Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2166 Teacher and Student

Chapter 2171 Teacher and Student

"Alexander Molokov was a student in the infantry department of the Frunze Military Academy in the early years. He was later recommended to the Party School for further study due to his outstanding performance. After graduation, he was assigned to the political line and served successively as an instructor and political commissar. Google search to read the Battle of Kursk He was injured and returned to the rear to recuperate. In 1944, he returned to the front line and was transferred to the 267th Infantry Division as a division-level political commissar. "

"He is indeed excellent, especially in an environment like the 267th Infantry Division where there are many novices. As long as a person like him with both military and political skills is not restricted by external forces, he should be able to lead a rudimentary guard force. , I believe this.”


Looking at Malashenko's blinking, slightly confused look, Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who guessed what the division commander wanted to say, just smiled.

"The reason why I know so clearly is because he was once my student. During those days in the party school, I punished him for doing homework. He is a problem student with a flexible mind but always likes to be lazy. He always likes to follow me. There were other teachers who fought guerrilla warfare and almost didn’t graduate. Now that I think about it, that was more than ten years ago, and I still had a lot of hair at that time.”

Comrade Political Commissar's military experience is as rich as a novel of ten million words. Malashenko has known this for a long time, but the fact that Comrade Political Commissar actually served as a party school teacher, Malashenko is First time heard of it.

"He's actually your student? Unexpectedly, you never said before that you were a teacher at a party school."

Comrade Comrade Political Commissar, who opened a small episode while talking, smiled when he heard this. That short but memorable experience has indeed been sealed in the memory for a long time.

"It's all in the past. At that time, the party school was expanding its enrollment and was in urgent need of experienced teachers. It was also at that time that I was temporarily pulled from the army to make up for two years. When the manpower was sufficient, I was pushed back to the army."

"I thought it might be because I wasn't doing well in class. Later I heard that some students were talking about me privately, saying that falling into my hands felt as much as being knocked away by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I thought at the time that this was It’s not a bit exaggerated.”

Political commissar comrades don't often joke, but whenever they do, they can make people listen carefully and attentively, because it must be a very interesting story. Even if it is not funny, it is definitely worth listening to.

"I didn't expect that teachers and students would reunite today. Didn't you call him to our division headquarters to catch up on old times? Introduce him to me so that we can become familiar with each other in the future and let me make another connection."

With this comment from Comrade Political Commissar, Malashenko felt even more relieved about the political commissar of the 267th Infantry Division whom he had never met before. At the same time, he became more convinced of his guess: that the 267th Infantry Division could lead a group of seemingly mediocre divisions. Under his leadership, he actually has such good soft power and good foundation. Apart from the students of our own political commissar who have this ability, Malashenko can't think of anyone else who can do such a tough job.

"We'll talk about it later when we have a chance. I've already called him and contacted him. Although we didn't say a few words, he hasn't forgotten me as a teacher."

The off-topic episode has come to an end. Now, Comrade Political Commissar still has urgent matters to discuss with Malashenko.

"You've basically learned everything you need to know, so what's your plan? Just flow over and blast all the Germans into the sky?"

Malashenko has always been the kind of person who can beat you German to death with a stick and will never do any more useless work with you. At this point, both the elite and ordinary German troops are treated equally. In other words, ordinary German troops can also enjoy the "elite-level supreme treatment", be well served by their leaders, and be directly transferred to the Soviet Union.

In view of this, Comrade Political Commissar felt that after biting off a piece of meat from the German guy, Malashenko's next plan should be to rush over at full speed and defeat the fascist bandits head-on. And what happened later was exactly what the political commissar thought.

"The troops are almost in place, and the troop concentration is a little faster than I thought."

"Now I have 80% of the combat effectiveness I had when I was fully equipped. I have also tested how capable the German guys are in front of me. They are a bunch of idiots who don't know how to deal with our division's tactics. They can attack in front of the enemy's positions. It’s a shame to have an entire main team eaten up.”

While humiliating the enemy, he did not forget to draw a circle on the map with a pencil, which happened to fit in the entire German defense line of the enemy in front of him, and then pierced the center of the circle with the tip of the pencil.

"I didn't say anything, kill it! I don't mind if the number of Fascists destroyed by the leader's division goes up a little bit, whether it's elite or trash, I, Malashenko, will accept them all."

"Not only do I have to break through the defense line of these German guys' starting positions, I also want to eat as many of these bastards as possible, chewing their bones and flesh."

"If Comrade Commander needs a breakthrough point in the main attack direction to open up the situation, then this glorious task should be undertaken by the leading division."

"I don't mean to ask Comrade Commander to issue orders to us, but to ask Comrade Commander to receive unexpected surprises. It is not a skill to follow the instructions and follow orders to fight with results. The leading division should act like a leading division, and let those fascists Idiots know who they are against. If you don't attack the leader, the leader will definitely come to you. "

Malashenko's command style is still the same as before. This kind of synthetic tactics of various arms has been separated by a whole generation and has produced generational differences. The ordinary German army has so far failed to achieve the goal even if its troops are about the same and do not have an absolute advantage. No one can recover in time from the violent beatings and make effective responses before the death countdown ends.

Malashenko's purpose is also very simple. Soldiers are valuable and fast, but speed is invincible. You don't even have the ability to practice with me, so why are you still here? Be obedient and become the number on the leader's record table.

Waste that has no use value should be swept away from the battlefield. If you don't get out, let me give you a ride.

Once the battle plan was finalized, the leader division, like a sophisticated, complex and extremely powerful war machine, immediately began to operate in an orderly and step-by-step manner, arranging and implementing the specific tactical details of the division's planning and deployment one by one, and as usual, it still won without any underestimation of the enemy. He went all out to prepare for a quick victory.

After a hurried emergency lunch, I didn't even have time to clean my lunch box. Many soldiers who were already sitting side by side in the chariot were even eating freshly baked bread from behind their own positions. The fierce artillery fire had already passed overhead and roared down.

??After the third update, brothers who can wait can squat and arrive before one o'clock



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