Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2273 The Belly of the Tiger King (Part 1)

Chapter 2278 The Belly of the Tiger King (Part 1)

"A more important situation?"

Malashenko became interested, and the first thing that came to his mind was that this was probably some important news that he encountered on the battlefield and had not yet been reported. Only the grassroots commanders who were personally on the front line to command the operations knew about it. It was really necessary to hear it. listen. Google search reading

"Tell me about it, I'm listening."

The comrade division commander became interested. Victor, who came specially for this matter, naturally spoke immediately and continued.

"That's it, Comrade Commander."

"At that time, I commanded the troops to march towards the platform. The TOS-1 with powerful firepower assisted us in destroying the dispatching building and eliminating the threat. Everything went smoothly on the attack road to the platform. Although the Germans were difficult to deal with, they did not give up. We made a big impact until something weird happened."

"Something strange?"

Malashenko was a little confused, but also became more interested. He did not interrupt and motioned for Victor to continue.

"That was a King Tiger, a brand new King Tiger. When I met it, it even had the anti-magnetic coating intact. I guess it was the first time it was put into combat."

"But the strange thing is that the combat performance of this King Tiger is very unusual! The firing speed of its main gun is simply amazing! In the time it took for my command vehicle to load one 122-shell shell, this King Tiger fired three shots at us. , and the fourth shell has already been loaded. I guess if we were a step later, the fourth shell might be fired at us. Fortunately, we caught up. "

"If the IS6's armor hadn't been very reliable, I'm afraid we would have been killed, comrade division commander. Such an exaggerated combat rate of fire has never been seen before, let alone heard of."


With a speechless expression on his face, Malashenko twitched his eyelids twice. Looking at his expression, he seemed to think for a moment that he had heard wrong.

Are you kidding me?

While an ace IS6 vehicle was loading one shell, the tattered King Tiger battery on the opposite side fired three consecutive rounds with corrected aim, and even the fourth round was already loading.

Your Tiger King with fixed ammunition can fire very fast, but you can't be so damn fast. It's so exaggerated and outrageous. This is simply scary. Malashenko, who realized the seriousness of the problem, immediately Ask questions.

"What about King Tiger? Did you destroy it? Did it explode or burn? Or was it captured completely?"

The problem with being able to achieve such an outrageous rate of fire is most likely due to the artillery system of this outrageous King Tiger.

Malashenko does not believe in the bullshit inference that "the Germans' Aryan superman project has been successful and has developed a super loader who is strong enough to kill a cow with one punch."

The Germans' pursuit of innovation in war technology is abnormal. In the historical timeline of World War II, it is you, Santoku, who has put the most various black war technologies into actual combat.

Moreover, Malashenko remembered that Santoku in history did indeed explore automatic loading at the end of the war, but it was just a piece of work that had not left the factory laboratory and could not be used in actual combat. Well, at most there are only one or two prototypes.

Now that the Germans have even developed the first-generation wire-guided anti-tank missiles, is there some corresponding progress in black technology in other fields, and some of them have been put into actual combat?

I have to say that this is possible, and the possibility is very high.

As for how to confirm

It's simple, just go on an on-site inspection and take a look. So now Malashenko just hopes that the weird King Tiger has not been blown to pieces or burned into an empty shell. At least it has some value for research and analysis, and Vick Duojie's next answer really made Malashenko breathe a sigh of relief.

"The King Tiger is still there, comrade division commander."

"Our armor-piercing shells coincidentally had a semi-penetrating effect. The shells got stuck in the armor plate and exploded. The warheads that penetrated into the car and penetrated the car caused fragments and explosive impact that killed or maimed all the Germans in the car. There were also those who wanted to abandon their vehicles and escape, but were shot to death by our snipers on the turret.”

"The King Tiger is still intact and did not catch fire or explode. It is now parked on the platform on the east side of the waiting hall."

Having said that, there was no need to press any further. Malashenko, who was already impatient, just waved his hand.

"Lead the way, I want to go over and take a look."

"Yes, Comrade Commander!"

Soon, walking not far to the east along the platform that had been completely controlled by the Red Army, Malashenko, led by Victor, arrived next to the body of the huge King Tiger.

