Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2065 Let us witness it together

Malashenko could think of how those Poles lived in a state of darkness that was worse than death under the brutal rule of the Germans. He could also imagine how insensitive these Poles would be. He was used to seeing this kind of behavior after too many lives and deaths. This is absolutely normal.

But judging from the results, Malashenko did indeed underestimate the extent of the German atrocities in this land, as Commissar Petrov said.

"If one person commits a crime, the whole family will be executed" sounds scary enough, but the bad things the Germans did here are even worse. It has reached the level of "one person commits a crime, and the whole street will be wiped out."

Malashenko didn't know whether the Germans' brutal treatment had frightened the Polish ghosts and had the deterrent effect the Germans wanted.

But Malashenko was able to confirm another point with the fact that seeing is believing: Those Poles were indeed frightened by the work done by the Germans, so miserable that even a dozen people could only stand in a row and collapse to death. Counting it as a "small scene", who knows how big the scene of the Germans digging big pits and burying people alive would be.

"Damn, these scum are so cruel. They really don't treat people as human beings."

It is one thing to live in the 21st century and view the historical Fascist atrocities from the perspective of future generations.

As a time traveler, living in the present moment in history, to personally experience and witness all this appalling things is a completely different thing, both in terms of visual perception and inner impact. .

In this regard, Malashenko could only say one thing after much thought. Most of the means the Poles used to retaliate against the Germans could be summed up in two words: they deserved it, and the Germans deserved it.

After learning about this unexpected situation, Malashenko did not have much time to linger on this matter for too long. How the Germans dealt with the Poles and how the Poles retaliated against the Germans were not the focus. Marashenko Shenke was just watching the excitement from the perspective of a bystander. At most, he could only sigh with "shocking the old horse for a whole year". What he would do next was the focus.

"We have to win over these Poles. After the big stick is over, give me some sweet dates, and let these Polish ghosts cause trouble for me. At least I can have two days of leisure during my stay in Warsaw."

Malashenko's order was carried out very efficiently. After the public trial and execution near noon, the combat staff came to report at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon that the aid materials for distribution to the Poles were ready.

"Speaking of which, are you really going to give free gifts to those Polish ghosts? These bastards wanted to kill our people last night and beat us up this morning, and now you are giving them food? We are not here to help. Is this appropriate?"

It's not so much an objection as it is a suspicion. As the deputy division commander, Lavrinenko certainly has the right to discuss matters and be informed. It is reasonable to ask questions about Malashenko, not to mention that there has always been a conflict between the two brothers. He says what he has to say directly and doesn't hide it.

"Some things must be distributed as they should, Lavry. These things are not given to those Polish ghosts for free. They will also benefit us after they are distributed."

"First, let the Polish ghosts see that our Red Army is not weak and not easy to bully. Let them know that we are not here to be free mercenaries and help them restore their country."

"Thunder tactics are just one of them. After all, we are the guards among the guards, and we are the leaders whose every move is observed under a magnifying glass. Of course, we are not the SS who only know how to kill people in different ways and still enjoy it. Crazy."

"I am giving food to these Poles now to let them know first what things they cannot do, and then what things they can do with success and hope, so as to provide them with material guarantees for their desire to survive."

"Do you want to live? It's very simple. Just support the Red Army in any way you can think of. Even if it's cooking a meal for a class of Red Army soldiers, giving up a room in your house, so that the Red Army soldiers stationed in the neighborhood don't have to live. As for sleeping on the street at night.”

"The important thing is not what great things are provided or what big things are paid, but the attitude. What I ultimately test and hope to see is the attitude of the Poles. As long as they can satisfy me in this regard, Then why can’t I give them some rewards and rewards? We all know that even if you train a dog, you need some rewards, right?”

"Taking a step back, I don't want the area I'm responsible for to have constant gunfire and riots every day. The Poles are either on the way to sneak attacks on the Red Army or thinking about how to sneak attack on the Red Army. I have to beware of Polish sneak attacks every day. Are you tired? I I don’t have that much energy for my elite soldiers to do such trivial things.”

"Now can you understand why I did this? Bro, I guess this shouldn't be difficult for you."


One thing to say is that in this era of underdeveloped information, even deputy division-level cadres like Lavrinenko have never experienced such topics as "How do senior commanders coordinate various stability maintenance tasks in liberated areas?" Training, how can the Red Army these days have such a subject for people to learn? You can't even learn how to fight, so who the hell cares?

Therefore, it is understandable that Lavrinenko expressed his incomprehension and thoughtlessness when he opened his mouth.

But Malashenko believes that after he explains the truth clearly, it should not be difficult for Lavrinenko to understand its secrets. If he has reached the division level commander and does not even understand this truth, then stop messing around as soon as possible. Go back home and go to the Party School of the rear military academy to rebuild and receive re-education.

This result was not what Malashenko expected. Lavrinenko indeed looked thoughtful and suddenly enlightened, but the details were indeed mixed with a little uncertainty.

"Is this okay? Can the Polish ghosts understand what we are doing? I feel that the IQ of these bastards is really not that high. There is really a problem. They dare to fight the Red Army with guns in their hands with their bare hands. They will do it When I got out, my head was filled with shit.”

After listening to what Lavrinenko said, Malashenko could only shake his head and smile helplessly, and then spoke the corresponding answer.

"The abnormal brains of a few people are one thing, and the survival instinct of the majority is another thing. Always remember this, my brother. Then let us witness together, these Poles are getting what they dream of After that, what will happen next?”

"Just wait and see, I'm very confident about it."

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