm going to kill you"

The bad curse of "elegant and easy-going" was getting farther and farther away, and gradually disappeared. Seeing that this unexpected woman was finally taken away, the squad leader who had been a spectator on the side couldn't help but take the initiative to come to Alsim and whispered a sentence.

"This woman is so fierce. Why do I feel that she is more fierce than the women in our country? Are all Polish women like this?"


As long as you are a man with normal development and potential to be a real man, then you will be interested in two things.

Men's game: war, and then women.

The war is going on now, so it's not wrong to discuss the only woman who is interested in it at an appropriate time. After all, it's a good thing to double the joy of two things.

To be honest, Alsim is not very good at women. At least, he is far from his ability to lead troops in battle and physically conquer German sticks. He is still an old bachelor who has not married or even had a partner. For so many years, he has been thinking about his career-related things in the army all day long.

Now that the squad leader next to him suddenly asked this, Alsim, who looked quite embarrassed, naturally didn't have a good tone.

"You can study it yourself when you have time. I'm not interested in this! Everyone, pack up and get ready to go downstairs. Hurry!"


The squad leader, who had hit a snag with Alsim, was a little confused. He thought that this topic would interest the company commander and he would happily chat with him. But he didn't expect Alsim to give an order with a sour face, turn around and walk out of the room to go downstairs.

"You are always like this, you like to be smart. Don't you know that the company commander is not married? You don't even know how to pick a topic, you deserve to be scolded!"


Not only was he scolded by the unpleasant Alsim, but he was also stabbed by another squad leader who followed closely. The expression on the face of the person involved was naturally wonderful, and it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as being alone and messy in the wind.

"Is it really my problem???"

Let's not talk about whose problem it is for now, anyway, our comrade Lao Ma is busy downstairs at this time.

To be honest, if Malashenko wanted to kill the Polish devils, they would be like a bunch of food. They were defeated by the passive Malashenko in less than two rounds.

The two machine gun buildings that had just fallen into the hands of the Polish devils were captured almost at the same time. The other three or two buildings where the Iron Fist was hiding were also bombarded to death by the Black Panther II ordered by Malashenko.

The final result was that more than a dozen guns were fired and half of the building collapsed, burying the surviving Polish devils who had no chance to escape, along with their still warm bodies.

Most of the Polish devils were killed, and more than half of the remaining people ran away to save their lives. The remaining small half saw that they could not escape, so they could only drop their weapons and raise their hands to become prisoners.

"A bunch of idiots! You are just taking off your pants and farting, wasting my time!"

Comrade Lao Ma, who was not in a very good mood, had already left the car. He stood beside his No. 114 Beast Chariot with his hands on his hips. He became angry when he saw the Polish prisoners beside him who were being escorted out. Come somewhere.

If you can't win, you still have to fight. If the situation is bad, don't run away, but you have to continue to fight hard.

Well, fighting to the end is nothing more than running away and surrendering. Fighting until the last person falls does not exist.

If you are a dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist, please run away first. As for whether you run away or not, that is none of my business. Anyway, brother, stay behind and hold off the enemy for now.

The various confusing behaviors of the Polish ghosts really made Comrade Ma's head hurt with anger. This is not to say that these Polish ghosts are difficult to deal with. The problem is that his IQ is outrageous, understand? It’s so outrageous that you can’t understand it with common sense!

Okay, it really deserves to be a European foot-binding cloth, and its IQ is indeed outrageous!

Malashenko, who was completely convinced and angry, was about to go and see the casualties he had brought, but he never thought that before he could move his legs forward, he was tripped up by a strange voice that suddenly came from behind him. footsteps.

"Lieutenant Colonel Victor, please stay! I have something to ask you."

At least Malashenko still remembered the name of his disguise, and then turned around and looked back in the direction of the sound. He saw Lieutenant Schwaner leading a man who looked like his superior to him. Come quickly.

"Thank you very much for your support, sir! Your troops arrived just in time! I can't imagine what it would be like without your support."

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