Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2047 Please follow me

"I understand that this may cause some confusion and doubt, Major Adam. After all, you are the garrison commander of the bridge. This is normal and your responsibility."

"But what I want to say is that if you think it is necessary, I can dial the radio directly. The headquarters of our division is not far from here, just over the bridge, and is within the radio communication range. You can call our division commander If you ask for confirmation in person, he will tell you what kind of mission I have received. I hope this will dispel your doubts."


To be precise, Malashenko was not discussing something with Major Adam, nor was he asking for his opinion, but was forcing him with words.

Think about it, a young major asked a lieutenant general for verification in person because he questioned the authenticity of the order. Such a thing cannot be said to be outrageous, but it can only be said to make everyone feel very embarrassed.

Lieutenant Colonel Victor, played by Malashenko, will lose face, and so will Lieutenant Colonel Victor's immediate superior, the lieutenant general and commander of the Grossdeutschland Division.

Oh, although this person has already burped, it does not prevent Comrade Ma from finding someone else to play the role of division commander, just like he played Lieutenant Colonel Victor. Anyway, after the radio is connected, there will definitely be an online conversation with the "Commander of the Grossdeutschland Division" on the other end of the transmitter. It's just that the commander's real name is "Petrov".

Anyway, Comrade Comrade Political Commissar's German is quite good. On weekdays, he can directly read documents and reports written by Germans without the help of a translator. There is no video chat these days, so it is a piece of cake to fool this little major without seeing his face. dish.

So even if we take a step back, Malashenko is not afraid of this matter being exposed at all.

The premise is that Major Adam can figure out the reason, and after thinking about it, he plans to make everyone lose face and really call the radio to verify. To be honest, Malashenko thinks this possibility is not high.

This Major Adam seems to be a smart man, and it seems that such a thing that a fool would do has nothing to do with him. All he has to do now is wait for his next answer.

"No, this is not necessary, sir. Since it is a task assigned by superiors, I will cooperate. Please come with me."

Lieutenant Schwerner, who is under his command, is an idle and fearful bastard, but Major Adam, who is his immediate superior, is not. However, this does not mean that Major Adam is the complete opposite. You cannot always take the "two poles" for everything. Thinking to see.

Major Adam is dedicated to his duties and is serious and responsible, but this does not mean that he is a rigid fool who does not know how to adapt.

This Lieutenant Colonel Victor is not an easy person to deal with, Schwaner told himself just now.

Now it seems that Schwaner is indeed right. At least he is a person who will do whatever it takes to complete his mission and doesn't care about many things.

Use strong and soft words to forcibly raise the threshold for rejection, and then force the other party to make an immediate choice.

The more brainy people are and who like to make decisions before taking action, the more they fall into this trap. On the contrary, those who do things without thinking through their brains are less susceptible to this, and tend to act impulsively or have such simple brains that they cannot understand the words at all. the meaning of.

Unfortunately, Major Adam clearly falls into the former category.

In normal times, this is undoubtedly an advantage, especially as a front-line commander, you need to be cautious and think twice before acting.

Speaking more broadly, this is also the reason why his superiors assigned him to be responsible for the defense of the most important Central Bridge.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, Major Adam, who was tricked by Malashenko's words, smiled bitterly in his heart. On the contrary, he hoped that he was the latter.

Sometimes, even if people can figure everything out, they can't just do whatever they want. You have to consider the consequences, and then think about whether it's worth it or not. Not suitable.

It was precisely because Major Adam had thought carefully that he agreed to the request of Lieutenant Colonel Victor in front of him. Although he could afford the consequences of not doing so, it was indeed avoidable and unnecessary.

Now, Major Adam just hopes that his intuition and judgment are right. If not, he really can't imagine what the consequences will be after this.

"We're here, sir. The bridge command room is located together with my headquarters. I'll take you there to see the situation. It's been safe since the Polish Ghost launched the raid. I've been sending people to keep a close eye on it."

Malashenko's guess was correct. The Germans had indeed installed the device to control the detonation of the bridge in the command post of the two-story building. It was the small building that Malashenko asked Iushkin to target in advance when he first crossed the bridge. Major Adam, who took Malashenko to visit, has personally confirmed this situation.

"Damn, luckily I guessed it right! If I had guessed wrong and missed the right place, we might have had a lot of fun, damn!"

Malashenko was thankful that his intuition was sharp and his guesses were accurate. However, this little happiness did not last long. As soon as Major Adam entered the building, he immediately shattered the happiness in Malashenko's heart with his next words.

"In order to ensure the absolute safety of the bridge, we have installed the bridge security system in a place that ordinary people cannot see and cannot imagine. It is right here, under our feet."

Major Adam gently lifted his military boots and stepped on the wooden floor under his feet. The hollow sound coming from it clearly confirmed the authenticity of what he said. There must be a cave under this floor.


Malashenko did not speak, but maintained a normal and thoughtful expression, as if waiting for Major Adam's next action.

Although it looks like nothing on the surface, Comrade Lao Ma's heart at this moment is like ten thousand grass mud horses running wildly.

"Damn it, what a fucking yin! It's ridiculous to set it up underground! Thank you for not taking action. If you really do it, the bridge will definitely not be saved. I'm afraid Black Panther 2's seventy-five small cannon wants to destroy the basement from the upper level. Eat shit."

Malashenko couldn't help but feel lucky again, but this time he was lucky that he didn't take action just now, instead of being lucky that he guessed something right. If the overlord had taken the bow just now, the only result would be failure.

Major Adam didn't know the true identity of Lieutenant Colonel Victor next to him, nor did he know what this man was thinking at this moment. He was still doing what he should do.

"Open the door."


When the seemingly ordinary wine cabinet placed in the corner was pushed away by a soldier, a long tunnel diagonally leading underground suddenly appeared in front of Malashenko.

"Please follow me, sir."

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