Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 226 Sparks

The German tank group, which was circling crazily around the Soviet heavy tanks at a distance of less than a hundred meters, had no idea that the desperate Soviet tank crews would do such a crazy thing in order to eliminate their own side.

The separation distance of only tens of meters can be solved by simply kicking the accelerator for the KV1 heavy tank that has already turned the diesel engine output to the maximum.

"Charge forward! Stop him! No mercy!"

Several KV1 heavy tanks roared and roared all the way, roaring and roaring like prehistoric beasts that had broken free from their cages. The German tank commander, who was stunned for a moment, had not had time to fully realize what the Soviet army's intentions were. Malashenko's improved KV1 prototype car, which had a combat weight of nearly 50 tons, collided with it at a speed of 25 kilometers per hour.



The harsh friction sound produced by the violent collision of rolled homogeneous steel armor is like fingernails scratching on a blackboard, which instantly makes your ears numb and almost maddening.

The Panzer III tank, which had a total combat weight of just over 21 tons and was less than half the weight of Malashenko's car, was like a baby stroller that was kicked to the ground by a street gangster, with its tracks smashed apart. The tank's road wheels, which were deformed and flew out due to the strong impact of the impact, were even twisted into a twisted state, which shows how powerful the impact was at that time.

Under the action of inertia, the side armor of the vehicle was pushed horizontally by Malashenko's vehicle and moved laterally for a full three meters before it came to a stop. The German tank crew members who did not have the equipment of full-time tank caps wore them in order to facilitate communication and communication. Using headphones, the helmet was abandoned and only the general officer's large-brimmed hat and the armored boat-shaped hat were worn.

This kind of hat, which is only at the uniform level without any protective performance, is still acceptable in general combat conditions. Once the crew members in the tank encounter severe collisions and external impacts, its insufficient protective performance will be eliminated. Instantly magnified countless times and then deteriorated rapidly to a very serious level.

Under the strong impact force, the German tank crew member who hit the armored bulkhead in the tank was instantly wounded and bleeding. The pure blood flowing from his forehead and cheeks was like a fountain and instantly stained his entire face. Hell is as terrifying as a demon.

The German gunner who was lying in front of the gun scope to aim the main gun when he suffered the impact was even more unlucky. Even the boat-shaped cap was not in the way, so he just took off the head and threw it aside, and it hit the side like a watermelon. There was a hole the size of a baby's fist left on the cold breech block, and he fell down and died instantly.

Malashenko's crew, all equipped with black standard tank caps, suffered little damage in the collision. The leather tank caps and the soft fluffy lining inside greatly cushioned the impact of the head hitting the tank bulkhead. force.

Taking advantage of the absolutely stable tonnage advantage of his vehicle, which was close to 50 tons, he even felt dizzy but it was not a serious problem. Malashenko, who was shaking his head while holding the tank cap in his hand, immediately raised his head and blurted out.

"Everyone, report the situation."

The situation was basically the same as Malashenko's. The remaining crew members who were slightly damaged in the collision quickly responded to their commander.

"Kiril, it's okay!"

"The gunner Iushkin has some scratches."

"Seryosha is fine! Nikolai looks a little dizzy. I suspect he is going to vomit up his lunch."

The cold joke from the driver Xie Liaosha was caught off guard and made the entire car full of people who had just recovered from the impact laughed.

But the cruel battlefield obviously couldn't stand the joy of the Malashenko crew. It only lasted a few seconds. A high-speed scream that broke through the sky was followed by the deafening impact that echoed in everyone's ears. .


call out--

The huge impact that failed to penetrate the turret armor, and the belated whistle of the supersonic flying shells that followed, immediately echoed in the ears of everyone in the tank, reminding them of the brutal armored battle. Still ongoing.

Even though the Soviet tank equipment has always been known for its durability and durability, the fierce tank collision just now made Malashenko still not completely sure and worried.

"Seryozha, try to start! See if our tanks can still move!"

The moment the impact of the incoming armor-piercing shells sounded, Seryosha manipulated the joystick and pedals at hand and began to try to start the car. In the continuous battles that followed, Seryosha gradually grew into an experienced driver and now almost no longer uses his horse. Rashenko went to give the order, and the driver who was increasingly cooperative and tacit knew the operation of when to do and what not to do.

Once again, he used all his strength to push the joystick in his hand, switched the tank gearbox to reverse gear, and began to try to reverse from the smoking wreckage of the German Panzer III tank.

The surging roar of the diesel engine and the car body gradually began to slowly move backwards, causing the driver Seryosha, whose palms were sweating, to smile in surprise.

"Comrade Commander! She can still move! Our tank, she can still move! Hahaha!"

Although it was a little overwhelmed, it still directly applied existing technology and was therefore mature and reliable. The transmission system, which was directly taken from the chassis of the civilian Hongqi tractor, withstood the test in this round of strong and violent impacts.

The two sturdy and reliable tank tracks, guide wheels and road wheels did not fall apart. The KV1 heavy tank, which was swaying and reversing slowly, gradually distanced itself from the wreckage of the crashed German Panzer III tank. Under the control of Comrade Seryozha, he began to speed towards the next German tank target.

Although Malashenko's car managed to win almost unscathed, it defeated the German Panzer III tank whose total combat weight was less than half of his own.

However, the only finely crafted prototype built to verify technology and obtain the best actual combat performance does not mean that all Soviet KV1 heavy tanks are so excellent.

The priority design guidelines formulated by the Soviet tank force in pursuit of large-scale wartime production of steel torrent undoubtedly placed the importance of "quantity" in the first place.

For the Soviet Union, which had just started to develop its heavy industry foundation, and still had a big gap with the old industrial powers in Western Europe such as Britain, Germany, and France, tanks mass-produced on the assembly line would inevitably have quality defects rather than excellence. It became a matter of course.

For the ordinary mass-produced KV1 heavy tank that has no major problems but constant minor problems, the violent tank collision is undoubtedly a vicious catalyst that causes the tank to break down on the battlefield and lose its combat effectiveness.

After this collision, three KV1 heavy tanks lost their mobility due to problems such as broken tracks or flying guide wheels.

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