Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2164 Treasure for treasure

Kalachev sent Malashenko to the gate of the field hospital. Malashenko also turned around and patted his good brother on the shoulder, indicating that there was no need to send him away and that he should go back and continue working to save people.

But at the moment when the separation was about to come, Malashenko, who had already taken a step forward and was about to leave, suddenly turned around as if he remembered something, and then called out to stop Malashenko, who had also turned and left. Karachev.

"Wait a minute, I have something to hand over to me."


Kalachev, who was stopped, turned around and found that Malashenko had already stepped forward and put his hand into his pocket. Then he took out a small and exquisite wooden box and handed it to him.

"This is?"

"It's not for you, it's for Anya. I'm leaving now and I won't be able to see her. Please pass it on to me. At least she won't have to cry tonight."


The small wooden box in Malashenko's hand is not big, just enough for a big man to hold it completely in the palm of his hand.

Looking at the small wooden box in front of him, he thought about what Malashenko had just said. He could probably guess what was in the box, and then he showed a badass smile that every man knows. Speak slowly.

"Can I open it and take a look? Just as payment for running errands, to satisfy my curiosity.


Although I didn't expect it, Karachev's request was not too much.

Taking a step back, after Anya opened the box, Karachev would also know what was inside, and since he was one of his own, he would simply show it to him and be satisfied.

"Look, just don't break it, be careful."

"Ha, I knew you would definitely agree. Let me see what good things Comrade Teacher will give me."

After getting Malashenko's nod of permission, Karachev couldn't wait and immediately took the small wooden box and opened it without saying a word. However, his subsequent expression was a bit "reasonable but unexpected." ” is slightly more complicated.

"Well, this doesn't look like a fashionable item. It looks a bit old. I don't mean anything else. It's really beautiful, but where did you get this? This shouldn't be something that can be obtained casually. "

There are few metal rings that are sky blue, but Malashenko got one, and in the center of the ring was a sapphire slightly larger than a soybean.

Although it is a handmade product, it has quite exquisite gem processing and cutting marks. It just fits perfectly with the sky blue carrier ring and gradually fades into color. It can be regarded as a masterpiece in terms of design and production process.

Although there are some traces of time remaining on it, the whole ring does not look shabby. On the contrary, it adds a mysterious and unreal feeling to it, at least at first glance, this is indeed the case.

Especially these days, anyone with a little bit of discernment can see that this thing is something that has been handed down from the nobility and even the royal family. A woman who can afford this thing must be rich or noble.

In this way, this made the knowledgeable Karachev even more curious about where Malashenko got this thing. Is this the secret treasure house of a European royal family that the Red Army conquered?

"Didn't we just come out of Warsaw a while ago? We were handing out food that day, and there was an old Polish man and his granddaughter queuing up. I happened to inspect and saw it, so I went over and asked someone to give the child an extra portion."

"Who would have known that this old man came again at night. If he couldn't get into the division headquarters, he asked the soldier on duty to pass this thing to me as a thank you gift. He also sent a letter along the way. The letter said that this ring was handed down from his grandmother. It's at least over a hundred years old, and he didn't say where it came from. He just said that he had nothing to thank me for, only this, thanking the Red Army for saving his little granddaughter, that's all."


After hearing this, Karachev, who held the ring in his hand and looked at the gemstones facing the sun, carefully put the ring back into the small wooden box and put it away while continuing to speak.

"Didn't you thank the old man again? I know that treasures from troubled times are not valuable, but this thing is not only a treasure, it can almost be regarded as a cultural relic. You can get it in exchange for some canned bread, which is really a big profit. The profit margins of those ghost guys on Wall Street are not as high as yours."

"I didn't go, how could I care? You know that we didn't stay in Warsaw for long, but I sent someone over that night to deliver another batch of food and meat, and I left a letter signed by me for the old man. The thank-you letter just said thank you to their family for their support of the Red Army. It has my autograph on it. I think the commander of the Red Army unit who comes to the city later will have to give me some face. This can be of some help to their family. "

Although Malashenko often calls himself a "rough guy", this is only a self-promotion. When it comes to what kind of feedback can give the old man the greatest reward, Malashenko is very clear in his heart.

Not only would you be jealous if you were given a bunch of food for free, but you might also be regarded by the Red Army troops who later came to the city to take charge of the area as hoarding cookies and secretly hiding military rations from unknown sources. Everyone is innocent and harbors a treasure. We all know, after all, food is the absolute "best" in this troubled world.

But if you keep this autographed letter of yours, entrust the commander of the Red Army troops who subsequently enter the city to take good care of this family, state that this family has supported the Red Army and the leading division, and then put your autograph on it and hang it at the end. The official seal of the leader.

Namalashenko believed that the commanders of the Red Army troops who subsequently entered the city would have to sell themselves to save face. This was an autographed letter from a major general of the tank corps and a two-time Hero of the Soviet Union. Moreover, what this old man supported and helped was the famous "Leadership Division", a first-class elite unit of the Red Army named after the supreme leader, and Malashenko's personal letter was the old man's certificate of award.

Not to mention commanders at the level of regiment commander and battalion commander, even people at the level of division commander and corps commander understand it and know what to do before they are stupid.

In this way, the old man's family will not have to worry about their lives for a long time in the future.

As for the future and the future, Malashenko can’t have it all for his whole life, right? Even in the war years, being able to help this person has already been a blessing for eight lifetimes. In troubled times, it is not nonsense to say that people's lives are worse than dogs. The only "certificate" written by Malashenko is for ordinary civilians. Priceless treasure.

"Well, in this case, the old gentleman is not at a loss. I hope the little granddaughter can grow up well. Grandpa even gave away the family heirloom in order to protect her."

"But I'm curious. Anya is also a soldier. Isn't it appropriate for a female Red Army soldier to wear this? Or maybe I don't know much about it. In fact, there is no restriction on wearing this kind of thing?"

Upon hearing this, Malashenko just smiled, and then moved forward in a mysterious manner and whispered.

"What you wear on your hand does not necessarily have to be a token, and a token does not necessarily have to be worn on your hand. Learn how to pick up girls. Boy, it's time to update your experience."

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