Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2115 Comrade Teacher’s Troubles

"Go and draft an order in your name. The Leader's Division will immediately formulate the Third Belarusian Front. Konev holds the most powerful field front in the entire Red Army, with more than one million troops. The Leader's Division should not become His essentials for victory, and I’m still waiting for good news from him.”

Just like any other response to Stalin's orders in the past, Zhukov's affirmative answer was as usual.

"Yes, Comrade Stalin, I'll do it right away."

Malashenko did not know what had happened, but he still felt deeply that he could build up an old army and continue to fight with an old leader who could urinate in a pot. Happy, just as Comrade Political Commissar expected.

"It's good now. After working so long, it's not in vain. We've finished the work and are finally willing to let us go. I'm almost tired of killing the Germans in Poland. It's time to go to the Germans' own territory. Go up and kick Fasis’s ass, I can’t wait any longer, ha.”

Malashenko's excitement and joy are beyond words, and of course the political commissar comrades are equally happy about this. After all, being used by two front army commanders like a wage earner, being seconded to one in turn and being lent to the other after one is used up, will make people feel a little bit homeless and lacking a sense of belonging. After all, this is a war abroad.

"East Prussia is no different than Poland. It is a place that the Germans value very much. The enemies defending East Prussia will be even crazier and fight us to the death at all costs. This is to be expected. You have to be prepared for this. Comrade Commander."

It's not that I'm deliberately pouring cold water on Malashenko who is in high spirits, but there has to be someone who can remind you what to pay attention to and stay calm when you need it. If everyone around you blindly agrees with you and only knows how to flatter you, then this is the worst thing for a powerful person.

Of course, Malashenko also understood the good intentions of his political commissar comrades, and knew what kind of fierce battle he was about to face, and he was convinced that he was already prepared for it.

"Of course, it has been prepared for a long time. All the commanders and fighters of the leadership division have been prepared for this."

"To crush and disintegrate the will of the Germans to resist, it is not feasible to just fight on the soil of other countries. These fascist pigs must be allowed to witness the power of the Red Army on their own soil. What they did to our motherland. Everything they did will be returned to them with interest! East Prussia must be captured!"

With a transfer order from a superior, the rest will be much simpler.

It just so happened that Malashenko no longer wanted to use various excuses and reasons to deal with Konev. Even though he had already prepared it, he still felt that it was too troublesome for his mother-in-law. Malashenko did not like to talk to people all day long. It's not your nature to be here to do things that are both positive and negative.

Prepare the troops and set off as soon as dawn tomorrow morning. Go to the nearest train station in the Red Army-controlled area to load up the entire division and move north to complete the cross-theater mobilization. The order has been issued. Malashenko, who had been busy all day, was finally able to take a break and take a nap before the big business tomorrow morning.

Malashenko has not slept for two days and one night now. If this continues, even a strong man will not be able to hold on. Malashenko, who returned to the office upstairs, returned the salute to the guards in the corridor and at the door. He pushed open the door and walked in. He unbuttoned his armed belt, threw away his holster, unbuttoned his clothes and threw them away. He wore the shirt underneath and put on his clothes. With a flick of her long leather boots, she lay down on the bed.

It should be said that the former commander of Camp Fasis of Camp No. 3 really knew how to enjoy himself. Not only did the office have a wine cabinet, a fireplace, various exquisite furniture and magnificent decorations, even the big bed was made of luxurious solid wood. It was made into a battlefield supreme experience with a soft mattress. Malashenko almost forgot the last time he slept on such a comfortable bed.

"Damn, these fascist bastards still know how to enjoy themselves! Drinking wine, eating meat, sleeping with Simmons, and killing people for fun, the devil of hell will never have such a comfortable life, you idiot!"

It's one thing to complain, but it's another thing to seize the last few hours and get some sleep quickly.

It's just that as soon as Malashenko's head sank into the soft pillow and he reached out to turn off the bedside lamp, he was a little curious about the half-opened and half-closed small drawer on the bedside table under the bedside lamp. Got a lot of gadgets.

"What are all these things?"

While muttering in his mouth, he opened the small drawer of the bedside table, and the contents inside were immediately displayed in front of Malashenko's eyes. It was indeed quite rich.

A standard assembly-line version, not a customized high-end Ruger pistol, a box full of ammunition, two empty magazines, a half-used bottle of women's perfume, a lipstick, and an unknown person. It was a small unlabeled medicine bottle with no effect after taking it. When I shook it, it sounded like there was still a lot left in it.

But the most eye-catching thing was the dozen or so unopened condoms, the kind issued by the German army. Malashenko had seen them many times before in various captured trophies.


Picking up one of the condoms and squinting at it, Malashenko suddenly felt something uh, maybe indescribable, in his heart.

"Damn, I'm almost like a monk. When was the last time I had meat?"

It’s so cool when I think of some other senior Red Army commanders who “carry guns during the day and carry men at night”, living a suave and manly nature.

It's good for me. I'm happy to be a battlefield monk who specializes in physical enhancement for Germans. He must be at the level of an archmage. He has become a "feminine" seriously. He is either in the war or on the way to the war. , in comparison with these two things, you feel so damn aggrieved, and it always feels like something is not right.


"Damn, that stinky bitch Fasis even wore perfume, so I said she smelled good, damn."

Looking at the condoms, he got a little fanciful. He smelled his sleeves and found that the fragrance of the Nasty Witch was still there. Comrade Ma, who was a little confused in his head, simply stopped thinking about the thing in his hand. Just stuff it into a drawer and fall asleep on the spot.

"Hey, I wonder if Natalia and Anya are sleeping now? The girls should have rested earlier, right?"

He said he didn't want to think about it anymore, but how could he stop his thoughts so simply when his soul was awakened? When the brain is in an excited state of thinking, even if it falls asleep, it has to take some time, right?

All in all, Malashenko himself didn't know exactly when he finally fell asleep, but he only knew that he fell asleep thinking about the two good girls tonight, that's all.

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