This giant steel beast that was baring its teeth and claws not long ago is now completely lifeless. It is like the corpse of the jungle beast king that was shot to death by a hunter. Only its size is larger than the steel corpse of the IS6. It is still extremely eye-catching and attracts attention.

What is even more fortunate is that the wreckage of the King Tiger is indeed mostly intact as Victor said. This is simply the best result for Malashenko who is eager to figure out the situation.

"Go, call me Iushkin. Oh, by the way, he is my command vehicle gunner. My command vehicle is parked just now. You can just go over and call him and tell him to get out of here. Come here."


Battalion Commander Victor, who was sent by Malashenko to call for help, left, and now only Malashenko was left beside the corpse of the huge King Tiger. However, we, Comrade Ma, do not intend to wait until Iushkin comes over to try the dishes. Our precious time cannot be wasted waiting for others to do nothing.

"Damn it, that stupid thing is dead here, and I still have to move the corpse for this bastard. What a fucking unlucky person!"

He cursed and complained in his heart, but Malashenko's hands moved very quickly.

With three quick movements, he climbed onto the body of the Tiger King, and then with all his hands and feet, he pulled the body of the German armored soldier, half of which was hanging outside the turret, out of the car, and lifted one foot down. He kicked and rolled down. After clearing the blockage and impatient, Malashenko immediately jumped into the car.

"Damn! This damage is more serious than imagined. The entire battle room is turned into a sieve, and there are two damn dead guys here."

It is true that tanks destroyed by semi-penetrating armor-piercing projectiles are rare. Malashenko also guessed what the scene in the tank was like now, but the scene he saw after entering the car was obviously better than he expected. Much more serious.

The corpse, clearly dressed as the commander, slumped in the turret basket and fell onto the street. Malashenko almost stepped on the corpse when he jumped into the car. It seemed that the entire upper body had been reduced to a sieve by armor fragments and projectile fragments. If one stepped on it, it would probably feel like being kicked into minced meat.

Fortunately, I didn't step on it, otherwise I would have had to clean my shoes again and I would have been unable to escape.

The scene at the gunner's position on the other side was even more frightening. A corpse with more than half of its head from the chin upwards had disappeared, and there was no trace at all, just sitting there upright.

Looking at this posture, he even maintains the same fighting posture as before he was alive, and even the small half of his head left, from the chin to the neck, has been smoked black by the fire, and it has become extremely excessive. Cooked on charcoal. The lower lip was completely torn off by the fire impact, leaving the entire row of teeth on the lower jaw exposed, making it look particularly ferocious and terrifying. Even a battlefield veteran like Malashenko couldn't help but silently complain "Fuck" when he saw it. groove!".

It’s not like we’ve never seen someone die miserably, but it’s indeed the first time we’ve seen someone die so tragically, with a new level of tragedy.

Holding in his hand the Tokarev TT33 pistol that had been with him for many years, he lowered his head and glanced at the front of the car, and found that there were also corpses with tilted heads lying on the driver's and passenger's chairs at the front of the car.

What surprised Malashenko was that one of the corpses was still holding a Walther pistol in his hand. The right hand that was holding the gun was drooped together with his head, and it was already lifeless.

What's going on? Does this mean that someone else in this car committed suicide out of despair? Do you feel desperate when you see your comrades being beaten to death by the Russians who blocked the cabin door even if they abandoned their vehicles to escape?

Whatever, that's what it is, the result is like this and the process is no longer important.

After roughly scanning the situation in the car and confirming that there were no surviving Germans who would pose a threat to him, and that there were no obvious fire or smoke points that might cause the tiger king's body to turn into a large oven, Malashenko then Just when I started to evaluate and inspect the equipment and machines in front of and around me, I saw that the equipment and machines in front of me and around me had been damaged by the explosion of semi-penetrating shells and the impact of steel fragments, which were riddled with holes.

The first thing that bears the brunt is naturally that this appearance feature is different from the Tiger King Chang 88 that was often seen in the past. It is obviously the breech firing mechanism that has undergone some kind of specialized transformation. A large piece of machinery of unknown function rigidly connected behind and below the breech block and parallel to the cannon body first caught Malashenko's attention.

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