Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2062 The all-powerful boss

Malashenko made a decision, but he still sought the opinions of the political commissar on this matter, and together with Lavrinenko, he fully described the matter to the political commissar.

After all, a family with an elder is like a treasure. Malashenko hopes to get guidance and evaluation from the political commissar comrades with rich experience and knowledge to see how the decision he made will be evaluated by the political commissar comrades.

What was a little surprising was that the political commissar only gave a meaningful but very brief answer to Malashenko's question seeking comments and opinions.

"This is only one half, what is your plan of action for the second half? Tell me about it."


Malashenko was just as confused as Lavrinenko, who was also in the division headquarters building. They even looked at each other subconsciously, at least at the beginning when they heard this.

However, while Lavrinenko was still confused, Malashenko was able to recover from it and understand some truth. To say that Comrade Political Commissar spoke, it was indeed at a very high level and very different. He calmly reminded Malashenko of a very important issue.

"I understand that killing people alone cannot solve the problem. I will ask Karamov to send some people to investigate and see which of the Poles who are friendly to us are in urgent need of help. Shoot the thugs in the square at noon, and shoot the thugs in the square in the evening Distributing supplies to people who are willing to be friendly to us can be seen by everyone who wants to see it. When word of this spreads, smart people will naturally know what to do. "

Historically, the Soviet army's management of the liberated areas was indescribable and terrible. Malashenko knew this very well.

In many liberated places, the first wave of Soviet field troops, which were also the most powerful, had no extra time to stay for too long after defeating the German troops in the area. They quickly crossed the border and continued to move forward to the next battlefield.

Most of these elite Soviet front-line field troops are of good quality, and they have no intention of wasting time with the locals. Fighting is the top priority, but the second wave of second-line Soviet occupation troops that follow up is another matter. .

Rape, robbery, murder and arson, basically all the evil deeds you can associate with the battlefield will be reflected to a greater or lesser extent. We shouldn’t expect too much from these troops who have never fought any tough battles and whose military quality is quite average. Most of their soldiers are made up of “bad guys” that the front-line field troops don’t want. After going abroad to fight and go to other countries, we can’t expect much. Good performance.

Compared with the driven away German fascists, what the newly arrived second-line Soviet Red Army did, in the eyes of the locals, was really not much different. They drove away the evil wolf and another one came. Tiger, life is not easy anyway.

This is one of the reasons why until the 21st century, many places in Eastern Europe were not grateful for the liberation of the Soviet Red Army, but instead spoke harshly to them.

It is true that political factors cannot be ignored, but on the other hand, the objective fact that cannot be ignored is that the moral character of the Soviet second-line occupation troops was indeed not much better at that time. They left evidence and a handle for others to talk about. That’s why in the future, there will be those “unrewarded efforts, only to be scolded”.

To put it in perspective, Malashenko has no control over what the Red Army troops in Warsaw will do after the leader's division leaves. Of course, he does not have the ability or extra leisure to do so.

But in the current situation, the leader division is a "guards of guards" unit with the name of supreme leader. Every move has not only military significance, but also political significance. It will be observed under a magnifying glass. This is true both now and in the future.

You can't do those embarrassing things that make your loving comrade unhappy. At least if this matter is spread out, it must have a certain positive effect and add luster to your loving comrade's face. This is your responsibility and what you should do as a leader. thing.

In other words, we cannot just treat the people of other countries in the occupied areas with cruelty, ruthlessness and cold killing. Malashenko knows that doing so will only be counterproductive and will definitely not have any good results. All kinds of history have already been countless This has been proven time and time again.

Regardless of whether he stays in Warsaw for a long or short time, as long as he controls this area of ​​Warsaw for a day, Malashenko will responsibly manage this liberated area under him until someone takes over and hands over the job. , what happened after that has nothing to do with Malashenko, and there is no need to worry about it.

Malashenko, who is very aware of all the above, also understands better that simply wielding a big stick and suppressing and attacking will definitely not work. Hitting a stick and giving a sweet date is the best strategy.

What are the people?

The people are a group of ordinary people who, as long as they have hope to survive, will never put their heads in their belts and shoot them to death. Whether the people of this country or that country are the same in the war years, there is no essential difference. After all, it is better to die than to live. Who wants to die when he can live? The truth is that simple.

Malashenko must use practical actions to make it clear to these Poles that he will die if he does anything.

Don't try to stir up trouble under my nose, otherwise you will definitely die. The corpses in the square are the consequences of fighting against the Soviet Red Army.

Want to live well? That would be even simpler. I, Malashenko, am not denying you a way to survive. On the contrary, I want to point you to a better and clearer way to survive: support the Soviet Red Army.

As long as you show kindness and take practical actions, not just words but no actions, then I won't mind giving you something.

Hard currency in the war years, cigarettes and food are all available. I just sent those bastards of the Grossdeutschland Division II to the West. The seized materials are piled up like mountains, and I am worried that there is no place to put them to good use. They are so fat. The supplies of the Grossdeutschland Division II are enough to be distributed free of charge.

I have clearly explained to you what you will do to death, and how you can live a better, more nourishing, and more hopeful life. The path has also been pointed out to you. It is an ultra-low threshold that everyone can do and every household can participate. As long as Just support the Red Army.

No matter how outrageous the Polish guy's IQ is, it's not like everyone is crazy and bent on death, right?

Malashenko was confident that this could be done, and on the other side of the conference table, the political commissar who heard this also smiled and nodded, looking quite pleased.

"Very well, it seems you don't need my help, at least not this time."

After hearing this, Malashenko also smiled. Being able to pick up the treasure of Comrade Political Commissar is probably the biggest "plug-in" he has gained after traveling to this hellish place. If he is confused or needs reminders, suggestions, or guidance, Comrade Comrade will never let you down.

If all the political commissars of the Red Army, no, even just one-third or one-fourth of the political commissars, could be as capable as the political commissars of our division, Malashenko reckons that the hair-washer would have to kick his legs early at least. In half a year, the war will definitely end early.

Now, after the "reminder" from Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko has a clearer idea of ​​how to manage the liberated area under his control.

"Well, don't tell me, the feeling of combining the military and the government to be a full-power boss, that is, fighting wars and taking care of people, is really fucking exciting! In a sense, this is considered a warlord, right? Even if it is only temporary Experience card, I don’t know if I will have the opportunity to enjoy it again in the future.”

What Malashenko didn't know was that his unintentional words and casual words in his heart would be transformed into another, more unusual way many years after the end of World War II, in a place he did not expect. Make reality.

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