Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2193 I can lead the way

Chapter 2198 I can lead the way

Alsim never expected that the woman whom he had just said "whatever she does" would actually chase him out shortly after he walked out of the building, and she was still yelling all the way. The way comes straight. Google search reading

"Don't leave yet. I still have something to say. I have important information to tell you!"


Alsim, who had his back to the woman, did stumble and stopped, but he did not turn around immediately. Instead, he lit the cigarette that was already in his mouth and started to smoke. He turned his head to look at the woman again and asked.

"Important information? As a dormitory administrator, what important information can you have? Tell me how many brainwashed nazi brats you have under your command? Or do you want me to help you teach them a lesson? Sorry, I don't have time, I suggest you Ask someone else.”

"Ha ha ha ha"

Being uneducated does not mean being stupid. Being illiterate and being eloquent are two completely different things. Alsim is an example.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone was amused. Alsim was also laughing. Humiliating a woman from an enemy country was not a pleasure, but it had to be said that it was a bit of fun, especially after knowing that the things she raised under her supervision were included. After culling a kid, is there any lighter punishment than just giving him a verbal lesson instead of arresting him and throwing him in jail? The answer is of course no. x ̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́ ́՝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̌̌

However, as if she was indifferent to Alsim's sarcasm and humiliation, what the woman said next was very unexpected to Alsim, who was full of fairy spirit.

"The German army has an arsenal in the town. The child's weapons were taken from that arsenal. I only know that there are what are called powerful weapons in there. I heard they can deal with you. If you want to take a look , I can lead the way, I’m done, you make the decision.”


Alsim's expression gradually became serious as his smile gradually disappeared, and the woman did not look like she was lying.

At least in the eyes of Alsim, who often interrogated prisoners of war and knew exactly what the enemy was like when he lied, that really shouldn't be the expression he should have when lying.

"How do you know that? It's not like you can know anything."

Alsim asked the question directly, and the woman's answer was straight to the point.

"My children were forcibly abducted by those people to join the army. I must look for them. When I found the first child, they were distributing weapons and ammunition there. I saw it with my own eyes."


It cannot be said that what this woman said has no credibility. On the contrary, after thinking for a while, he could not find any obvious flaws, and Alsim could not deny on the spot that this woman was lying.

"Aren't there any German troops stationed there?"

"Of course not, otherwise why didn't they come and fight you? After the gunfire."


This woman's reaction ability was not simple, and her face and expression were as calm and unfazed as ever. Alsim even began to doubt the true identity of this woman, who most likely had nothing to do with the "dormitory manager".

This calm and composed attitude actually reminds Alsim of those agents engaged in intelligence. This is a basic skill that the group must master and apply skillfully, especially when facing the enemy like this.

"She may be lying, comrade company commander, we should not believe a German woman's words easily."

The squad leader beside him reminded her in a low voice that everyone could understand this woman who spoke fluent Russian, but Alsim had a different view at the moment.

"How to prove it? Just go and take a look. We can even bet on whether what this woman said is true. I bet that she didn't lie with two packs of cigarettes. Do you agree?"

It is true that Alsim can lead troops to fight, but Alsim, who is firstly uneducated and secondly a veteran, has something of a sleazy smell about him, and the whole "battlefield gambling" job To him it was just something that came easily.

"But, doesn't Comrade Commander want us to set off immediately? I'm wondering if this will waste time?"

Another platoon leader came to the side and asked questions and gave reminders. Alsim, who smiled in return, just turned around with a cigarette in his hand and patted his brother on the shoulder.

"I am tall. If something happens, I will bear it. I will execute the order as quickly as possible. Let's seize the time."

"Understood, let's set off now, comrade company commander."

No one in the front-departure reconnaissance team is bigger than Officer Alsim, and he is the actual commander of the entire reconnaissance team. In the objective situation of "the sky is high and the emperor is far away", of course, his orders shall prevail. Whatever the comrade company commander says will be taken. In short, the order must be executed first. This is the priority of the soldiers.

"Do you want to get in the car? Or do you want to follow the car?"

Instead of getting into the infantry compartment, he sat on the tank engine cover, acting as a "human body with external armor" to keep abreast of the situation and gain a better command perspective.

Alsim did not forget to be a "gentleman" and asked the lady if she wanted to ride in a "luxury car" together. He even extended his hand to the woman under the car to extend an invitation.

"No need for your hands, thank you, I can go up by myself."


Alsim, whose kindness was not appreciated, didn't say much. He smiled nonchalantly and retracted his hand. He just watched helplessly as the woman climbed into the car neatly, sat down next to her, and then Then he ordered the tanks and teams to move forward.

"After passing the intersection in front of you, turn left and walk forward about two hundred meters. There is a beer hall on the left side of the street. The weapons and ammunition are inside, but I don't know the specific location. You have to go in and find it yourself."

With the last cigarette butt in his hand, Alsim straddled the hood of the engine boldly and straddled his legs. He only cared about his own comfort and did not care about his personal image in front of the lady. No wonder this man is over thirty and has yet to find a wife. He says he is not interested in women, but in fact there is a real reason.

"Then there were ambushes of you Germans everywhere inside. When our people were almost in the trap, they were shot and killed in random bursts? Am I right?"

Alsim, who was obviously smiling but not smiling, was joking. He knew that the woman was not afraid of the Red Army, so there was no need to threaten her. She can talk to you calmly even when seven or eight assault rifles are pointed at her at the same time. If she threatens and questions her in a serious manner, she is just asking for trouble. Instead, it is better to tease her and then observe her reaction.

"If you are worried about this, I can lead the way for you. I will definitely be the first to be killed in random shootings. Is that okay?"

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