Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2056 The sound of cannons is the trumpet

"Comrade division commander, these two bastard Germans have done too much shit! They want to see the commander of the bridgehead garrison and call him by name what the hell is that? I'm asking you a question! Oh yes, call him Adam, what the hell is that? name"

"One of these two people is the captain's liaison officer, and the other is a messenger. Our people said they would call for someone to come over. They are leaving those two bastards there, but I guess they won't be delayed for too long. Please ask for further instructions."


Before answering to Alsim on the other end of the radio, Malashenko glanced at his commander's periscope and found that the Germans' marching column was still advancing and had not stopped there.

The leading No. 4 tank had arrived only 500 meters away from his command vehicle, and continued to advance at a street intersection that was not too wide. On both sides of the street were buildings of high and low heights along the street. The space for tanks to move is very limited.

After realizing this situation, Malashenko pressed the button of the microphone, and immediately blurted out the order he had already thought about what to do.

"Go up and fight with him for the last two minutes. Listen to the sound of my cannon! Take action as soon as the cannon sounds. Everyone is ready to fight!"

The Germans' marching speed was not fast, it could even be said to be very slow.

The leading No. 4 tank drove slowly, probably at a constant speed that the infantry could just keep up with. The same was true for the 251 armored vehicles that followed.

At this speed, it would take about two minutes to drive very close to the bridgehead, assuming the German didn't stop halfway.

In order to inflict maximum sudden damage to the Germans, it is natural to get as close as possible when they are unprepared, but you have to remember not to get close enough for the Germans to come up and mix with your side.

As for the order to "take action as soon as the gun fires", Malashenko believed that Alsim knew what to do. Although this kid can't read a word, he is definitely illiterate, but if you want to talk about his fighting ability, he is at the level of a human being. This really has nothing to do with whether he is educated or not. It depends on his brain.

"Yes, I promise to complete the mission!"

Alsim, who hung up the radio in response, immediately started to take action. Malashenko immediately saw his man who had just run down and left temporarily, then emerged from the corner and returned to the two waiting and watching. In front of the real German guy who looked very anxious, he started making blind gestures and beeping with his hands spread out.

Time passed by minute by second, and there was not much left in the two minutes of "garbage time" limited by Malashenko.

It was obvious that the two German guys were quite dissatisfied with being bullied by unconstructive nonsense once again. It could be seen that the blind gestures with their hands obviously became larger. Looking at this posture, even if they wanted to forcefully drag them back. That can't be delayed any longer. The Germans may have realized that something is not right.

Malashenko, who had found out the situation here, moved his right hand slightly, moved the view of the commander's periscope back to the street, and locked the large German army.

The large German army, which was obviously suffering from poor communication in real time, was still advancing, and the leisurely and sloppy march remained unchanged.

Two No. 4 vehicles led the way, one on the left and one on the right, followed closely by a single column of SDKFZ251 half-track armored vehicles. On both sides of the column were large groups of infantry advancing on foot. The guns were carried on their shoulders instead of fighting with guns on guard. attitude.

As the saying goes, a small thing can make a big difference. If these stupid second-tier German guys can be so nervous and so lax, they will naturally be looked down upon by Comrade Ma. No matter how you say this vigilance, it is absolutely unqualified.

If nothing else, if the Grossdeutschland Division or the Guards Division encountered this situation, Malashenko bet that when the messenger who confirmed the situation did not return, it would inevitably arouse the vigilance of the subsequent large forces. Not to say that they will immediately attack the guys to fight, but at least the subsequent large forces will immediately adjust their formation posture, with guns in hand and shells loaded, so that they can respond to emergencies at any time and be ready to fight.

This is not a particularly awesome ability, it is just the vigilance that front-line field troops who have experienced hundreds of battles should have. If you don't even have this awareness, you are still calling yourself an elite.

Everyone knows the truth of seeing the big from the small, so the Germans who came here to die are naturally not elites. They are most likely just like Major Adam said, another battalion belonging to the same regiment as him.

Judging from what Malashenko has observed, this small force is estimated to have only one battalion, and it does not carry any scary heavy weapons. The first two No. 4 vehicles plus the second half The three or five Santuzi vehicles in the queue were already the entire armored force.

To be honest, these heavy weapons are not enough to fill the gap between the teeth. Don’t get me wrong, it is not enough to fill the teeth of the few Panther IIs commanded by Malashenko. If the main force of the Leader’s Division arrives, a few No. 4 plus Santuzi is not even qualified to mention it.

After confirming the situation on both sides, Malashenko had already made a decision in his heart. As the saying goes, if you don't take action now, you will wait until later. The words that have been brewing on the lips blurted out immediately.

"Target, No. 4 starting at 12 o'clock! Car No. 113 deals with the one on the left, I'll take care of the one on the right!"



Iushkin, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, immediately responded, and Malashenko, who did not need to hesitate much, immediately gave the order.



Orange-red flames spurted out from the muzzle brake, cutting through the surrounding night. The roaring armor-piercing belt tore through the dark night that was peaceful just a second ago, and rushed straight towards the locked target that was close at hand. .

The two Panther IIs with turret call signs 113 and 114 started firing almost at the same time. Even if there was any time between them, it was only within one second. This was the ultimate in coordination.

At a distance of less than 300 meters, it is not easy to hit a target the size of a tank with the precision German optical sights and high-magnification main gun.

The two No. 4 vehicles that were moving normally one second were unprepared, and the next second they suddenly stopped and trembled like drunken men, followed by a burst of hot fire and steel tearing. The sound was heard as the armor was penetrated on the spot, and thick smoke and fire suddenly burst out in all directions.

The roar of artillery shells and violent explosions seemed to be a step late, echoing over the battlefield. For a moment, the dumbfounded German infantry had no idea what was happening. Most of them did not even know where the attack came from or who it was. Before firing, there is no need to talk about any effective countermeasures.

At the moment before the Germans had time to react, Alsim, who had already ambushed the "axemen" in advance, waved his hand, and a group of combat engineers who were still playing ordinary guard soldiers around them immediately drew out their bayonets. Swarming up.

With a few clicks, the two Germans who were impatient and beeping blindly stabbed a hornet's nest of holes all over their bodies and died on the spot. By the way, they shot to death the second-rate driver who was secretly smoking in the car.

Everything in this flash of lightning happened in just a few seconds. A firestorm that was more violent for the Germans had just begun here.

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