Steel Soviet Union

Chapter 2291 Destruction Plan (Part 2)

Of course Zhukov didn't know what Malashenko was planning in his mind. As a native of this timeline, he didn't have Malashenko's ability to accurately see into the future. All he could do was to treat Malashenko Just responded to these remarks. Google search reading

"Yes, your idea is very bold and highly feasible."

"It is neither to destroy the enemy through a pure force attack nor to count on the enemy's psychological collapse to easily win the victory. Rather, it is to combine the two and use some special means of force attack to create despair and despair for the enemy. It will cause them to have a psychological breakdown, thereby accelerating our final victory and greatly reducing the price we pay for it.”

"I think that's what you want to achieve in the end, am I right? Comrade Malashenko."

Zhukov suddenly changed his serious look, which caught Malashenko off guard.

But it can be seen that there is a joke hidden in Zhukov's serious face. Later, Malashenko just smiled and nodded slowly.

"Well, I basically agree with your point and think it's worth a try."

"But first, I need to report this situation to Moscow. There are some situations that you didn't know much about before. I can tell you now, and you will be interested.


As Comrade Lao Zhu can say this, it would be false to say that Malashenko has no interest in this. He can almost say "hurry up and tell me" written on his face.

Seeing Malashenko's expression, Zhukov, who was not surprised, continued to speak.

"Comrade Stalin is very satisfied with your performance in Stalingrad. Not only the battle situation, but also the huge result of your leadership in capturing this super cannon."

"There are some things I think you should know. Comrade Stalin has always been very fond of large-caliber artillery. The full support from Comrade Stalin also enabled our Red Army to finally establish a powerful field artillery force. This is one of the reasons. "

"Of course, Comrade Stalin has expressed his love for the super cannon you captured many times in public. In fact, this is already known to everyone. Otherwise, this cannon would not be called "Red Stalingrad", being given such a name shows its special significance. "

"Comrade Stalin has asked me several times whether this giant cannon can be used in actual combat to show its strength. This should be of some help to our operations.

"It is true that I do not deny the unparalleled power of this super cannon, but it is indeed too cumbersome and cumbersome, and it requires a long preparation time to deploy it. This is for us who have been carrying out high-mobility strategic counterattacks for a long time in the past. In fact, there is really no occasion for it to show its strength and function. Maybe as soon as this thing arrived at the front line and started to be deployed, the Red Army had already pushed the front line beyond its range, and the busy work was probably in vain. Wasted effort."

"After Comrade Stalin learned about this situation, he also expressed his understanding and did not make too many interferences or requests. However, I always remember that Comrade Stalin supported the deployment of this super cannon for actual combat if necessary. What a coincidence. What’s more, the battle we are about to face happens to be very suitable for its appearance. If it is not used in this battle, there will be no chance to use it again in the future.”

Upon hearing this, Malashenko immediately caught the key point in the words, became energetic, and blurted out slightly excited words with a pitch that was raised by a few syllables.

"So, Comrade Stalin was the one who used this cannon?"

The most critical part of the plan he proposed was whether he could use this gun. Malashenko knew how cumbersome and troublesome it was to get this thing from the Soviet Union to Poland, and then from Poland to Germany for front-line deployment. If we really want to use this cannon, we will need a lot of coordination personnel and relevant departments.

Therefore, it is not enough for Zhukov to nod in agreement. There is only one person in the entire Soviet Union who can order so many personnel and relevant departments to cooperate and fully support this cannon, and he is in the Kremlin. The man in the highest office of power.

Now Zhukov says that Comrade Stalin has long supported the use of this gun on the front line to show its strength. This is undoubtedly overjoyed for Malashenko. He really hopes to pick up one. Sesame, when he lowered his head, he found a watermelon at his feet. Zhukov, who saw Malashenko's expression of excitement, nodded and replied.

"Yes, Comrade Stalin hopes to see this super cannon come into play. But as I just said, there still has to be a reporting process. A plan needs to be drafted with all the details carefully considered, and it must be approved and approved by Comrade Stalin. It can only be implemented after it is agreed, and then it can be coordinated with relevant departments and personnel to transport this cumbersome and cumbersome weapon system to the front line. All this will take time. "

"It should be said that the timing of your suggestion is indeed coincidental. We are still some distance away from Berlin, and there are still a few final battles to be fought before we can push the front to Berlin."

"If everything goes well, we will have enough time to transport and deploy this super cannon. About three months should be enough."

"Leave this matter to me. I will formulate a plan as soon as possible and report it to Moscow. I hope that the role it can play by then will be worth the trouble we take to transport it to the front line."

The overjoyed Malashenko was naturally happy when he heard this, but at the same time he also realized a problem.

"So you have adopted my suggestion and agreed to this plan? Comrade Marshal."

Seeing that Malashenko was still asking for the final answer and seeking peace of mind at this point, Zhukov, who shook his head slowly and smiled helplessly, also saw some of Malashenko's unique emotional expressions at this age.

Young people of this age are often like children who are so happy about something that they open their mouths from ear to ear. Those old men who are old and well-educated rarely do this. This can be regarded as Malashenko, although he is special. This is one of the real evidences that he is outstanding but still young. Zhukov has always liked Malashenko's outstanding but true self. This is just right.

"If I say I don't agree, can we go on talking about this issue so much? The answer is obvious, Malashenko."

??Ah, the chapter numbers of many previous chapters were written wrong before I realized it, but it is not important and does not affect the viewing of the content. 2333333333



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