Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2266 I feel terrible just thinking about it

Chapter 2271 I feel terrible just thinking about it

"That guy is crazy! He is simply an idiot! There are Russians outside the station now, and they must be everywhere in the city! We are surrounded by water, and this idiot actually wants to use a tank to touch the Russian tanks to counterattack! What? The Russian tanks can’t deploy in the station, can ours be deployed like a pig?”

The confident Major General has returned to the waiting hall, and most of the entourage has followed him. There are only a few people left on the platform who are asked to carry out the order. Among them is this incomprehensible person. The two people were extremely speechless at the stupid order.

"Even if what you said is true, in fact I think so, but so what?"

"He has the final say in the entire station now. No one can refuse or question his orders. We can only choose to execute them."


Knowing that what the good brother beside him said was the truth, but still unwilling to do so, the major with wandering eyes quickly continued.

"Then are you going to carry out his stupid order and then put your own life on the line so unexplainably?"

Another major who was taking cigarettes from the cigarette box smiled when he heard this. He handed one of the cigarettes to the good brother next to him and put one in his mouth. He raised his hand to light the cigarette and then lit it. Then he spoke again.

"I wanted to carry out his order, but I didn't promise him that it would be completed."

"There is no guarantee that it will be completed? What do you mean?"

The major who had the cigarette in his mouth but had not yet caught the fire seemed to understand something, while the major whose mouth was smoking just smiled mysteriously.

"Be open-minded, you have to think about it for yourself. You and I both know that this war is not far from over. Do you want to lie in the grave and see the end of the war, or go back alive to see your wife and children? The process may be a bit difficult. , but at least you can go home alive instead of another man hugging your wife to sleep and beating your children after you die, oh, and spending your pension, if any, I bet you don't want to do this to me Bar?"


The major, who had an unlit cigarette in his mouth, stopped talking. But any man with a bit of blood, a man, would definitely feel terrible if he thought about the artistic conception described in the words just now. What else could he do? Is there anything more unacceptable than this nonsense?

From a man's perspective, that's probably not true.

"Damn! You're right, it feels terrible just thinking about it."

The Major immediately became happy when he saw the brother next to him who understood what he understood and was neither stupid nor stupid, with smoke coming out of his mouth. Talking to a smart person who can understand things makes people feel comfortable, at least it won't make you salivate for a long time. It's a waste of effort.

He raised the lighter that had not been put back in his pocket again, reached out to light a cigarette for the brother next to him, and then spoke again.

"Don't feel guilty. It's not you or me who lost this war. We and many people have tried our best. But life will always go on, especially in this time when there is no hope. , you have to use your brain to think about what is meaningful.”


The younger Major, who took a deep breath of cigarette, was actually completely convinced. At this moment, he had made the final decision, and he was not going to worry or hesitate anymore. His next words should be firm in tone.

"I'll do it with you, you tell me what to do. I don't want to listen to those stupid pig-like orders anymore. You're right, we should think about ourselves."

"That's right!"

Seeing that the work was done, the older major smiled slightly, and then he lowered his voice and revealed the complete plan that had been prepared for a long time.

"You and your people will follow me later. Let's do this first."

The fierce exchange of fire in the station is still continuing. Members of the Air Force Field Force, together with the original National Defense Forces garrison in the station, are doing their best to resist the continuous and fierce attacks of the Red Army. However, the rapid deterioration of the battle situation is not controlled by them. It depends on the degree of tenacious resistance.

"East! The Russians in the east have broken through the defense line. Immediate support is needed there! All of you, follow me!"

"Spread out, everyone spread out! Our tanks are coming up. Get out of the way and let the tanks go in front. Follow closely!"

A second lieutenant with traces of smoke and war all over his body and stains on his face called to his men to go for support. At the same time, "air force tanks" that had been mobilized and assembled rushed to the battlefield.

Not long after he got off the line of fire, the second lieutenant knew that the ferocious and brutal firepower of the Russians was definitely not something that flesh and blood could withstand. He quickly called on his men to get out of the way and let the brand new Black Panther II clear the way in front. There is no need for the infantry to steal the limelight from these big iron guys in a battle of this intensity. That is simply seeking death over longevity.

"Hey! Where are the Russians? How many enemies will we encounter?"

The second commander of the Black Panther, who had never seen the Russians attacking the station since the battle broke out, was standing half-body outside the turret asking about the situation. The second lieutenant who heard this just turned his head hastily and planned to reply casually. .

"The distance is very close. They have heavy tanks and a large number of infantry. They were less than 500 meters ahead a few minutes ago, and they may be already there now."

call out--


The second lieutenant, who was standing not far from the car with an STG44 in his hand, didn't even have time to finish his words. A 25mm armor-piercing bullet that flew from nowhere hit him directly in the chest. The whistling sound was like the shriek of Death wielding his scythe.

The entire upper body torso exploded into pieces in almost the blink of an eye. The pieces of flesh and blood that fell to the ground could not even be distinguished with the naked eye. Even the parts on the turret that were not very close The face of the Black Panther's second commander was splattered with meat and blood.

"The Russians have broken through the defense line! They are coming to the intersection ahead!"

"Meet the enemy! Everyone, defend on the spot!"

No one would care about the sudden death of a second lieutenant. Even the soldiers under him who were talking to him just now are all unable to protect themselves. How can they care about a dead man?

The progress of the leader division's attack force far exceeded the expectations of the German troops at the station, especially the east-route attack force, which was the first to open a more decisive breakthrough. Now it is making even more rapid progress and has already hit its face.

The IS6 heavy tank that roared onto the platform from the intersection in front was still roaring forward, and its muzzle, which was no longer smoked black, was already aimed at the target.

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